opify #dropshipping How To Get Your Google Merchant Center Approved 2021 | Google ADs Tutorial - make money online

opify #dropshipping How To Get Your Google Merchant Center Approved 2021 | Google ADs Tutorial

 yo what is going on everybody Shri

Canada here so
how to get your merchant center account
for google ads
approved in 2021. now this is literally
one of the biggest questions e-com store
owners have especially those
which are starting to kind of dive into
google ads and that is
how do you even get your merchant center
account approved
most Shopify store owners are getting
their accounts suspended
one after the other and a lot of people
don't even know how to really deal with
that and then come out on the other end
to start running ads via google again
and one thing I want to kind of open up
right from the beginning is that yes it
is 100 still possible
to dropship on Shopify and then get
your merchant center account approved
via google ads but the main trick behind
that is that you will have to do certain
changes to your website
to how you basically run your entire
business in order to really get approved
for that merchant center account
but be sure to watch until the end
because this video is one of the most
important videos
I have put out in the year of 2021 but
let's get right into it
the first thing you'll have to do in
order to find any type of success with
this video
is to destroy that like button-down
below until it turns blue it'll take
two quick seconds and it'll really
please the youtube gods okay hopefully
I've done that but let's find out
exactly how to get your merchant center
account approved and this could be you
just trying to start a brand new
merchant center account
or that you already have a merchant
the center account which unfortunately got
suspended a lot of the things in this
the video which I'll be going over
should increase your chances of getting
that merchant center account approved
now this does not mean that 100 of the
your merchant center account will be
approved there are still certain things
which still com store owners including
I haven't really figured out
regarding these merchant center
and that's simply because Google is not
really open with
why the merchant center accounts are
getting suspended there's very
general ideas and after having gotten
one of my own suspended accounts back
which I just
recently made I've kind of come up with
a list of a few things which you should
be doing but before really diving into
how to get that merchant center account
unsuspended or basically get approved
you need to know why this is even
happening so
why is exactly google becoming more
strict when it comes to running ads on
their platform there's several reasons
which I've come to realize with the
google ads the number one reason is that
there was a google
an employee who actually got scammed while
shopping via the google ads platform or
on one of those websites possibly a drop
shipping website
which uses google ads to run the ad and
because of that
google kind of became more aware of what
was going on with their platform
and as a result, they became more and
more strict with the kind of rules that
they put out because with
these new rules they now are going to
have a much higher quality of
advertisers using their platform which
is exactly what they want
after this individual got scammed on the
a platform so this also means that we as
drop shippers are heavily
impacted because of these new rules but
definitely one of the main reasons why
Google has become more strict in
addition to that
a lot of the dropshipping stores which
Google has started to notice
have long shipping times and by long
shipping times could be anywhere from
seven days to 30 business days sometimes
even longer
depending on which country the product
gets shipped to and because of this
what happens is that there's a reduced
customer experience overall
in reality, nobody really likes waiting
for their packages anymore because of
inventions like amazon
and their amazon prime shipping with
that amazon prime
shipping a lot of the people especially
in the united states
have become more wanting of such a
shipping experience on all of the
websites that they
shop on and if they're not getting that
the experience they overall have a very bad
experience on that website and what this
leads to
are fewer shoppers via google because
these people would rather than go on
amazon.com directly to the shop
and that means google does not make
money, in the end, you want to understand
that in the end
their whole company is a business after
all and the main job of any business is
to just make money so
if people really aren't shopping via
google ads that much
because of this experience then
obviously, Google is going to become more
strict and
that's exactly what they have done when
they become more strict they do not have a
higher quality of advertisers
who actually are interested in providing
good experience
for their customers and that's exactly
what google wants in order to get more
via their platform but in addition
something that's very general that has
also happened is that there is a higher
overall amongst e-comm store owners who
want to go on google
this could be because of the rising
costs with Facebook or other advertising
platforms not really getting these
the results that they want because let's
face it Google is one of the biggest
advertising platforms out there
since most normal people go on google
and then search something up when they
want to purchase a product so this leads
to a lot of other Shopify store owners
gaining more interest in this platform
and wanted to use it to advertise their
but one more thing which has kind of
become a final straw for google
and caused them to become more strict
with their rules is
the copycat stores now if you just do a
a quick search for a random product on
it could be literally just about any
the product you will be able to find a bunch
of drop shippers not only copying the
but also the titles and the overall
description and this google's algorithm
has started to kind of put more emphasis
on it because of that
not only are these copycat stores
getting down but overall as an entire
we are also getting affected that means
more Shopify stores or just
dropshipping store lookalikes are bound
to get suspended but
these are some of the main reasons why
Google has really become more strict
now let's go on and talk about exactly
what are the causes of suspensions
there's not just one cause when it comes
to suspension, there's multiple different
which could be causing these suspensions
in this list, I took a screenshot of
directly from google's website to show
you guys
but some of these include user safety
return and refund policy
false representation all the way down to
adult-oriented content and also gambling
related content so
looking at this quick list you'll be
able to know exactly what the reasons
are for you to get suspended from google
of course, there are some other things
which could also cause the suspension
and google
every single day comes up with some
types of new policies
and some new regulations which kind of
add to this list but right now as of
when I'm recording this video
this is the general list of suspensions
which you could be facing
for your Shopify store some of the most
common suspensions include
misrepresentation which falls under the
false representation category or simply
that your products do not align with
google shopping ads policies there's a
wide range of wording that googles ads
uses for these suspensions however
the tips and tricks that I'm about to go
over kind of provide a general idea of
battling with these suspensions but
let's start talking about some simple
ways to deal with suspensions now again
as I've already mentioned in the
beginning of this video not every single
the suspension would always be resolved
using these techniques
these are just some techniques which i
personally use for a recent store and
Google was able to actually approve that
store and get it up and running for me
and it is also a dropshipping store so
there was
nothing fancy that I did but these are
the things that I personally did for
that sort but one thing you want to
understand is that you don't really even
need a lot of the things which I'm about
to mention here because some account
can easily be just fixed by following
the guidelines
under that policy now what do I mean by
this exactly well there are some
suspensions such as
checkout incomplete or refund and return
policy missing and similar suspensions
like these which
directly you know where the issue is and
you can go in and fix that issue right
away these are the kind of suspensions
which are extremely easy to deal with
the things I'm about to mention
right now won't really be needed in this
In this case, however, most people do not
unfortunately have
such simple fixes to their suspensions
because google again
has more of a problem with the entire
the business model that drops shipping
follows which is
shipping from china and with those long
shipping times so
exactly what should you be doing and
what should you be avoiding the first
the thing you want to avoid when it comes to
actually listing the products
is to avoid a branded products in total
now some of the things which I'm about
to mention
in this category were actually directly
told to me by the google shopping feed
the app now this is
the shopping app that I use to connect
my Shopify store
to the google merchant center account
and this app is by
symbiosis but once I was suspended what
I decided to do is I decided directly
contact their team
in order to figure out some solutions to
the suspension and following their
I was able to get my account back and i
have listed out exactly what they
personally told me and what I personally
did to
get my account back in this case but the
The first thing was that I had some products
on my store which was actually branded
products so products
you sell should not be available on
other stores with brand names
associated with them now what do I mean
by this exact sometimes if you list a
product for example the blackhead
on your website and then you go on
aliexpress you'll notice that there's
a brand name in front of that or if you
go on google there's actually brand
associated with that product right in
front and that is simply called a
branded product in google's eyes that is
a product which you cannot sell on your
Shopify store
unless you have some kind of
documentation for it as drop shippers
obviously, we do not have any such things
so in that case what we want to do is
simply avoid selling that product
as a whole but this is one main reason
why my account was suspended because
some of the products which I found on
aliexpress actually had brand names
associated with them I personally did
not know that but
the sim process team who runs good the
google shopping feed app was able to
tell me regarding that
and the simple solution was just
removing those branded products and
going out and finding very very general
products that do not really have
any big brand names associated with them
now, of course, all the products have some
kind of brand names associated with them
your main job is to just find those
general products which are not big ones
microwaves heaters air conditioners etc
which people often associate brand names
with to sell on your store because that
is one to be one of the main reasons why
your account gets suspended
one thing you can actually try is if you
have any random items within your home
just take photos of them and then upload
it to your Shopify store
and then submit your Shopify store for
approval so that once it gets approved
then you can just remove those products
this is
also, one thing I did with the Shopify
the store I simply took products like
clothing from my own home and put photos
of that on the Shopify store and then i
listed that product as a product that is
for sale
on my store and that actually worked
even though it was a simple piece of
clothing so that's one thing you
definitely want to try but
definitely stay 10 feet away from
branded products the next thing you want
to do is avoid any types of timers now
personally, I did recommend having a
timer on the cart page
but until you get your merchant center
account unsuspended you want to make
sure there's no kind of timer
available anywhere on your Shopify
website this means no timers on the
product page
cart page checkout page etc you want to
completely avoid that as a whole in 2021
and onwards
if you want to get your account up and
running but speaking of timers and just
the overall Shopify theme
make sure to use a theme that is
different from most general Shopify drop
shipping stores a lot of the people
who dropship use the theme debut or
Brooklyn or something similar
if you really want to have a better
chance of getting your accounts
I highly recommend getting a paid theme
or using one of those free themes which
not a lot of Shopify store owners
actually use
because again the main go-to theme for a
lot of dropshippers
is a debut so you want to stay 10 feet
away from that until you get your
account unsuspended but make sure
definitely to avoid any types of timers
this brings me to the next thing and
this is one of the most important things
which you can do in 2021 and onwards and
that is setting up your policy pages
correctly now
there are various different policy pages
you absolutely need to set up
such as refund policy privacy policy
terms of service
all of them need to be set up and this
does not mean just going on your Shopify
and click the generate button to
generate something because
one thing a lot of Shopify store owners
don't know is that there's actually
placeholders within those policy pages
Shopify actually requires you to go in
and edit to fit your store and your
market and here
is a quick example on my screen of one
of the placeholders which the symbiosis
support team actually pointed out so
as you guys can see this was for the
policy page pop-up which is available on
the checkout
there was a directly a placeholder
available here in brackets and it says
as you can see additional contact information
what Shopify wants you to do is actually
go in and personally add contact
and remove this entire text within
brackets because whatever text you
replace it with
should be directly related to your
Shopify store and to your market and
this is one thing a lot of Shopify store
owners don't even know about
they just think that clicking the
generate button is all they have to do
and then publish the pages onto their
Shopify store that is far from the truth
Do you want to actually go in and edit
these placeholders this is one thing
which I had done wrong and after the sim
process team told me about this I went
in and fixed it
and this is also one of the reasons why
I was able to get
my account was unsuspended again but
definitely go into the policy pages make
everything is correct and make sure
everything is aligning with your target
market but this brings me to the next
the point on the list and that is
the actual checkout page now again
another page that is
commonly overlooked because most
drop shippers think that it is enough to
choose some colors for it to add the logo
and then start running yes that is again
far from the truth
what you instead want to notice is this
the following image so this image again was
directly taken from my Shopify store
symbiosis went in and did a thorough
check on but this was one of the
problems on this Shopify store for some
the reason so as you guys can see it says
there is no field available to enter the
coupon code so we need to
go in and add the coupon code section
even though this is a very
the small problem this is also one of the
reasons why Shopify may
suspend your account so you want to make
sure to go over every single page
on your checkout page and make sure
everything is aligned properly that the
checkout promo code section is available
and also the pricing and shipping
information is clearly visible because
if this information has any types of
issues with it if there's no
promo code box available here then that
is going to lead to google ads again
suspending your account so this is one
a problem which was on my Shopify store
that I didn't even know about
until the symposia team pointed it out
to me so make sure
again to go step by step within your
checkout page funnel all the way to the
end and make sure everything is aligned
properly but in addition to that when it
comes to the shipping prices you want to
make sure that
there is a full match with your shipping
prices oftentimes
a lot of Shopify store owners or drop
shippers in general have
one pricing on their Shopify store and
then they completely forget to set up
the shipping options
on the merchant center or they set it up
but they set it up incorrectly so what
you want to do is that you want to make
sure that the Shopify backend shipping
is matching the shipping costs in the
merchant center account and within the
merchant center account you just need to
have a base rate set up so what I mean
by this is if you followed my shipping
setup video that i
put out many many months ago and you
have multiple different shipping options
available for added profits then you
want to only set up the base rate so
on my Shopify store for example the base
rate is that anything below 50
costs the customer two dollars and 78
cents to ship
and then anything above 50 is free
shipping so in the google merchant
the center account I went in and added just
that base rate so
anything below 50 I added costs about
2.78 cents to ship
and then anything above is completely
free shipping I did not go in and add
any of the other rates that i
offer simply because this is the base
rate this is all Google needs to know in
order to unsuspend your account
one thing a lot of people don't know is
that google actually goes and crawls
into your website and
actually goes all the way to the
checkout page before abandoning the cart
a lot of people
complain that there is some john smith
trying to constantly check out on their
Shopify store and this john smith is
Google and its algorithm going on to
your website and checking to see if all
of the pages are done correctly
and if the shipping prices actually
match because this is again one of the
most common reasons
why a lot of Shopify drop shippers get
their accounts were suspended but
this brings me to the next point on the
list and that is the shipping info
itself now with the shipping info
one thing you want to understand is that
google ads, in general, have kind of become
the drop-shipping model simply because
of the delayed shipping times and in
order to battle this what some drop
shippers do is that they actually
don't even provide the shipping time so
which is again one
big mistake when it comes to drop
shipping instead what you want to do is
not to
source from aliexpress directly
especially those Chinese suppliers
but rather source from eBay or amazon or
but then choose the ships from united
states option now I've made a video on
this is on my channel which you can check
if you're trying to know how to divert
from sourcing these products from
express onto these us suppliers
this is one of the biggest game-changers
I've personally experienced I simply
stopped sourcing products from
aliexpress because of these Chinese
suppliers taking a long time to ship
and I moved on to eBay amazon and also
aliexpress but then
using the ships from the USA option because
what this lets me do is that it lets me
portray the real shipping times and in
this case
the real shipping times could be
anywhere from three to fifteen business
days which is a much more convenient
time period both for the customers and
also for google
rather than putting something like seven
to 30 business days which is what i
used to recommend it because I used to
source from china so it's definitely
important to have faster shipping times
in 2021 and onwards but you can also
while providing faster shipping time
this is exactly what I'm doing i
have less than one percent of the items
from my store getting shipped from china
most of the other products do directly
get shipped from eBay
amazon and so forth but definitely one
of the biggest things which you need to
focus on
is the shipping times get that shipping
time to lessen from seven to thirty
businesses or so
on to about three to fifteen days or
around that area because that is going
to be the biggest game-changer
in getting your google merchant center
account unsuspended but this
brings me to the final points on the
list and this is the actual collections
now with the collections, you won't only
want to have collections with
actual products within them a lot of
Shopify store owners what they like to
do so they like to have multiple
collections just to show
potential customers that their store is
not empty however this is really bad in
google's eyes because google then goes
into every single collection
and it actually scans the entire page
for products if it does not
the sense that there are any products there
then that is going to be a big red flag
in google's eyes because
that just lets Google know that you're
not a real business or you're not a
serious company
in order to avoid that you want to only
have certain collections where you can
products too of course the more
collections you have the better but
whatever collection you have
on your Shopify store make sure that
there is a minimum of two to three
with real description and real photos
you also don't want to
copy any kinds of photos don't copy any
wording for the description from any
another website because
if it detects that you copied the
description or the title or the images
from any other website that is going to
be another red flag in google's eyes and
they may be less likely
to unsuspend your account so this is
kind of the general things you have to
in order to get your account approved in
2021 just keep it note that
Google has again become the kind of against
drop shippers and you want to basically
design your entire website to portray it
as a real brand
which you should have always been doing
from the beginning anyways in order to
really build that long-term and
sustainable business but again
these were a few points which you should
definitely, be implemented on your
Shopify store
if you want to get your google merchant
center account unsuspended but again
not everything from this list will
always 100 help you get your account
these are just certain things which
personally helped me but if you found
any kind of value in this video
let me know down in the comment section
if you do end up getting your google
merchant center account unsuspended or
if you have any other questions
regarding suspension but
I'll see you guys next time

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