- Hey everyone, it's me Sarah here from Wholesale Ted,
one of the largest YouTube channels dedicated
to giving you actionable advice on how to build a real
money-making business.
And today, I'm gonna be giving you my top five ways
to drive traffic and sales online.
Yes, if you want to be making money like this,
then you'll need buyers or leads,
and to get those you'll need to find a traffic source
to drive them to your store or website.
Of course, there are many ways to do this.
Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube
and honestly, while all of those can be great
and all of them have their own advantages,
not all of them are suitable for all types
of online businesses.
And so if you pick the wrong one to focus on,
instead of getting this, you could waste a bunch of time
getting results and well, you could lose a lot of money
and nobody likes to lose money.
So in this video, I'm gonna be going through my top five
traffic sources and explaining how they work
and how you can use them to drive traffic,
leads and customers to your store or website.
Plus I have also invited three of my good friends
who have driven millions of dollars in online sales
through traffic methods.
They're each gonna highlight one of their traffic methods
and explain why this works so well for them.
So hopefully by the end of this video, you will have picked
the right source of the traffic to focus on for your business.
Alright, let's go on to traffic source number one.
(upbeat music)
Traffic source one, Facebook advertising.
So when I say Facebook ads, I'm specifically
talking about the ads you see as you're scrolling
through your news feed.
And let's be honest, if Facebook traffic was in high school,
I swear that it would be the high school valedictorian.
You know that person in high school who is good at, well,
pretty much everything and has lots of friends.
There on the track team, they get straight A's
and everyone likes them.
That is Facebook Ads, in a nutshell, they are the
all around traffic source.
They can be used to sell almost anything
and they are beginner-friendly because they are low cost
and easy to use.
And while the menu system to set up the ads can be,
admittedly, a little bit intimidating for beginners,
the reason why I call them easy and beginner-friendly
is because of the fact that you don't need
to be an expert at them to see results.
Essentially, you come to the Facebook Ad algorithm
and you tell it what you want to achieve,
who your ideal customer is and you give them your
ad image, your video, and text.
And then you let them do the rest.
For example, once inside your Ad Account
and your Business Manager, when you click Create
to make a new ad Facebook gives you choices
of what you want your ad to do.
Do you want to create an ad that will get lots
of likes, comments, and shares?
Then come and click on Engagement.
Facebook will now put your ad in front of people
it knows are more likely to do that.
Or are you instead of running an online store
and just want Facebook to put your ad in front
of people most likely to see your ad and buy your items?
Then install the Facebook pixel on your site,
which tracks customer activity,
and then pick Conversions.
And then you can choose who exactly you want to tag
with your ads.
Because Facebook has so much data on its users,
you can get very specific about who you want to target.
For example, there is a very successful Etsy store,
Smash Transit, that makes travel and regionally themed
t-shirts, hoodies, and baby clothing.
Now they don't actually make their own clothing,
instead, they work with print on demand partners
like Printify and Print full.
After their Etsy success, Smash Transit went ahead
and made a Shopify store to promote their products.
As you can see, one of their top sellers is
their airport themed shirts which are all just repurposing
the same design of the code of the airport
and this plane icon.
So let's say that Smash Transit wanted to advertise
their LAX airport shirt with Facebook Ads.
They could come to the location sections
of the targeting options inside the Ad Creator
and select it so that their Facebook ad will only
target people who live in Los Angeles.
And then they could come to the Interests Section
and select it so that the ad for their t-shirt
will only show to interested people
in both LAX airport and that are frequent travelers.
Which is their target audience.
Now, admittedly, not everyone who lives in LA,
who is a frequent traveler will be interested
in the LAX airport t-shirt and will want
to buy one of these.
But that is okay, because as your ad runs
Facebook learns what type of users like
to buy your item and what type of users don't,
and thus it will get smarter and smarter
and better and better at putting your ad
in front of the right people who will want to buy it.
So it's actually a good idea to start with a smaller
ad budgets, and scale up over time as Facebook learns
more and more about your customer base.
And yes, you can run ad budgets for as little as $5 a day.
However, I know a lot of people are gonna go,
ugh ads, oh, I don't wanna have to pay money,
I wanna have free traffic.
And look, I understand that, but I can tell you now though,
my good friend Adrian Morrison would vehemently disagree.
He is one of the most successful drop shippers
and print-on-demand marketers I know,
and most of this money was made through Facebook ads.
So I asked him to come on and explain why he has had
so much success with them.
- Hey, my name's Adrian Morrison
and I'm here to talk to you about how powerful
Facebook advertising has been for my business.
Listen I use Facebook Ads for eCommerce
to generate millions.
I've used Facebook Ads for affiliate and digital marketing.
And it's because Facebook marketing makes it so easy
to target your audience.
Look, I have a screenshot here where I spent $160,000,
I know that's a lot of money but I got
over three million dollars in return.
That's all with Facebook marketing,
because they make it easy to target your audience
and everybody in the world, almost,
is on Facebook, in one place.
It's why Facebook marketing is the number one tool
that I use to drive traffic to my business,
to grow and scale and reach my customers
and why I highly recommend that you use
Facebook marketing for your business as well.
Once again my name's Adrian Morrison
and Facebook Ad crushes it for my business
and I'm sure it could do volumes for yours as well.
- Lesson of the day, targeting your customers is gold.
I actually did an interview with him,
where we discussed his Facebook Ads strategies
and I will have a link to that video
in the description below.
Traffic source number two, search engine traffic.
Otherwise known as SEO.
Oh boy, this is going to be really fun
to try to explain without getting technical
and jargony.
Yep, if search engine traffic was a high school student
it would almost definitely be the class nerd,
which makes sense because I was the class nerd
and I love SEO.
For example, the worlds biggest search engine by far
is Google.
This is what people usually think about when you say
the word search engine.
If you come to Google and type shoe paint into it,
and scroll down to the search results,
you'll see that this website here is at the top of the list.
Angelus Paint makes about 70% of its money
from people finding it through Google searches
like the one I just did.
So as you can see, this traffic source is very valuable.
And guess what?
While these stores had to pay Google to purchase
an advertisement slot here, down in the organic
search results Angelus Paint paid Google nothing
to sit here.
So if you win this spot, it is free traffic.
Free, free, free.
Everybody loves free.
Or, is it?
The truth is, is that its sort of is, you see,
if you want to be competing for competitive keywords
that are gonna be bringing in lots of buyers
into your store, ranking in Google for those keywords
is going to be hard.
So let's come back to our example store, Angelus Paint.
Check it out, Google chose them to be number one
out of over 900 million results.
That is very impressive and it begs the question.
How did they get into Google's good graces?
How did they end up ranking number one,
and how can you rank number one as well?
It used to be a simple, long story short,
back in the very old days of Google, they used to choose
websites based upon relevancy.
Basically, Google wanted to see the exact keyword,
in this case, shoe paint, on your site as much as possible.
They wanted to see it in the title,
they wanted to see it in the contents,
they wanted to see it in the meta keywords.
As you can imagine though, this was pretty easy
to manipulate and so, Google had to come up with a new way
to rank websites and to choose who would be number one.
And they did come up with away.
And that was backlinks. (explosion)
A backlink is simply when another website links to yours.
If we come to a free backlink checker, Ahrefs,
we can type in our website WholesaleTed.com into it
and take a look at which websites link to ours.
As you can see from the results, we've got this backlink
here from a Forbes article that I was featured in,
relating to business and sales.
And so Google will look at that and think,
hey, I can see that Forbes link to WholesaleTed.com
in an article about the business, I really trust Forbes
they must have recommended WholesaleTed.com
for a good reason, I will rank them higher
in my search results from now on when it comes
to related searches.
Ever since getting a few of these powerful, trusted
backlinks, WholesaleTed.com has been far more likely
to come up higher in search results for phrases relating
to posts that were made on our blog.
Now, this is an oversimplification,
backlinks aren't the only fact that Google looks at,
as the SEO Moz graph shows, but they are easily
the most important.
So back on over to Ahrefs, let's check out which
websites are linking back to Angelus Paint.
As we can see here, they have amassed a lot of backlinks.
So it's not surprising that they do well
with the Google search engine.
So that's all you've got to do to get lots
of search engine traffic from Google,
just get a bunch of high-quality backlinks.
The secret's out.
Yeah, I can imagine a lot of you are like,
thank you Sarah for that lesson, it was fantastic
and all but that sounds really hard.
And you know what?
You'd be right.
Now I am hoping to create a tutorial where I will
teach you how to get traffic from low competition keywords.
But, in the meantime, it's not the easiest traffic source
out there.
But, you know what?
Google isn't the only search engine.
Everyone is obsessed with Google,
but there are lots of search engines out there.
In fact, I can think of two very big ones
that have very highly valuable traffic.
And that is the Amazon search engine people use
to find products listed on Amazon.
And the Etsy search engine people use to find products
listed on Etsy.
Amazon and Etsy are online marketplaces that anyone,
including you and I can list products on
to sell and make money.
And the number one way that customers on Amazon and Etsy
sort through the products on there and find the ones
that they want to purchase is through the
internal search engines.
And interestingly enough, the Amazon and Etsy search engines
can be manipulated in very similar ways.
In ways that are actually much easier
to manipulate than Google.
One put keywords in your product listing.
While Google has devalued this with their search engine,
Amazon and Etsy have not.
For example, take this mug here.
Now this is a product that we've highlighted
in a recent video last month on the Wholesale Ted
YouTube channel that is doing really well on Etsy.
This mug is a joke about how on TV shows,
if someone is called a doctor, it only ever refers
to a medical doctor, not someone with a doctorate.
So people usually give this mug as a gift
to their friends or their family who have newly
graduated with a doctorate, or a Ph.D.
Now let me show you something.
If you come to the Etsy search engine and type the phrase,
Ph.D. gift into it, this mug comes up near the top
of the search engine results.
But that's not all if we come back
and do a search for a different phrase,
this time, doctorate gift.
Take a look, once again, this mug is at the top
of the search engine results.
This mug ranks for a lot of keywords and phrases.
So why is that?
Well take a look at this, if we come to the title
of this, we can see that both of the keywords feature
in the title and the phrases in here were not chosen
at random.
They will have been chosen on purpose
because if we come and start typing Ph.D. into
the Etsy search bar, you can see that it gives us
these phrases as some of the most commonly related
Search for by Etsy users.
Two of which feature in this mugs product title.
Two, use the search sales trick.
You know how the biggest factor that Google looks
for is backlinks, but when it comes to the online marketplace
search engines, the biggest factor that they usually
look for, especially on Amazon and Etsy, is sales.
In particular, they like to see which product
the user ends up purchasing after searching
for a keyword or a phrase in their search engine.
This is a bit of a simplification, but essentially,
if someone goes to the Etsy search engine
and types in Ph.D. gift and finds this mug,
opens up the listing, and then goes ahead and purchases it,
Etsy's algorithm thinks, oh wow, someone who was looking
for a Ph.D. gift found this and bought it,
this must be what people want when they search
for the phrase Ph.D. gift.
Oh man, every time an item sells, we get money
and so since this mug sells when people find it,
let's place it even higher in the search results
so that it will sell even more and we'll make
even more money. (cash register chimes)
And as I've discussed in this video,
this search sales trick works
for Amazon's algorithm as well.
Having the strategy to launch a product and get sales
is especially important on Amazon, so if you'd like
to learn about it, be sure to watch this video.
Yes, you may end up having to reimburse family
and friends if you get them to go ahead and do this for you
to rank your item higher, but, remember your goal is to do
what this mug has achieved here,
to be ranking highly in lots
of different organic search results.
So that you get lots of free traffic,
which means you get lots of free sales,
which means, well, you make money.
Traffic source three, Instagram ads.
Back in the day when you talked about advertising
on Instagram, most people thought about buying
a sponsored story slot on an Instagram influencers page.
And while that is a way to drive sales
and traffic over time, it's become far more expensive
and it's not a scalable traffic method at all.
So instead if you would like to take advantage
of the 800 million-plus people on there
and turn them into customers and leads
it's a much better idea to buy ads from there instead.
And I reckon that if Instagram ads were back in high school,
they would definitely be the cool, popular kids.
And that's because when Instagram ads are done right,
they should be highly visual.
On Facebook, you have to teach this thing long text
based ads from business gurus like this one.
And that's because these are highly effective on there
for the right niche, such as the business niche.
In fact, I've also used long-form copy on Facebook
to promote our free eBook,
The 6 Steps That 6-Figure Dropshippers Follow
To Make Over $10,000 a Month.
Which, by the way, you can download by clicking
on the link in the video description below.
But, I would never post anything remotely similar
to that on Instagram.
And so for my ad promoting our free eBook
I posted a parody video about people who try
to sell dropshipping course by showing off
Lamborghinis, here is a snippet.
So, I've got a question for you.
How many times have you clicked on a video
from someone who's promising that they'll teach you
how to create a money-making dropshipping store,
only to find that the video's actually just,
(hip hop music)
And believe it or not, people are constantly leaving
comments on the ad getting super mad thinking
that it's real.
The other great thing about Instagram ads
is that Instagram is actually owned by Facebook
and so you get to use the same awesome ad platform
and targeting tools when making ads for Instagram too.
So if you wanted to go ahead and dropship this AliExpress
the item here, this good old classic camera lens travel mug
that, yes, looks like a real camera lens,
but is indeed a mug.
You create ads for it in the same way as you would
for Facebook.
You come to the Facebook Ad Manager and click Create.
And you then choose what you want your ad to do.
So if you wanted to make sales or generate leads,
you'd choose Conversions as your goal.
You then use the same targeting options
that you get with Facebook Ads, such as,
choosing specific countries or cities to target,
like Australia, and you can then choose overlapping
interests that met your core audience.
Which, for this camera travel mug, is of course,
someone who drinks coffee and someone passionate
about photography.
This is why I chose this overlapping interest
because, despite its name, it's actually
an international organization.
Once you've designed your ideal customer using
the targeting options, you then come to placement
and you click Edit and you un-tick all
but Instagram ad placements.
And, spoiler if you're curious, out of stories
and feed ads, it is stories that usually perform the best.
I was talking to my very talented friend Bren,
who runs a paid ad agency and he works with
multi-million dollar companies and we were discussing
how interesting it is now that Instagram ads
are outperforming Facebook ads when you sell
the right products.
In fact, Bren showed me a side-by-side comparison
of two ad results.
The top half was the Instagram version
and the bottom was the Facebook version.
Both had the exact same targeting and video ad.
While the Facebook ad had a higher click-through rate,
the Instagram ad had far higher conversions
and made a lot more money.
I asked Bren to come on and explain why he thinks
Instagram ads are only gonna get bigger and better.
- Hey Sarah, it's Bren here, and the reason why I like
Instagram Ads, is because Instagram is the new Facebook.
People trust Instagram more than they trust Facebook.
Also, three out of four people, love finding new brands
on Instagram.
So people are in a mode on Instagram of discovery,
which is significantly different than Facebook.
Facebook has been about relating and connecting
to friends and people you know,
also, it's what's right now.
There's been a move from Facebook to Instagram.
You know, due to a lot of the privacy issues
and scandals that were public and in the news
about Facebook, and although, Facebook technically
owns Instagram, the vast majority of the public
sees them as completely and entirely different.
So it's now and it's also next and will continue
to grow into the future, so now's the time
to get on Instagram and be leveraging Instagram
for paid ads.
- Traffic source four, YouTube videos.
So I won't go into it too much here,
but obviously given that Wholesale Ted has over
250,000 subscribers at this point,
I'm certainly not bad at generating traffic on YouTube
from posting videos.
I think it's not even a question that,
if YouTube traffic was in high school,
it would definitely be one of the theater kids.
And that's because on YouTube, having high-quality videos
is actually really, really important.
For example, here is a recent video I made.
While, yes I put keywords in the title and description,
the most important factor for whether YouTube chooses
to rank your video or not, isn't relevant,
it's about how users interact with your video,
in particular, for how long they watch it compared
to other similar ones.
As you can see, relative to other similar videos,
our attention time was above average
for the whole video.
If you're interested in starting your own YouTube
channel to drive traffic, remember, quality is key.
Out of all of these traffic methods, YouTube is probably
the most challenging, in my opinion,
to make money directly from.
But there are two types of videos that I'd recommend
focusing on making if you want to do this.
Firstly, tutorial videos.
You take a tool or an app that has an affiliate program
that people want or need tutorials for.
For example, here's a tutorial video I made
for an app called Jungle Scout.
I monetized the video by putting my affiliate link
in the video description.
And yes, people do choose to use it as a thank you.
I have earned over $70,000 from Jungle Scout
affiliate commissions.
The next is extremely popular review videos.
For example, here is a review of the self-balancing scooter.
It has over 50 million views, and guess what you find
in the video description?
A good old affiliate link to buy it on Amazon,
while the Amazon affiliate program has a very small
commissions, when you consider that this video has had
over 50 million views, I'm sure that it has made him
a lot of money.
Traffic source number five, Google Adwords.
So remember back when I was talking about Google
search engine traffic?
Well, when you do a search on Google,
you'll find two different types of results.
First, you'll find the free listings,
these are the top websites that Google's search algorithm
has decided are the best for this keyword.
But if we come back up here at the top,
you'll see that these listings here say
that they are sponsored.
These are paid ads that you can purchase through
Google's ad program Google Adwords.
And it's funny because, while Facebook might be
the king or the queen of driving traffic right now,
it didn't always use to be this way.
When I first started selling online, Facebook Ads
didn't even exist, in fact, Google Adwords didn't
really exist either which is why I was forced
to learn about the more complicated source
of traffic, SEO.
So when Google Adwords was released in a more public way,
it was absolutely revolutionary.
It was by far the easiest way to drive targeted,
high-quality traffic to your site.
There is just something to keep in mind with Adwords though,
the ads aren't the cheapest.
You see with Google Adwords you've got two main types
of advertising.
There is display advertising, where Google will put ads
next to content on websites.
And then there are the ads that will show up
when you search for a specific keyword.
Shopping ads you purchase can also appear here,
these are the primary ads that people think of
when you say Adwords, as these are usually
the most effective.
And why are they the most effective?
Well, it's because of the fact that they are extremely,
extremely targeted.
You could easily argue that Google Adwords is
more targeted than Facebook Ads.
That's because of the fact that when an individual comes
to Google and types in a keyword like,
couches for sale, they are clearly in the mindset
that they want to buy a couch.
And so advertising your couch in them, is a no-brainer.
But the way that Google Adwords works,
is it's basically a bidding war?
You bid for search keywords against other advertisers
which drives prices up for the best keywords.
And so, very quickly, if you are paying $4.00 a click,
that can add up.
It means then if you're trying to sell lower-cost items
like these, it can be difficult to earn a profit
unless you've got a well-organized sales funnel
that is upselling customers to big orders.
This is why I wouldn't necessarily call this traffic
source particularly beginner-friendly.
But, while Adwords is trickier than Facebook
for lower cost items, it is usually more effective
for higher-cost items.
Think about it, if you're gonna go buy a couch,
you're unlikely to buy one on a whim.
Instead, you're gonna go to Google and you're gonna
do a search for it to compare your options.
So being up there, in the search results is very important.
And someone I know, who is a master at using
Google Adwords to turn profits is my good friend,
Fred Lam.
Fred has been on this channel before in one of our most
popular videos of all time, so I will link to that
in the video description below.
And actually, Fred is such a master at creating
sales funnels that he has had success with Adwords
selling all sorts of things.
So I asked him to come on and explain how he has had
so much success with Adwords.
- Hey Wholesale Ted community, Fred Lam here.
And listen, I love Google Adwords, and, in fact,
ever since that I started my journey as an entrepreneur,
I actually started with Google Adwords first.
And, I actually started advertising on Google
before Facebook even had an advertising platform.
Now there are some pros and cons when it comes
to Google Ads.
The pro is that once you are actually able to dial things
in, you will get consistent sales and also, have your ads
on large publication websites like Forbes.com,
CNN.com, for a fraction of a penny.
Now, on the downside though, when it comes to Google Ads,
it is a lot more complex than Facebook Ad.
In Google Ads there is YouTube, there are Gmail ads,
there are display ads, there are even search ads,
which we all know.
Now search ad is something that I absolutely love
because these are hyperactive buyers.
And, if you are trying to actually get into Google Ads,
I actually encourage you to figure out
Google search first.
Because these are the most highly converted,
converting visitors that you can actually get
for your business.
It is a learning curve when it comes to actually learn
about Google Ads, but again, you should not actually avoid
or ignore Google Ads because it is a lion share of traffic
that you actually tap into for your business.
- So hopefully, you now know which traffic source
is right for you.
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