Make $500 Per 30 MIN Using Google! | PayPal Money (Make Money Online) - make money online

Make $500 Per 30 MIN Using Google! | PayPal Money (Make Money Online)

no affiliate marketing no selling no
and no investment required as this is
completely free to do
in today's video, I will show you how you
can get paid by simply copying and
pasting some text if you want to know
how then make sure you stay tuned
now just before we start let me remind
you that if you like this type of
and you'd like to see more than support
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with all of that said let's now jump
straight into the tutorial so I can show
everything is all right so today's strategy
guys revolve around google
we will be using this platform today in
order to make some very decent amounts
of money
online that will basically come down to
copying and pasting text
as you will soon see anyhow your very
first step
is to either go over to
or you can just type in google news in
the search bar and open up
On this page either way we will be using
google news to get paid
how exactly you will see soon enough
on the left-hand side here you can see
all of these categories
you've got business technology
sports science and lastly health
and what you now need to do is pick any
one of these categories that you want to
I will personally go along with the
health category simply because it's so
but it's absolutely fine if you go along
with the business for example
in any case, once you choose the category
you want
you will now want to find some good and
interesting article that also isn't
too old simply invest a tiny amount of
time and find something you think a lot
of people will be interested in
and what you will now need to do is copy
one part of the article
and proceed to the next site we will be
using today to get paid that
citing question
is called I have shown this
time and time again
in some of my recent videos because it's
such a good platform
for those of you who don't know this
Crobot is a software that can rewrite
text for you
in literally a few seconds and you need
this platform
since you can't use the original article
from google news
due to copyright infringement but if you
rewrite it either yourself or with this
tool right here
it will become 100 unique and you will
be able to use it
and make money off of it which is
precisely what we are going for
even though you didn't write it yourself
now with that being said
this tool has a bit of a flaw that I've
mentioned in some of my previous videos
too and that is that you can only
so much text all at once if you're using
this for free
as you can see down here it has a limit
of 700
characters and although this is a bit of
a flaw
it's no big deal because instead of
copying the article
entirely you will copy smaller parts of
paste them in here click on paraphrase
right here to rewrite the text in
and you will then proceed to copy the
The next segment of the article
and rinse and repeat until you've
rewritten the entire article
once you do so you will quickly want to
go through it to make sure that there
are no mistakes
because even the best-rewriting tools
are not foolproof
and there may be a few mistakes here and
there that you'll want to go ahead and
and when you do so when you both correct
all the mistakes and you're
satisfied with the article you will now
want to head over
to one of the three platforms, I will
show you today
that will pay you for these articles
some of which will pay up to one dollar
per word which
when you think about it is very good
because these articles can have up to
hundreds of words each
so you can literally make hundreds of
dollars per single article that you
didn't even have to write yourself
the first platform I have for you is
called eating
and as the name suggests this is
a site about eating healthy foods as
you will only want to send them articles
in the health niche regarding
food that you found over on google news
and since articles are coming in
literally every few hours
that means you can never run out of them
and you will be able to keep sending
articles that you haven't written
over to this and the other two platforms
I will show you
and this is why this strategy is so
incredibly powerful
and can make you so much money now on
this site you will need to send the
articles via email
and as such you want to find it first to
do so you want to scroll down all the
way to the bottom of the page and click
jobs here on the next page you will once
again have to scroll down a little bit
and click on
writers guidelines and it's on this page
where you will not only be able to find
their email address
where you will send the articles to get
paid but you can also see that they will
pay you
one dollar per word as I said previously
so once again you stand to earn hundreds
of dollars per article
which can quickly pile up to a lot of
money and by the way guys
make sure you read all of this i
obviously don't want to go over
all of the things it says on this page
since that would prolong the video too
but you want to make sure to just invest
a tiny amount of time
and read everything on this page since
it contains some quite useful
and important information anyways their
the email address you can see
right up here which you will want to
copy then head over to your Gmail
and send them an email with the subject
being something like
submission form or just submission and
you will then attach a file with your
article in there and
simply click on send so that you will
send them the article
and get paid as a result the second
the platform you can use to get
paid is called and on this platform you
will want to send articles that are
in the science or technology niche over
on google news
you will once again send them an article
via their email address
to find it you want to scroll down once
again to the bottom of the page
and then click on sierra magazine here
on the next page, you will also need to
scroll down to the bottom
and when you do so you will be able to
see submission guidelines here and you
will want to click
on those and finally on this page you
will need to select
guidelines for writers and you will be
able to find their email address on the
very next page right here
now the subject line for sierra club is
supposed to be
pitch as this said right over here so
don't write
submission like with the previous
the platform once again though you will have
to attach your file where you have
written the article in this email and
send it over to sierra
now the last platform I will show you
today that you can use to get paid for
those articles
is called
and right off the bat, it's very worth
noting that this site pays slightly less
then the previous two sites I just
showed you but
as a plus, this site will accept articles
in many different niches unlike the
previous platforms which are focused on
health and
nature as such I would highly recommend
you use this site
alongside the previous two platforms to
maximize your results
and whether or not you want to use it is
up to you but you will basically
rinse and repeat from there find a few
articles on google news
rewrite them with quillbot check for
mistakes and make sure the article is as
good as you can make it
then copy it and send it via email to
or all of these three platforms to earn
hundreds if not
thousands of dollars just like that with
all of that said
this is it for today's video guys as
always if you liked it and you're
enjoying my content
then be sure to give this video a thumbs
up below to support my channel
and in case you don't want to miss out
on any future videos just like this one
then click on that red subscribe button
and turn on the notifications
and you'll be notified whenever a new
video pops up
as always thank you all for watching and
I'll see you soon


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