Make $15,550 A Month - make money online

Make $15,550 A Month

63 dollars and 60 cents promoting this
woodworking product on youtube shorts
so if that is something that you're
interested in make sure to watch this
video till end because i'm going to show
you guys
everything step by step and also guys if
you don't know
what is youtube shorts and why i'm
talking so much about
youtube shorts these days you can see
how crazy and big
youtube shorts are getting at the end of
youtube shorts was announced that
they're going to launch
on youtube and they used to get 3.5
billion views every single day so
that was launched at the end of 2020
but now this was recorded one month ago
youtube shorts are hitting 6.5
billion daily views every single day
and if you don't know what is uh
tick-tock youtube is trying to
be the competitor to tick-tock and
they're going to create
even better platform than tick-tock so
i'm going to show you guys how you can
take advantage of these reviews because
you already know that money equals views
so i'm going to show you guys how you
can take advantage of this
and also if you haven't did a research
you can go on youtube and search for
youtube shorts
you can see how crazy this is getting in
crazy numbers you can see this
video right here that is 19 seconds long
you can see they've got already 325
million views in four months this video
is getting in two months 291 million
this one is getting
211 million in one month so i'm going to
show you guys
how you can take advantage of this and
create your own youtube shorts
and get paid so first thing what we want
to do is we want to go
and find the product that we're going to
monetize our youtube shorts because we
run ads on our youtube shorts videos
so what we want to do is we want to go
so if you don't know what is clickbank
that is one of the biggest affiliate
marketplaces where you can find
different affiliate products to sell for
commissions so what you want to do is
you want to go
and create your clickbank account by
clicking sign up button
right here so make sure to enter
everything correctly because
if you don't enter something correctly
you're going to get problems in the
when you are getting paid and also it is
free to join so you don't need to pay
for anything or anything like that
so when you create your clickbank
account you want to go
and log in so when you log in you're
going to see a page that look like this
so right on the uh on the left you can
see the categories so you can choose
uh the categories that you want to
promote so i'm going to show you guys
how you can go and promote woodworking
products so
what we're going to do is we're going to
search woodworking
right here in the find the product so
what we want to go
what we want to do is click on this
button right here
and you're going to see there are tons
of different woodworking products there
are 28 woodworking products
but these are not the products that we
are trying to promote
so what you want to do now is you want
to go
and click on sort results by
so click on that and go and click on
rank so we want to go and sort
our results by rank and we're going to
this most profitable and most promoted
woodworking product on clickbank so how
we can tell
if this is the good product to promote
what you want to do is you want to look
this gravity number right here so this
this 148 gravity is
really really high and anything above
let's say 30 gravity is good to promote
so this means that a lot of affiliates
just like you and me
are promoting this product and they're
also getting sales they're not just
promoting it
so that is really important for us next
thing that you want to look
is how much money you're going to get
so you can see on average per conversion
that means when someone buys the product
you can expect to make 63.60 cents
so that is how much money you can expect
to make on average
but if they go and buy some up sales you
can see
get up to 125 dollars per sale
so that is the maximum that you can make
from one sale from one
person so if you go and if you go
get the customer that is going to pay
for your product and all the upsells
you can expect to make 125 dollars per
sale so that is
what you can expect to make from this
product you also want to go and click on
the product
see how it looks like you want to check
out if it's good a product for your
customers you can see this is going to
be the video where they're going to
how this product can help your customer
how they can improve their
woodworking skills you can also see this
product contains
over 16 000 woodworking plans and
you can also see some of the
testimonials and reviews from these
products so
your customers are going to see all of
these and if they go
and decide to buy the product you can
expect to make as i said 100
sorry dollars and 60 cents
but if they go and buy all the up sales
you can expect to make
125 dollars per sale
so but when that is out of the way
i want to show you guys how you can go
and get some youtube shorts or videos if
you don't want to record these videos
i'm going to show you guys
what you can do you can go on
and you want to search for some amateur
videos that are not professional
because you don't want to use
copyrighted content
never use copyrighted content what i
would do is i would search for amateur
videos on facebook
and do my own research so what i would
do is i would search for example for
wood working and i would find
this for example this is probably
professional video so you don't want to
use this video right here
but maybe let's say this one right here
or this third one let's say we're going
to use this third one that is five
minutes long
and it has a 2.5 million views on
so what we can do is we can go and click
on this video right here
and we can use this video for our
youtube shorts so how you can go and
download this video
you can go and click on share button
right here
and click on copy link so we're going to
the footage of this video on facebook
and we're going to cut
the parts so you can get and you want to
create content from one second long
up to 60 seconds long so you can rank
as youtube shorts so that is also really
important for
us so what we want to do now is we want
to go
on this facebook downloader and you can
see the name right here
so what this facebook download the
download that does
is you can go and paste the link right
here of the video that you want to
and click on download button right here
so it is going to take a few
a few minutes or a few seconds to
convert this video
you can see it is already done so what
we want to do now is you want to click
on download in
high quality so we don't want normal
we don't want only audio you want high
quality right here so click on high
quality right here
and we want to click right here and
click on download
so it is going to start downloading our
and we want to cut the parts so we want
to cut
this video to from one second long to 60
seconds long so we're going to cut it
for 60 seconds long and i'm going to
show you guys how to do it
so what i usually use for editing my
youtube shorts videos it is
and also it is 100
free so you don't need to worry about
paying for anything before you start
making some money
there is also of course some paid
version but even i don't use this paid
version i only use
free version so we want to go and find
the dimensions of
these youtube shorts videos and you can
use it as stick talk videos
because they are used the same
dimensions for your
youtube shorts so you can choose which
design you want
some of them are paid ones but we
already have a video
and we don't want to enter anything so
we want to click on create
blank video next thing that we want to
is we want to go and upload our video
that we have just downloaded
we want to go and upload it on our
so we can go and edit some parts so we
want to click on upload
and you want to go and click on upload
so we can go and now use it from our
device and next thing that you want to
is you want to click on the video that
you have just uh
just downloaded and it is going to take
some time you can't really expect
to be this really fast because this is
high quality video
and it is going to take from two to
three minutes to upload your video
on so it took me around
two minutes to upload this video and
what we want to do now
is we want to put this video right here
and make sure to fit the screen the
for our youtube shorts
video so this is how it is going to look
and we want to go and cut some parts as
i said you want
these to be 60 seconds long you don't
want to be
two minutes or three minutes or five
minutes long you only want
60 second long video so we what we want
to do now is we want to add some text
that is going to tell
our viewers that we have some product
that in
that can help them in woodworking
so how we can do that we can go and
click on text
and we want to for example use some of
text you can use the classic ones or
so what i'm going to do is i'm going to
use this text right here
so i'm going to make it a little bit
and wider so i'm going to put it right
and we can say click
learn more
and we can make a little bit smaller
by clicking this button right here
link below
so that is going to be our promotional
text because
and what you also want to do maybe is
you want to go and click on elements
and search for arrows
so we can go and for example use this
arrow right here which is going to show
in the description so
we want to put it for example right here
and we want to go and this calls put
this call to action
right here so we are telling our viewers
to go and check out
the link in the description where we are
going to promote these woodworking plans
and if they buy the product we're going
to make money
next thing what you want to do is when
you're done with this you want to go and
click on download button right here
and download this video now again it is
going to take some time
take some editing so make sure to come
after for example two or three or five
so guys here is our video and it is
ready so we can go
and upload it so you can see right here
we have a call to action we have
arrow for our video and the only thing
we need now
is to upload this video on youtube and
use affiliate link
to promote our product for woodworking
so what we want to do now is we want to
go on
and click on upload video so we can just
go and drag and drop this video and you
want to name it
with something related to woodworking so
you can use the keywords to
rank this video so let's say we are
going to
put right here
woodworking in 2021
and this is really important guys what i
do always
this is really important to put this
hashtag shorts
so it is going to rank for short short
video so we want to go and put that
and you want to put something more that
is going to rank on youtube because you
want to test it out and not every single
video is going to get
millions of views that are also really
important to know
you can't expect to make to upload one
video and get
millions of views so you can see this
video is one minute long
and what we want to do now is we want to
go on
ClickBank and we want to get this
affiliate link that we're going to
promote this product so
we're going to use a special affiliate
link to tell
ClickBank once we get a sale that we
have sent
this sale and that they need to pay us
and 60 cents to do that just click on
promote button
right here and make sure to enter your
affiliate id
so just by using your affiliate id
you're going to tell
ClickBank that you can send them this
sale so this is going to be our special
an affiliate link you can copy it by
clicking this button right here
and to test it out to see if it works
you want to go
and click on it and see how it looks
like so you can see we are sending them
directly to the product that we're
trying to promote if they buy the
we make 63 dollars and 60 cents
so this is the really important part we want
to tell them
like click here to
check out and we want to put our video
you want to use some affiliate link
shorteners like time URL
or bitly because this affiliate link
looks very ugly so you want to use it it
is 100
free just go in bitly or a tiny URL
and you want to shorten this URL
once you're done you want to choose here
is going to you're going to get three
different thumbnails that you can use
this one I think it is the good one so
what we want to
do now you just click on next and upload
this video
and once you start getting your views
you're going to get some people that are
going to be
interested in woodworking and if they
buy the product
you make money that is how affiliate
marketing works and that is how youtube
short works
so guys if you want to learn more about
how to start your youtube business
using ClickBank and many more how to
create your content without recording
your face or recording your videos
or how to create thumbnails and many
more many more
research get views to create backlinks
monetize for multiple streams of income
I have a youtube course the link will be
down in the description
so you can check it and check that out i
explain you guys
everything in this video right here how
I'm getting paid
with affiliate marketing with Clickbank
different streams of income for my
youtube channels
and I also teach you guys how to grow
your youtube channel
and also guys if you want to buy this
course you can click
the link right here and you can use
coupon code to save money
so if you go and click on add coupon
code you're into and you enter
40 and click apply you're going to get
40 dollars
of your purchase and also guys if you
think who am I to talk about
how to grow your youtube channel I have
multiple youtube channels with
over 100 000 subscribers the one that
you're watching right now
it has over 120 000 subscribers
so I personally know how to create your
brand grow your youtube channel create
content and many more
so check that out and also if you want
to see more videos like this
for free make sure to press that

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