Make Money Online 2021, Online Arbitrage Step By Step Guide - make money online

Make Money Online 2021, Online Arbitrage Step By Step Guide

 hey guys welcome to make money online in

in the UK this is a complete
step-by-step tutorial
right now I'm going to show you how to
make money selling on amazon
and I'm going to show you everything you
need to know in this video before we
make sure to smash that like button making
sure to subscribe and leave a comment
for the chance to win
100 at the end of each month on my
youtube channel okay
the previous winner for the last month
has been announced
and I have put that winner's name in the
actual pinned comment below this video
go and check out if you want a hundred
dollars so let's crack on let's get
straight to the subject guys
in this video, I'm gonna show you
everything steps by step
I'm gonna give away my best five online
arbitrage supplies
I'm going to show you a wholesale that
you can get and get it with
and I'm going to show you some live
product examples you can go and use to
make money with on
Amazon UK let's begin so first of all
what is
online arbitrage okay online arbitrage
is a business model
where we are buying from retailers from
very very well known retailers
and basically buying products for low
and we're reselling them for high on
amazon for amazon fulfillment
aka amazon fba, I'm gonna be showing you
some examples in just a minute to
how it works exactly okay now how to set
up a seller's account now it's
straightforward probably the first
the question that you have in mind how to do
you actually get going how do you set up
a seller's account in the UK
or anywhere that you want to sell even
in us doesn't matter it's all the same
go on google and just you can just
literally copy this link and you just
click sign
up you go for the verification process
which basically requires you to have
like a debit card
your identity information and stuff like
that I mean it's pretty straightforward
it's just signing up providing documents
whether you're individual whether you're
a company whether you're a sole trader
or etc it's nice and easy to actually
set up
selling on amazon okay so just follow
this link through okay now let me show
you some live product examples
so you know exactly what I'm talking
about because you're probably brand new
in this video thinking like who is this
guy what is he talking about what is all
an arbitrage
show us some proof and I will get to
this guy is just a second okay
so let me show you the first item that
we have here we're getting this from
the site called 2k it's
just a small elephant toy
for 9.45 you see the size small for 9.45
we're flipping it back on amazon for
23.18 the same toy
is selling on amazon for 23.18 this is
called on arbitrage if I pull up the
calculator which is in the top right
corner just a free calculator by the way
guys all the links will be included
below this video to
all the stuff that I'm showing to you
right now just stay here
keep watching and don't forget to smash
that like button right now and subscribe
to this youtube channel make sure to
leave a comment
for the chance to win a hundred dollars
okay so product cost
we're gonna put uh which is obviously 9
45 in this example
and we're gonna be selling it for 23 18
and making eight pounds and
six pens on this item you will make a
a little bit less because you have
expenses which I will talk about
through this video okay I will explain
to you everything step by step she's
probably gonna make about maybe
six pounds fifty I mean something like
this I mean that's that that's what
we're thinking to uh
to make uh on this particular
item okay
it's a toy product okay now I'm gonna
show you another item
this item beginning from the retailer
called Brandley actually one of the
new retailers, we've been using uh
recently okay Brandley the cottage Uk
is just the coconut conditioner so some
lady stuff
uh 51 pounds and we're selling it for
79.09 again if I pull up the calculator
right now
I'm going to show you how much we make
on this particular item 51 pounds, we're
selling it for 79.09
we're seeing 13 pounds and 48 pounds
profit on this particular item okay
now let me show you some of my tops well
I'll show you my top five online
arbitrage sources
to begin with and then after this I'm
going to show you how to find
the actual profitable uh products to um
you know that you can go and resell
through this business model okay so my
top five
online arbitrage supplies for the UK which
are retailers are here
okay first is argus second is boots we
all know boots
the toy shop another name is an entertainer
Superdrug and elc which is the early
the learning center also stands for mother
I think they're still called mother care
but yeah the website is all okay
so now let's crack on and let me show
you some profitable um well let me show
you how to
find those profitable items right now
okay how do you actually look for this
profitable deals and how you make money
through doing this what I'm showing to
you right now okay so
we're gonna go to websites like argus
okay one of my top five online arbitrage
supplies okay
we're gonna go to argus we're gonna
click on um just click shop
and go to like anything okay you usually
like to go to toys uh let's go-to toys
I mean click off two fifteen you can go
two for thirty but usually just
straight forward just go to taste or
toys offered so let's go to clearance
shop all toys clearance again I might
find something
I might not find something okay I'm just
doing this completely random
I haven't prepared for this again it's
just a bunch of different items here
let's do this poor patrol here
just going to open up literally to open
up the link in the top
just open up separately doesn't matter
I'm going to open up this chat wally
dinosaur thing chad wally play cook okay
meanwhile, I've opened those three links
right now
I'm going to go back to the shop and I'm
going to go and click toys
and I'm going to go 2 4 15 section
because i
sh I'm sure I can go and actually find
something for those categories I know
that for a fact okay
just to give you guys some live examples
right now so you understand it
actually works and it does work
again so chad wally let's open up this
the item here let me see if I can find
something familiar
that I used to uh sell or currently
selling myself right now
I'm not finding anything in this
particular section uh
this medi case I think might be the one
let me go
and uh open up another page and then
we'll be done I'll be showing you I'll
be showing you what we need to do in
just a second okay
so why I'm opening up those links I'm
basically scouting
for potentially profitable items that i
can go and buy and resell
through this business model okay so this
is baby tablet 2415
750 each okay it's 215. grab the title
of this item
let's just open up another amazon uh
that cottage UK tab
and I'm just gonna search for this item on
amazon okay so I see it's selling here
has one review three out of five doesn't
look too good to me let's see if it's
um for 12.45 look 750 we're selling it
for 12.45
I'm not sure about the condition of this
item because I can tell straight away
it's not a good item because the sales
rank is bad
I will tell you this is maybe like a
couple minutes on how we determine
whether the item is a good seller or not
just keep watching okay but this item i
can tell straight away even though it's
profitable like I'm gonna go and pull up
the calculator I see the lowest seller
is 12.45 if I buy it for 750 I'm
probably gonna make something right
let's see it's showing this price 12.45
um showing some yeah showing the weight
um showing some weird prices here
actually one pound profit only on this
doesn't look too good okay so I'm gonna
go and switch to another item right now
as well okay
check a different item right now I mean
let's just go let's just keep away on
this one
and I'm gonna go and choose this pack
here for the clearance
again it goes for seven pounds fifty I'm
gonna go back on the same URL
and put this into here and see what's
actually happening uh 8.99 for this
set I mean see seats there's no there's
I really like you can't really make any
uh profit on this particular item okay
so we're just gonna go and choose um
you know a different product right now
so I'm gonna go and choose this dinosaur
aircraft place set so basically what I'm
trying to do I'm trying to find
a product I can go and actually flip for
more on amazon
the clearing sections are usually really
a good place to go
Oh look this one here for 30 the second
item here
they're good because you can actually go
and find some good deals this way
but it doesn't have any reviews here and
I can tell this item is not really good
okay but I'll explain to you guys in a
what I mean by this like I already said
okay this one here 640
just to play the kitchen roll thing it
doesn't matter
I'm gonna go and put this into here and
I'm gonna search and see what's
happening here on the actual search
uh again I see I found the item let's
see how much it's selling for
actually selling for 24.95 but I can
tell it's not really a good item okay
I'm just
I'm actually gonna leave this one here
so I'll explain to you what I mean in
just a second
so I'm gonna close this kitchen here as
well and I'm gonna go and try and do
this animal for
seven pounds fifty let's see if I can go
and pull up something okay
so uh let me see
uh-huh 895 ccs it's right here so this
you can't make money I mean obviously if
something you're buying for 750
you can't really make money on that okay
so it does take some time to find
something I mean but
I'm just doing this out of random
completely for you right now so you guys
can see maybe an example
uh Peppa pig medical case let's see if i
found the match
so uh it's just a medical case for 750.
let's see if I can actually go and find
something here
this looks like the one actually let me
take a look at this one it does look
like the right medical case let's take a
look at this guys
um uh seems right it seems like let
I take a look
look at the main image that's my advice
to you guys, you could always look like
at all images make sure there's a
the comparison you see this little girl here
on the image which is fine, it doesn't
have to be exact one but uh
like it has to be an exact item of course
but doesn't have to be like exact images
from the source
compared to amazon okay so here it is
the same item selling for 13 buying for
now the question is can you make any
money on this item here yes we can one
pound 13
not too much going on here actually very
low profits we're probably gonna
we're gonna skip on this
the particular item right now okay now
let me show you another source you can
use which is elc early link center
again go to office okay go to the office
section of the website and just start
going through the things
my number one advice guys do not
focus on items that are heavy okay
because you're gonna be sending things
into amazon, you're gonna be doing
fulfilled by amazon
aka amazon fba so we have to be actually
going and selecting the items
that is fair that is light they're
not like heavy descent okay so uh
this wooden tea set I'm just gonna open
up this wooden tee set here
uh what else here can I open uh I can
open up
um just anything random really
doesn't matter
oh crazy golf for 20 pounds 18
so it's an offer right now copy-paste
the title again go back
to this Peppa pig, I'm gonna put this in
here I'm gonna search
and see ah it's actually here look at
this it's actually is selling on amazon
and uh interesting one actually
for ratings um
let's see if it's uh cl buying options
so it's actually selling for 2080 so
it's not a good thing because we're
buying it for 2018 okay so uh
again wooden c-set is an early landing
the center usually those items are
sold on amazon like alien sense doesn't
sell themselves
but the actual name is there and it
doesn't matter if you
sourcing from alc and is selling it on
amazon for elc
it doesn't really matter okay so no
match on this one but you get an
you get an idea this is what's going on
here so you get an idea of how to
actually, find the item okay so now how
do you know if the item is actually
sells or not let's talk about the actual
sales uh
rank okay explain to you how to uh you
know do the actual um
uh you know how to understand if the item is
sending or not so this chad wally
kitchen here
okay we found it we remember it's
selling for like six something right
extremely cheap and you're seeing it
selling for 24.95 27.99
it's a mistake that a lot of sellers are
committing and making when they're doing
amazon fba
they don't understand how to read the
sales rank properly okay the sales rank
is something when you scroll down on a
and you'll see right there it's actually
not even here it doesn't it's not
available you see here at the bottom
of the property information section, it's
not even there I'll show you on this
item here
on this beauty item here I just showed
you earlier a live pro example
the sales rank is right here 16 941 and
baby products
on this one, it doesn't even exist what
does that mean if there's no sales rank
the item is rubbish
don't even go for it because it has it
has no sales
history has no sales velocity we're
gonna skip on this
product okay so I'm just not even gonna
consider this item right now guys by the
way if you're enjoying this video if
you're getting tons of value don't
forget to smash that like button right
now guys
don't forget to subscribe and leave a
comment if you have some questions feel
free to ask
I will be answering them uh after i
finish this video personally myself and
obviously, you have a chance to win 100
as well if you leave a comment too okay
so um
now no sales rank what do you do
exactly to read the sales rank we have
this table here okay
the school table is free I will include
the link guys for you below this video
in description
so you're going to scroll down there's a
u.s sales rank the one about that kind
of don't worry about that
Mexico that we're at UK one there's the UK
sales rank chart here
all right so if I were to go let's say
and take this item here
I showed you earlier as an example
because it has a sales rank this item is
sold in beauty
beauty okay and we if we look at the
the table here we have
all different categories here on amazon
okay beauty section here
would be right here at the top you see
now you have four million three hundred
and one thousand products in beauty
we typically go for anything under three
percent anything under three percent
sells really well well it sells well
three percent will sell slower than zero
point five percent
and if the item is ranked below three
percent we're going for it
okay just follow this table now here in
this example
it's ranked at 16 941
and that will tell us that this item is
in the top 0.5
which is amazing it's under that it's 16
0.5 and below is 21 510
and anything below this does this make
sense okay
now after you found the product you need
to make sure
you can go and sell it okay so I'm going
to show you right now how to add
your product into the inventory on your
seller central account after you create
it okay so
what we're going to do right now is I'm
going to zoom out okay I'm going to go
here you can take the sin of the item
at the URL at the top that's the asin
you take the ace right there or you can
scroll down and you can take the ace in
from the actual pro description which is
right here take the async from here
copy this we're gonna go to our amazon
right now and we're gonna go and click
add a product okay I've done this
already put the sim into here
and click search now
if it allows me to select conditions as
new and it does
you just go and sell this product you
just click sell this product
okay I'm going to show you how to add
this I'm going to show you what you need
to do right now
you will go and put here you can put
match the lowest price for this one here
so in that case uh yeah this item here
we let me just take a look again
yeah it's selling for 2052 and uh
we founded what did we find this one
here uh
it was just a random uh I'm not sure we
actually found this one here because it
wasn't that it wasn't
a deal exam okay this is just a random
item okay it's not really
an item I just showed you earlier I just
realized right now this was the item i
showed you earlier okay so let me
actually, go here
and look at the beauty 59 000 it's under
three percent so I'm gonna go and take
this sin
and I'm gonna do this uh again I'm not
sure how I uh
um I'm gonna close this go back
put the san okay we could not find any
products ah
let me go back to what is doing this
couldn't find any products let me go
back again
uh should probably is a glitch something
nice strange doesn't matter let's take
another item here this toy item here
we have I'm gonna go and take these toy s
I am
gonna go back to amazon and I'm gonna
click search now it's finding it okay
this toy here that I showed you earlier
so we're gonna go and do this one select
condition as new
now before we even like before I add
this item
I gotta tell you about something if you
a brand new seller your choice for
gonna be gated that's like the main
that's gonna be gay your categories like
grocery health and personal beauty
they're going to be closed as well you
need to open them to open up
something like this is very simple to
open up a category to get ungated on
all you need to do is use a wholesaler
so you cannot go and use the
retail arbitrage site you cannot go and
use the
a retailer that I was just sourcing from
right now in this example, it's just uh
it's a fluoridation website
you can that receipt you know the
paperwork will not work from gating
so you will typically say you close to
sell selling the category and I'm going
to show you right now with wholesale you
can use
to get and get it in UK toys, okay but
let me show you how to list this item
fully and then I will show you
what wholesaler you can actually go and
use okay so click sell this
product what you need to do here it's
pretty straightforward and
click some effect condition is new just
select condition is new
and make sure you're selected amazon
will dispatch and provide customer
that's fine your price put my slowest
click save and finish I'm not gonna do
it right now you know you don't need to
do it I mean just do it later just
click save and finish
and then the rest will be done by the
prep center I'll talk about the prep
center in just a second okay
that's something you would use to pack
your products etc okay so now a
a wholesaler that you use to un-gate toys
is gonna be this one here
NDA toys wholesaler with 99 the
chats you're gonna get
opened up in toys with this wholesaler
all you need to do is create an account for
you can be even a sole trader or best to
have just a company right away
be an ltd get an account with them and
one product in a quantity of 10. okay so
I'm just gonna go and search for like
it doesn't matter just anything buy
okay this one here buy this item in a
quantity of 10 make sure you get
10 units of this product
and you will show that invoice to amazon
you'll submit it only on your amazon
and you will get opened up in toys with
99 chance
this wholesaler will get you and gated
okay that's how it works guys simple and
okay now when you actually um
when you actually add out of the item
okay you got to go and figure out how to
buy an item like what do you do with the
uh buying process and that you know what
do you do after this okay so we're gonna
go and say buy that jelly cut thing by
the way I forgot to check the sales rank
which is 91 000 in toys and that fits
our toys
sales criteria which are actually just
one percent in toys as you see here this
is twice
just above one percent ninety thousand
okay so now we're gonna go and buy this
item what do you typically do you click
now you just add your item to the
inventory okay you do
you add however many quantities you want
to buy let's say you want to buy like
let me just add like a 10
or whatever and you ship it over okay it
only allows you to buy two for this one
so you only can buy two
to be honest it's kind of a slow
sell anyway I won't buy more than like
five anyway for this one
so you will buy this alongside other
items that you buy on this website you
can make like a total order
and you your usual delivery gonna be
free when you meet like 50 pound
criteria it's
very straightforward okay and you send
things over
to a place called a prep center
what is a prep sent okay prep center
is a specified location that will do
all the prepping and packing
for you so you see you've added the item
to inventory why I didn't show you how
to make a shipment and etc
I do show this in my other guides you
can check one more guide guys in the top
right corner right now
for the retail arbitrage in the UK as well
how to do the amazon fba in the UK uh
the complete step-by-step guide
just watched after you finish watching
this video but usually you don't need to
worry about making
shipments and all the doing you know
doing all that stuff because the prep
will do it for your prep centers other
locations that will do the prepping and
they will do re-labeling of your
products and sending things off to
aka fba fulfilled by amazon, they'll send
things over to amazon and they will do
the rest so they will relabel
you send things to ever you send things
to the prep center, you can send things
to yourself
for relabeling and packing if you want
to I've done this myself at the
but it's very time consuming best user
prep they will charge you
like anywhere up to a pound per item
okay so if you say make like let's say
you're making six pounds
profit per item you can make like five
after you pay the prep cost and shipping
the fee to amazon is like 25 pence
per unit so my prep center one i
recommend the link will be available
guys in the description below this video as
well to my recommended prep center
only charges 50 pens per item
so including shipping to amazon from the
prep center the user part of Korea
called ups well up we all know ubs right
they'll ship over to amazon and you'll
pay about 75 pence per one
unit if you're gonna make six pounds
you're gonna make 75 pence less
I mean nothing so but you save yourself
loads of time you don't need to do any
storing doing any labeling you know
sellotaping all doing that all that
you're saving money on materials
everything is covered by the prep
center okay and no you cannot send
things over to amazon okay it doesn't
work this way guys unfortunately okay so
it's just I mean follow the preps
and the criteria guys I recommend using
a prep center is a must in my opinion
now let's go back to the key point of
In this video how do you actually make
money doing this
well you as you guys understand it's all
numbers game
this is a snapshot of one of the
accounts we run for the past 30 days
it's all a numbers game the more products
you buy the more products you're gonna
sell so if you're going to sell
let's say that jellycat thing that
you uh that you had there was making
like five
well how much is this one he's making
okay let's go back let's kind of
summarize this 645
23 18. eight pounds showing on a
okay prep center costs shipping costs
deduct one pound you're making seven
seven pounds you're making on this item
okay now let's say if you're also
um also getting cashback there's
another thing called cashback you can go
and check out the video uh top right
corner for the cashback as well you can
get some money back from buying the
that's another trick I want to give you
guys okay but let's say you make seven
pounds okay
from this time let's say you about
registered because you're eventually
gonna hit a threshold
you don't need to be registered
until you hit a certain threshold if
you're from the UK
so you have like 85 is 86 000 pounds in
but let's say after vt you're gonna make
like 550. okay
it shows an estimate on sale 16. I don't
really trust this
we don't go by this you can easily
multiply this by 2.5 so it's about 40
sales per month
if you're going to take all the 40 sales
okay let's say 40 sales and you do that
by 5.50
you know let's say that's 220 pounds per
item you have
10 items like this you're selling you're
making 2
200 profit per month okay it's all
numbers game
and again this item to be honest it's
not going to sell
40 I think it's going to sell me like 10
15 because it's on a bit on the lower
side of the rank
but you get the idea from this item here
we're making like
a freaking 12 14 pounds profit
so you get the idea guys this is to make
money online in 2021 in the UK
and this is how I've been making
money myself for the past eight years
since 2013 not just in 2021 guys okay
and this is just all numbers game the
more products you buy the more you're
gonna sell the more money you're gonna
make if you do have some questions guys
please ask me below
right now and I'm going to be concluding
this video in just about a second but
I'll show you
where you can find all of my information
as well okay guys if you simply go
and click the link in the description
give me all my information there
all my coachings all my other
information my service if you want to
get mentored by me and etc
my lovely Facebook group we have as well
over 63 000 people in there
of course, follow me everywhere guys that
you can see and of course in the pinned
comment I will be including
a link as well where you can go and find
on all my services all my information
guys because I do have
uh it all available guys for you but
this youtube channel alone
has tons and tons of videos for you
guys to start with
and if you do want to get mentored by me
I do have a coaching program with full
we have a step-by-step guide with a
private Facebook group for my students
with calls with me on the zoom once
every two weeks for private mentoring
which is for a lifetime which is
absolutely priceless and etc guys okay
once again guys if you enjoyed this
video please give me guys a thumbs up
right now
and don't forget to subscribe to this
youtube channel guys mean a lot to me
stay tuned for more videos guys I'll be
wrapping this up this way make money
online 2021 in the UK
the online arbitrage step-by-step
guide it's just that simple guys if you
have some questions
please ask away all links are below and
I'll talk to you guys soon

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