Install TikTok Pixel For Shopify [The Right Way] - make money online

Install TikTok Pixel For Shopify [The Right Way]

how's it going everybody this is corbin
here from zoco marketing in today's
video i'm going to be showing you how to
set up the tick tock pixel
for your shopify store this will allow
you so you can track purchases
um ads to cart and all those different
things um inside here so stay tuned
you'll definitely want to
pay attention to this video if you're
going to be running ads on tick tock
through shopify or even if you are
building your shopify store tick tocks
becoming a really
popular and growing platform so i'm
going to show you how to set up this
pixel real quick here so the first thing
is you need to create a tick tock ads
um and then after you've created that
you're going to see a dashboard that
looks similar something similar to this
you're going to click on this assets
here and then we're going to click click
wait for this to load up and then if you
are running an app you can do
a managed event app event tracking if
you're running an app install campaign
but for the majority of the people
you've come here because this website
we're gonna hit manage now you'll
probably see a little bit different of a
screen when you first hit that because i
already set up a pixel over here on the
left as you can see
so it'll probably be something like
create your first pixel or something
along those lines but I'm going to hit
create pixel right here
and we're going to call this my Shopify
and as you can see you can go through
and add the code manually
so you can copy and paste the code and
put it into your Shopify um code
through the theme. the liquid which is one
option but uh Shopify has actually made
an easier option in the past couple
months and that's why I wanted to update
this video
and bring it to you is that they
actually have now had a direct
integration with Shopify so we're gonna
this next here and we're going to hit
connect with Shopify hit next
and what this is going to do is it's
going to walk us through say hey you
need to go through and
connect your business account so
what we're going to do is we're going to
over to so now in the same once you've
set up this in Shopify then come back to
this step so we're going to go over to
Shopify here
we're going to go to the app store we're
going to search for an app
and we're going to download the tick
tock app it's literally just called tick
tock so
wait for that to load up and uh don't
pay for any of these things you just
want this one that's directly by TikTok
we're going to click this one we're
going to add this app to our Shopify
we're gonna wait for this to load up and
uh if you find value in the video today
please don't forget to like and
subscribe it really does help us
a small YouTuber like myself okay and
after that has been downloaded it will
take you to a screen that looks
something like this
so we are going to add this sale
channel here
wait for that to load up next we're just
going to hit this setup nowhere
we're going to then need to connect our
account to our tick-tock account so
we're going to hit create connect
account here
and I'm using the same Gmail for both
accounts so it makes it easy to connect
those things
hit connect here it's going to pull that
as you can see it found my
my ads manager account that's the one
that I want so we make sure that that's
the correct one
and then we're going to scroll down here
and we're going to hit connect right on
this then next we need to accept these
terms and conditions right here
pixel tracking so as you see my Shopify
pixel that's the one that I created
inside of there so that's the one that
we want
we want to hit connect
and then this is going to ask about
advanced matching features you most
likely do want to keep this enabled you
might have to change some things in your
privacy policy
for the to add it to tick-tock different
things but most of the time you're going
to want to keep this enabled
and then we're going to select our
target locations for me i'm only going
for the united states so i'm going to
confirm that in there
and i've already added a payment method
we're going to hit go to payment method
it should be already attached
to my account it's bringing this back
and yep there's my payment method so now
we go back to shopify
and everything is now all set up says
great job now you're ready to start
running campaigns and growing our tick
tock business so now we're going to go
back over to Shopify
and we're going to hit I've set up the
pixel for Shopify
this is going to load up and now as you
can see we have my Shopify pixel
now this will probably take a little bit
of time to start seeing data inside of
here but you will want to go to your
and check the to make sure the pixel is
on there and everything's firing
correctly so I'll show you how to do
that right now
and here we are on my demo Shopify site
if you follow me on youtube
you know that this site has been a long
time just in the demo phase maybe one
the day I'll finish it and uh
actually have an apparel shop here but
anyways what you're going to do is
download the TikTok pixel helper
as you see I have it up here in my
chrome-extension so just go to google
download tick tick tock pixel upper and
this will then when you land on your
the website you're going to want to click on
this and you'll notice
when we look here there is a page view
it's my Shopify pixel
now you're not going to want to stop
there what you're going to do is
actually, go through your checkout flow
to make sure that it's
tracking the events as the user goes
through the process so you can create
look like audiences
and all sorts of advanced features
inside there so, for instance, you want to
come to your catalog or wherever your
store is at
just click on any of your products and
you'll notice here in the tick-tock
pixel helper
we're going to get a couple more events
that are firing um inside of here and
you're going to make sure these are
working so
we're going to click in on this and
you'll notice that now there is a page
view and a product detail page view and
as you see we're on a product page view
so that's why that is fine and then
that's what happens when I add this to
cart so if I add to the cart
and then we click on this now you'll
notice that an event fired add to cart
um you kind of get the idea but you'll
want to go through now and
actually view the cart and then if you
can send a test payment through as well
to make sure that the purchase
event fires which are obviously the most
important one inside of there so
for instance, if we go here to checkout
the page you'll see that now
um I think there's another event that
fires inside of there
wait for this to load up um once again
don't forget to subscribe if you found
value today
and we're going to click on this and
you'll see that now the initiate
checkout is inside of there so I'm not
going to go any farther and actually
initiate a test purchase
but um that is how you set up your
Facebook or you're sorry your Shopify
pixel and I wonder if these events are
not going to meet now yeah see let's
refresh this and see if these events are
firing inside of there yet
not quite so it's still taking just a
second here
okay so about uh five or ten minutes has
gone by and as you can see now those
events have started registering here
so when we go to my Shopify pixel
you can click in and you'll see that we
have uh the total events it's nice
because it breaks it out into
all those different things that we
talked about so there is the
page views that I had the add to cart
the um
product page views and then the initiate
checkout so the pixel is working
everything looks like it's firing
correctly I didn't go all the way
through to purchase but if I did i
imagine I would see it inside of there
and that is how you set up the tick-tock
um if you want to learn how to set up a
full tik-tok ads campaign I've actually
created a full video for that
from beginning to end and now that you
have your pixel set up uh you're halfway
through there so don't forget to check
out that video, if you want to start
running ads on tick tock
and once again don't forget to subscribe
it really means the world to me


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