- Hey, everyone and welcome back.
Today, we're gonna be discussing
one of my old-time favorite topics,
because as my subscribers know,
there are two things in life that I am obsessed with.
The first thing is to make sure that I do not forget
to thank everybody who takes a moment
out of their very busy day
to get my videos alike and to subscribe
because seriously, every time you do it,
it genuinely supports me.
So thank you so much for doing so.
But the second thing, of course,
the most subscribers know I am obsessed with
is earning passive money online
or autopilot while I sleep.
Yep, I love building passive income sources.
And today, I'm gonna be showing you one way
that anyone including you could begin creating
your own online-based passive income source right now.
And that is by making and selling
your own easy-to-create digital products.
Yep, today, I'm gonna show you
how to create digital products to sell
and earn money on autopilot
using one of my favorite websites, Etsy.
One of my longtime subscribers
will definitely know what Etsy is.
I'll quickly explain it
to those of you that are new around here
because we do get a lot of new viewers on this channel.
So Etsy is an online marketplace that anyone can list
and sell items on just like eBay.
The difference though compared to eBay
is that to sell an item on Etsy,
you need to have helped
being a part of the design or creation process.
hence it needs to be handmade.
Because of that, Etsy has become very trendy
and very popular getting hundreds of millions
of customers each month.
Luckily though,
even though the items need to be handmade there,
the items themselves don't need to be a physical items,
such as a T-shirt.
Know that lots of people are making it
selling digital products on hand
and making thousands of dollars every month doing so.
So take this poster here.
This person isn't selling an actual poster.
Instead, they are selling the file
which features the poster design.
When customers buy this poster,
Etsy will automatically send them the files
to download instantly.
So Etsy takes care of the payment collection
and fulfillment process for you.
Not only this though,
but Etsy effectively markets your downloads too.
Since Etsy is so popular, as I said,
every month, hundreds of millions of customers
are coming here looking to buy products.
Most Etsy sellers don't actively market their products
on places like Facebook,
because customers are naturally coming here
looking for items and finding them every day.
And so if you're looking
to sell a digital download like this,
your Etsy store can effectively run itself and market itself
and make money on autopilot, which is pretty cool.
So in this video,
I'm gonna be showing you 10 different methods
that you could be using to take advantage of this
by showing you 10 easy-to-create digital products
that you could be making and selling right now
that do not require any artistic or graphic design skills.
And the reason why I know that
is because as you will see in this video,
I'm gonna show you how I was able to make these designs.
Yep, and I'm not an artist.
So I'm gonna be showing you the processes used
to make my own versions of these products
inside of my favorite beginner-friendly graphic at Canvas,
so that you can get ideas
on how you could create your own products
and see that yes, you could be making
and selling similar items to this too.
So then, let's begin with the first product then.
The first product is posters.
Yes, I pretty much gave that away
in the video introduction, didn't I?
But yeah, this is a great digital product to sell
whether you're an artist or not.
So obviously if you are an artist,
you can paint or draw cool pictures
and sell them as downloadable files.
Let's take this poster set here,
this features downloadable paintings.
And it's pretty amazing because, after running calculations,
there is a high chance that this poster set
has made over $63,000 on autopilot.
The way that I calculated that was I looked at the reviews.
This poster set has had 127 reviews,
which is roughly 5% of the store's total reviews.
Most likely then this poster set also makes up
around 5% of the store's total sales.
So if we take 5% of the store's total sales,
and then times it by the poster set price
of just over $20, that comes to over $63,000,
all on autopilot, all for painting four pictures
and then selling them as downloadable files.
So yes, this is a great way for artists to make money,
but it's also a really great way
for non-artists to make money as well.
And the reason for that is because people love downloading
and buying cool typography posters is on Etsy as well.
And so not only does this successful Etsy store
sell paintings as posters,
but they also sell these awesome quote posters too.
And the great thing
about typography wood-based quote posters
is that anyone can make these using Canva,
no painting or drawing skills are required.
And to prove that to you as I promised,
here's a recording of me making my own version
of this poster step by step.
And just to clarify,
I'm creating my own versions of these products,
not to encourage you to copy them.
I never endorse nor recommend copying others.
I'm doing this to simply prove
that if you had been the one to come up with this poster,
that you could have made it
using a beginner-friendly graphic like Canva
and that you don't have to be able to draw or paint
to be able to create downloadable posters
to sell for money online.
And check out this other method that people are using
to earn passive income online every day
from selling digital downloads, blank sticker templates.
It's just a downloadable sheet
featuring a blank sticker layout.
So let's take this one here.
It's had 66 reviews,
which is roughly 5% of the store's total reviews,
which is 1,287 reviews.
This means that there is a good chance
that it also makes up
around 5% of the store's total sales too.
Well, if you do the maths
and you take 5% of the store's total sales,
which is 802 sales and downloads,
and then times set by the price of $3 and 45 cents,
this one downloadable sheet,
which just features gray shield shapes
has likely made this store over $2,000 in passive income.
And this is just one of the sticker sheets that they sell.
They sell other ones like this one here
that features circles.
And you know, all of this passive income, it adds up.
And I can imagine that some of you are probably wondering
why these are so popular with customers?
Well, the reason why
is because they're actually really helpful.
Because when customers buy them from you,
they know that the shapes will print
at the exact size they need
to fit onto the objects they're making stickers for.
People are paying for the convenience
of having a sheet of perfectly sized objects made for them.
So for this one,
the sizes need to be two inches in diameter.
And start to make my own version
of this blank sticker sheet,
I'm using two tools in Canva.
Firstly, I'm using a pre-installed circle object tool
and secondly, I'm using the inbuilt rule with the feature.
The rule is you can use them to ensure
that your objects are sized correctly and spaced correctly.
It's a handy feature and I absolutely love it.
Or of course, another method that you can use
to make money with digital downloads
is to sell the actual sticker designs yourself.
So if you're an artist, you can draw your own stickers
and organize them onto an 84-sheet size file
so that people can download
and print them onto sticker sheets.
Or if you aren't an artist, you can focus
on creating cool typography designs like this.
And so of course, since I'm a non-artist,
I'm gonna choose to recreate my own version
of the typography design for this video.
As I've mentioned before on this channel,
stickers are currently one of my favorite products to sell
and make passive income online with.
Stickers are exploding in popularity
and that's because stickers allow you
to take a generic item and customize it.
So for example, you might have noticed
that I've personalized my laptop with stickers.
Yes, thousands of people have the same make
and model of laptop as I do.
But because I place stickers on mine, it's now unique.
That's why stickers are so hot
and everyone wants to buy them right now.
This is why it's an extra bonus idea
on how you can make passive money online.
Once you've designed your digital sticker designs,
why don't you sell them as actual stickers?
This store here is just one example
of a successful Etsy sticker store
making thousands of dollars every month from stickers.
Of course, since this isn't a digital product,
I'm not counting it towards my final list
of 10 different methods and ideas,
it's just a make sure ideal method to think about.
So if we take the sticker as a typography design,
it's had 116 reviews,
which is roughly 1.5% of the store's total reviews,
which means that there's also a reasonable chance
that it's made up 1.5% of the store's total sales too.
Well, if we do the math,
1.5% of the store's total sales is 599 sales,
which if we times by the sticker starting price
of $3 and 47 cents,
it means we can estimate that this one topography sticker
has made most likely at least over $2,000.
But I can imagine a bunch of you out there
are thinking, well, "Gee, Sarah, that sounds great."
But I said this video is supposed
to be about earning passive income,
printing and shipping out my own stickers,
doesn't sound very passive to me.
Well, actually, to sell stickers,
you don't need to do any of that at all.
And I know because as I said, I sell stickers online
and I do not make or ship any of them out.
Nope, and that's because as I explained in this video,
I use print-on-demand apps to handle all that for me
so I can sell stickers
and earn passive money from them on autopilot.
No printing or shipping is required.
And if you'd like to learn more
about how you could sell physical items
like stickers and T-shirts passively like I do
without having to make or ship them yourself,
you can be sure to download my free ebook.
The six steps that six-figure online stores follow
to make over $10,000 a month.
And you'll find a link to download my free ebook
in the video description below.
But anyway, back to the video.
And onto another method that you can use
to earn passive money online
by creating and selling digital products.
And that is by making a selling greeting cards
like Mother's Day cards and Father's Day cards
and birthday cards.
So customers will download these
and print them onto cardboard themselves.
If you're an artist, obviously you can use this
as an opportunity to draw or paint some amazing art.
But if you aren't, don't worry,
there are plenty of successful text-based designs
that make use of simple graphics like this one
and they sell great.
And so for those of you watching this video closely,
you probably notice that this card features a pun.
And that's really not a surprise to me
because when it comes to greeting cards,
especially birthday cards like this one,
people often like to give ones
that make the other person laugh.
And so if you think that it would be fun
to design and sell cards,
I definitely recommend researching different jokes
and puns that you can use.
At the end of the day,
most people want to get some sort of reaction
out of the person that they're giving a card to.
Whether it's a laugh or awe
that makes it with a sweet type of reaction,
that's what we're looking for
when we gift cards to other people.
So make sure you design your cards with that in mind.
Ask yourself what type of reaction
am I trying to get out of the recipient?
And also with this design,
you may have noticed that it features text
that's arched around the donut.
Well, making text arch like this
used to be really difficult,
but due to popular demand, Canva recently added a tool
that makes doing this super simple,
which is extremely handy.
Thanks to that tool, creating something like this
was very easy and mostly just a process
of dragging and dropping text boxes
and picture elements onto the Canvas.
And onto another method to earn passive money online,
selling digital products,
making and selling affirmation cards.
So people like to buy these to print them out onto cardboard
and they can cut them into cards
that they can leave around the house, their car,
their bags, anywhere just as a reminder to stay positive.
So these are great ideas to consider.
It's also really great for beginners to create and sell
because as you can see
through my step-by-step screen recording,
you don't have to paint any pictures
or draw any borders yourself.
Instead, you can take advantage
of Canva's drag and drop pictures
and use the pre-installed pictures instead
to combine them with text boxes,
to create your own inspiring and uplifting affirmation card.
And if instead of inspiring, you're instead looking
for a fun method to make money online,
why not consider making and selling
your own downloadable quiz sheets and quiz packs?
Yes, people hosting parties such as bridal showers
and DK-themed birthday parties
and baby showers love buying these pre-made quizzes
so that they can just print them out
and use them to make their parties more fun.
So then, I went ahead and made my own version
of this baby shower quiz step-by-step and recorded myself.
So that you could see which buttons I clicked
and which options I use to prove
that you don't have to be an artist
to make something like this to self passive income online.
Remember, I don't recommend
that you copy preexisting quizzes.
Instead, if you're watching this video,
I think that making and selling a quiz would be a fun way
to build a source of passive income online.
Think about how you could make a new quiz instead.
Maybe you make and sell a baby shower quiz,
but you come up with new questions and a new layout.
Maybe you pick a completely different niche
to make a quiz on.
For example, you could try
and replicate a standard bar quiz night
for people that want to host a bar questing party.
I'd love to know what fun quizzes you've come up with
so let me know in the comment section below.
And of course, as you can see,
it was not hard for me to create a quiz sheet
to make and sell thanks to Canva.
It was just a process of dragging and dropping pictures
and dragging and dropping text boxes around
and filling them in with questions.
And with that, boom, a baby shower quiz sheet was completed.
No artistic abilities are required.
And speaking of games,
here is another fun method to make money online,
selling scavenger hunt kits.
Now, these generally come in two different types.
The post is a page that features pictures of items
to find the checkboxes next to each one
for kids to spot and then take them off.
And the second is a scavenger hunt kit.
So you create lots of different cards
and people print them out
and hide them around their house or in the garden.
And when kids find one card, it will contain a clue
on how to find the next card and so on.
Well, making a downloadable printable scavenger hunt
like this is not only a lot of fun,
but in my opinion, it's also surprisingly easy.
And you can see for yourself,
as you watch me create my own version of one of these cards
in this top-selling scavenger hunt kit step by step.
And someone that I think
a lot of people don't think about it enough
when it comes to starting a business
is whether it's fun or not.
So for example,
let's say I had two different businesses I could start.
One business I really enjoyed doing
and had a lot of fun with
and it earned me a fine amount of money.
The second business thought was more profitable.
It could earn me a lot more money doing it,
however, it wasn't fun, working on it didn't bring me joy.
Well out of these two businesses,
I choose the first one, why?
Well, because something I've learned over time
is that if I don't enjoy something,
it can be really difficult to stay motivated doing it.
And on the flip side, it's much easier to stay motivated
if you do like what you do.
And so while it measuredly, scavenger hunt kits
aren't as popular or profitable as the posters.
If you do enjoy making scavenger hunt kits
and don't enjoy making posters,
I'd recommended you instead work
on making and selling scavenger hunt kits.
I recommend you choose to start a business
that brings you joy.
But if you would rather create games
for adults rather than children,
then this next method to make passive income online
with digital downloads might be for you, date night games.
This involves designing cards
that can be printed off featuring fun date night ideas.
You can create blank date night cards
that can be edited with your customer's ideas.
Or if you feel like being creative,
you can come up with your own ones and sell them as a pack.
People can download them, print them out
, pop them into a jar, and pull one out each timethey need a fun new date night idea.
Some people will hand-make date night jars just for these.
So customers will purchase the date night cards on Etsy,
and then they'll purchase a date night game jar
in Etsy as well to pop them in,
which makes for a pretty cool Valentine's Day gift.
So there you go, next Valentine's Day,
if you don't know what to buy your significant other,
now you have a backup gift plan.
And as you can see, making these cards is very simple.
What really makes these cards special
is the combination of cool-trend fonts
with fun date night ideas.
The actual process of making,
designing the cards themselves for sale
is honestly really basic.
Do you have any other ideas for other fun game kits
that you could create and sell online for passive income?
Let me know in the comment section below,
I'd love to hear your ideas.
But if games aren't really your thing,
then perhaps you should consider this next method
to make passive income online, selling checklists.
I know my New Zealand accent sounds
like I am saying chick list,
but I mean, C-H-E-C-K list, I swear.
So, there are two types of checklists.
The first, the checklist aimed at adults
to help them complete tasks like packing
and the second is bright, fun
and colorful checklists designed for children.
Parents buy these checklists to download them
and print them off and then stick them onto the wall
to help kids keep track of the different chores
and tasks they need to do for the day.
When you're creating a product
such as a checklist for children,
there are a couple of tips to keep in mind.
First of all,
adults often appreciate beautiful minimalist designs.
Children prefer big, bright pictures.
As you can see this checklist
that I'm making my own version of has big, bright pictures.
And my second tip is that children also love the color.
As you can see, the color palette for this checklist
that I'm making my own version of is rainbow,
children love rainbows.
And that's because children are still learning
about the world around them.
And since they're still intellectually developing,
they rely more heavily than adults on their senses
to guide them such as their sight.
And so when they see big, bright rainbow colors,
their brain starts firing like crazy.
And they're like, whoa, that's so interesting,
I must check it out.
Children don't have the intellectual capacity yet
to appreciate the beauty in a minimalist design
and are instead much more interested in things
that visually pop and that stimulate their senses.
And so to matter what you're making for kids, this applies.
Are you making a T-shirt for kids?
Use lots of colors.
Are you making a sticker for kids?
Use lots of colors.
And so something else that's really great
to use lots of color with his lunchbox notes. (chuckles)
In my opinion, this is a super fun method
to make passive income online with digital downloads.
If you're an artist
and you can draw some cute, colorful pictures
and notes yourself, or if you aren't an artist,
you can stick to more typography focused designs
like these ones here,
and make some fun inspiring lunchbox notes for children,
even if drawing and painting aren't your things.
Just like with the affirmation cards,
I think that these are great ideas to create and sell.
I remember as a kid,
that if I was having a tough day at school.
I was being bullied
because of my speech and hearing impairment
that getting a nice note from my mum
and my lunchbox always made my day.
It made me feel more confident
and made me feel good about myself.
Sometimes you just aren't having a great day.
And so getting a surprisingly uplifting note like this
really helps, and so when you create
and sell these, you know that each time
a child receives one on their lunchbox,
that you're adding a little moment of joy into the lives,
which I think is a really special thing.
So then, which of these ideas are you most excited about?
Let me know in the comment section below,
and if you'd like to learn more
about building passive income sources online,
you can be sure to subscribe
and hit that little notification bell
so that you don't miss any of my videos.
And if you'd like to learn more
about how I have built passive income online,
you should be sure to watch my video.
The five income sources that I built in my 20s
that earns me over a thousand dollars a day.
Just go ahead, watch my next video
and I'll see you over there
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