Install Pinterest Pixel With Google Tag Manager - make money online

Install Pinterest Pixel With Google Tag Manager

 how's it going everybody, Corbin, here

from zoo marketing in today's video, I'm
going to be showing you how to install
Pinterest pixel uh on your website
through google tag manager um Pinterest
has made this really easy google tag
the integration they have has made it
really easy so we're going to jump right
in on how to do this
first actually before I do why you would
want to do this is because
uh this is the first step you'll want to
take if you want to run ads on Pinterest
the conversion events allow you to know
when the ads are actually working and
when they're not
if you don't install this uh this this
tag on
to your website and you start running
Pinterest ads you'll basically be flying
blind so
um something very important to do
and now I'm going to show you how to set
that up so the first thing you want to
is come over to your Pinterest account
and then you're going to see you have
ads tab you're going to come to
conversions and then it's going to take
you to the tab that I'm on
I'm currently right here sorry i
shouldn't have clicked it because now
it's going to load up but
and as you can see we're in the tag
little tab and you're going to scroll
down here and if you haven't had your
uh set up you're gonna see the exact
the same screen that I see here if you
already have one set up then you'll see
something different this is like
a name of pixel and then uh something on
that side of there and you can verify
your tag but
we're actually gonna need to install
this so we're gonna come over here and
we're gonna get started
to use an integration partner and the
the first one you're going to see here is
google tag manager which is awesome
uh now I do have a video on how to
install this through Shopify if you are
on a Shopify store
you'll want to follow that tutorial I'll
link it right here and then down below
as well
make sure to go check that out but we're
going to talk about google tag manager
for here so we're going to click on this
and then it's going to walk you through
some steps on how to actually do this so
we're going to hit next and then we're
going to relaunch
and what this is going to do is it's
going to connect to your google tag
manager account
uh so essentially choose the email that
has your google that is linked to your
google tag manager so and then it's
going to ask for
a few different permissions here we're
going to allow allow
and then allow waiting for this to load up
once again it must be the
same email that you use for google tag
manager and for the Pinterest account
we're going to allow these permissions
you need to publish google tag manager
container manager container
and then hit allow
now we're gonna wait for this to load up
and then here's the account this
Pinterest account the container that i
want to it to be inside of
so this is what you have it named inside
of your google tag manager account so
you'll notice that here is the container
and then it's pulling in the container
house to home day dot com
uh so then we're gonna hit next
and then I'm just gonna call this
Pinterest tag and then I'm going to i
would just like to
name it the account name as well so
we're going to put that
oh I can't have the parentheses so we're
just going to do this then
I do not even allow that okay um and then
we're going to hit install tag
and once this loads up congratulations
your tag is now successfully added so
super easy to do
inside of this option through this
integration directly we're going to hit
done now
and what we're gonna do is I'm gonna
show you how to test this event so
um there are a couple different ways the
The first one is um it says it may take up
to 10 minutes to verify your tag let's
try this real quick we're going to come
over here to test events
and then um your tag is received we're
going to set complete tag setup
oh yeah so it's going to it's going to
wait a few minutes before we have this
option so
while we're waiting for this option I'm
going to show you the other way on how
test this and we're going to go over to
Google when you type in Pinterest
um uh tag helper
I'm gonna click on that
and we are going to add this to chrome
wait for that add it up there along with
the other million
extensions that I have and as you see it
added up there and then we need to
actually, pin it uh
right there pin it up and then so now we
have it showing in our google chrome tab
now we're going to go to our website
and let this load up real quick
and then we are going to um
Click on that and as you can see here we
already have one firing which means that
the tag is
already is probably inside of
there so no tag issues or warnings found
which is good we have a green little
and then the event was initialized
successfully so the Pinterest tag is now
firing on our website correctly which is
exactly what we need it to do so
now uh that's confirmed that's one way
to confirm it the other way is coming
back over to Pinterest
we can see if this now um gives us the
option to use their test feature event
and there it is so now uh we've it's
been like two or three minutes now we
can go through and actually add our
the website I'm just gonna go through
copy this add it there launch
wait for this site to load up here and
then we come back over to Pinterest
and we give it a second give it a second
and there is the tag firing correctly
and its
the source is through google tag manager and
that is how
you install the Pinterest pixel onto
your website
if you want to learn how to run
Pinterest ads and actually set up a full
campaign from the beginning to the end
I will have I do have a full tutorial
out right now um feel free to click
anywhere on the screen, I think I'll have
it I'm showing up inside there or down
below is the description
Oh go check out those videos if you want
to learn how to run Pinterest ads

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