#Cashina Make $2,300/Day Using GOOGLE! | Copy & Paste (Make Money Online) - make money online

#Cashina Make $2,300/Day Using GOOGLE! | Copy & Paste (Make Money Online)

 today I will show you how you can make 2

easily through this brand new strategy
this is available worldwide and it's
absolutely free to do no social media is
involved and you don't need a camera or
any expensive equipment for that matter
stay tuned and keep watching to find out
how now just before I show you
everything if you like this type of
content and you'd like to see more then
support my channel by giving this video
a thumbs up below and so you don't miss
out on any future videos to come then
Click on that red subscribe button and
turn on the notifications and you'll get
notified whenever I upload a new video
with all of that said let's now jump
straight into the tutorial so I can show
you everything okay so today guys I have
a strategy for you that involves
affiliate marketing and I'm assuming
most of you know what that is since
you're watching this video after all but
in case you don't affiliate marketing is
basically promoting a product for some
company and when someone you referred to
that product via your referral link
purchases it you will get paid a set
percentage of the product's sales price
now with that said your very first step
is to come over to
digistore24.com this as you may guess is
an affiliate marketplace where you can
find a bunch of products you can promote
it's a site that's very similar to
clickbank.com but with one major
difference digistore24 works worldwide
meanwhile, Clickbank here is as good of a
the site, as it is, is not worldwide available
if it happens to be available in your
the country though you can most definitely
use it but I will go along here with
digistore24 instead now when you first
come on here what you need to do is
create your account before you can start
promoting anything as an affiliate and
as such you want to click on either
start now it's free to sign up here or
register now in the upper right corner
and you will want to just enter in some
of your basic information to
create your brand new account
once you create and log into your
the account you now need to head over to the
affiliate marketplace and so you want to
click on the marketplace right here and then
on all offers on affiliate marketplace
below and it's on the very next page
where you will actually be able to grab
affiliate links to all the different
products and as you can see on the left
hand side you have all of these
different categories
they range from animals and pets to
business and investment games and fun
and so on now how much money you will
get paid when you get a purchase on a
the product you're promoting you can see
right here
just above that, you have the commissions
or how much of a percentage of the
product sales price you will get which
in this case, as you can see is 85
now with that said while this platform
offers you a lot of different products
for you to promote and why you can
choose whatever you want to promote i
will be focusing on one particular type
of offer affiliate marketing courses to
find them you will just have to type in
the keyword affiliate in the search bar
here is the main reason I recommend
affiliate marketing courses guys is the
fact that they are popular as simple as
that there are so many people out there
who want to make money online through
affiliate marketing and that in turn
means that you can make a lot of money
promoting any one of these anyways what
you need to do from here is simply put
find something good to promote and you
wanna in particular pay attention to the
commission rate and how much you will be
getting paid per referral here's an
the offer I will be using as an example it
will pay me 50 commissions which are 230
dollars per single referral which is
actually quite a lot this means I don't
have to refer that many people to be
able to earn a lot of money when you
guys find a product you like that will
also, pay you quite decently just click
on promoting now to be able to
grab the affiliate link to it from there
you will want to head over to some link
shortening service you have bitly tiny
URL and many many others you can use i
personally would recommend bitly.com and
you now want to paste the link in here
and then click on shorten now the reason
we're doing this the reason you want to
shorten your affiliate link is first off
because it's a bit obvious that you are
promoting a product as an affiliate due
to the fact that your affiliate link
starts with digistore24.com
and secondly because the link simply
looks a lot better when you shorten it
with this platform, this is an optional
step but I would nevertheless highly
recommend that you do this okay so now
that you have your link shortened or not
it's finally time for me to show you how
to get traffic to it and while there are
many ways to do so through social media
youtube and whatnot we will actually be
using google and I will show you how you
can put that link in front of people who
are interested in making money online
who will want to check out this free
course and who might want to purchase
the product as well and earn you
thousands of dollars
anyhow what you want to do on Google is
Search for work from home blogs like I'm
doing now you don't have to type
this in per se you can type in a
different keyword so you get more
results perhaps you can search for best
make money online blogs best online
business blogs or so on the point is you
want to find people who as I said
want to make money online and what
a better place for that than a site where
people discuss making money online every
a single day, in any case, you now want to
open up any one of these sites and you
now want to pick any one of these make
money online blogs which one you go for
really doesn't matter I opened up this
one here as an example and what you will
need to do from here is simply find
various blog posts and open some of them
up and here's why 99 of the time these
blog posts will have comments at the
the very bottom of the page and every single
one of these people in the comments
section wants to make money online so
when you present them with a course here
to make money online there's a great
the chance that they will sign up to it now
with that said what you don't want to do
is spam your affiliate link in these
comments not only will that get you
banned but you won't get any clicks on
your link what you instead need to do is
talk to these people first you don't
want to make it obvious that you are
promoting anything so just talk to them
first provide some value you can perhaps
tell them how this course changed your
life and allowed you to make money
online for the first time in your life
stuff like that and only then will you
Share your affiliate link you will want
to repeat this process guys for all of
these different posts on all of the
different blogs that you can find and
here's the best part about this these
blogs get thousands upon thousands of
visits and if you get like 150 people to
sign up for your course in like 10 days
which by the way is insanely
conservative and you get just a single
sale in that same period that would
amount to nearly three thousand dollars
in a little over a week so not only do
you have thousands of potential
customers but you don't need so many of
them to purchase the product for you to
make a lot of money what you can also do
this strategy is promoting a few
other similar make money online products
from digistore24 here as I said you want
to focus primarily on affiliate
marketing courses for many different
reasons but it's not a bad idea to mix
things up a bit and promote something
else alongside it, if you want to that is
in any case, however, you want to do it as
you've seen this strategy is incredibly
effective and it can indeed make you a
a lot of money online
anyways with that said this is it for
today's video guys as always if you
liked it and you are enjoying my content
then be sure to give this video a thumbs
up below to support my channel and in
case you don't want to miss out on any
future videos just like this one then
Click on that red subscribe button and
turn on the notifications and you'll be
notified whenever a new video pops up as
always thank you all for watching and
I'll see you soon

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