by using this website here you can make
a lot of money online
you just have to watch this video
through to the end and you will then be
able to start making money with this
brand new strategy
by repeating the same process again and
again for an unlimited amount of times
to earn as much money as you want this
is free
worldwide and it does not require you to
have any equipment nor
skills now just before we start guys i
want to give a quick
shout out to my friend Sarah who's out
there helping people make some real
money online
and in fact, some people are making
thousands of dollars thanks to her
so if you haven't already then check out
her channel which will be linked in the
description down below
the first 50 people to watch all of her
videos like them
comment and subscribe we'll get a 5
Paypal gift card each
so just open up our channel and like
comment and subscribe
good luck to everyone so the site in
the question that we will be using today
in order to make a lot of money online
is called
this is a site you might have heard
about before but
if you haven't you can see right here
what it's for
make your video go viral on our platform
is simple and easy to use we put your
video in front of the right audience to
ensure that your video is seen
get big results with even the smallest
so as you've just heard this in essence
helps with your video popularity
so this tool is perfect for people who
are struggling to get views on their
videos and want more exposure
as simple as that now something i really
really love about this tool guys are its
as you can see we have a 4.9-star rating
with some giant companies being
showcased such as google
honda and so on and it's not just on
their homepage that the reviews are
if you come over to
you'll see that it has
fantastic reviews on here as well with
4.7 stars
and over 300 reviews thus far just over
80 percent of people
rated it as excellent and only a total
of 8 percent
rated it as poor and bad so it's a very
legitimate platform guys and these
reviews will be very important for us
but not because we will be using sprizzy
so don't worry you won't be like
creating youtube videos and then using
spazzy to get views
nothing like that anyways how breezy
helps you get views on youtube you can
see right here
first off tell sprizzy what kind of
the audience you want to target
this of course depends on the type of
video you're creating whether they're
gaming videos funny videos or
others what happens from there is
basically, sprizzy does
all of the work they will use youtube
ads as you can see right here
to advertise and promote your videos to
people who will actually want to view it
and of course, the end result of that is
more views
subscribers and engagement as is said
further down you will see who is working
with sprizzy at the moment
and just below that, you can see that in
what niche the channel is
doesn't matter whatsoever in any case
since you now know how this tool works
which was
important for me to explain and show you
guys, I will skip going over all the
other stuff showcased on their homepage
but of course, if you're interested feel
free to read it all
what you need to do on here is scroll
down to the bottom of the page
and then click on an affiliate program
right over here
that will now take you straight over to
this page and yes
we will indeed be promoting sprizzy as
an affiliate
and the main reason is simply put that a
lot of people
need sprizzy youtube is one of the most
popular platforms with nearly 40 million
different youtube channels out there
this is very important guys because this
means that you have an endless pool of
people who will need sprizzy
in other words, you have an endless pool
of potential customers
and this is very important with
affiliate marketing because if nobody
wants to use the site you're promoting
then you can't make any money as simple
as that
now with that big upside, there is a bit
of a downside to sprizzy's affiliate
program which I have to mention
and that is the fact that it only offers
commissions which isn't a lot but i
think that the sheer
number of customers more than makes up
for it in any case
what you now need to do is simply sign
up to their affiliate program by
entering in your first and last names
the email address your password click on I'm
not a robot right here
take this box and finally click on sign
up now to create your account
and once you do you'll want to grab that
affiliate link from there
once you grab your affiliate link it's
now time for me to show you a place
where you will get traffic
and believe it or not guys there is no
a better place for that than youtube
it may sound a bit confusing and
surprising at first but think about it
where is the best place to find people
who will need help with their youtube
on youtube of course now I will show you
how to get traffic through youtube
but I will also show you another traffic
the source that you guys can check out
that can actually get you even better
results anyhow what you will need to do
on youtube
is search for something along the lines
of how to get more views on youtube
these kinds of videos are being uploaded
quite often
actually every few months a new one pops
up and what you'll now need to do
is find some recent video that also has
a decent number of views
the video doesn't have to be like two
days old or whatever as long as it isn't
older than three or four months you're
here's one I opened up as an example
it's called
how to get more views on youtube in 2021
and it has gotten nearly 150
000 views thus far and it's been
uploaded in February so this video
basically fits my criteria very very
and is the perfect example of what you will
now want to do is scroll down to the
comments section
and it's in the comments where you can
literally, find the perfect customers for
because think about it they are
commenting on a video they have most
likely watched about growing their
youtube channel and get more views
and that means there's a high chance
that they will be interested in sprizzy
but what do you want to do before you try
and contact some of these people
is click on sort by and then select
first, you want to do this to avoid
responding to old comments
since they most likely will not even see
a reply let alone click on your
affiliate link
what you will basically do now is the reply
to all of these comments saying
something like
this tool here can help you grow on
youtube this can help you get more views
on youtube
and so on and then leave your affiliate
the link next to that
you will reply to as many of these
comments as you can
and when you start running out of newer
comments you will simply switch videos
and find another one
open it up and do the same thing and
basically, rinse and repeat from there
and since there are new videos being
uploaded about growing on youtube
all the time and since there are new
comments being left on those very videos
all the time
you will never run out of customers and
in this way
as you may guess you will be making a
a lot of money but not
in passive income as effective as this
you will have to constantly look out for
customers that might want to use spray
so that is a bit of a flaw with this
method as such
you might want to try out this second
traffic source I have for you
the link which I left in the
description box below if you want to
give it a try
although this is a paid software I would
highly recommend you guys check it out
simply put it's much easier to get
traffic to your sprizzy affiliate link
with this software
as you can see you just have to push one
button to get traffic to
any affiliate link in 23 seconds and do
keep in mind that this means you can
make money with any website that you
want to promote
no matter what niche it's in you can
promote sprizzy
you can promote some digital products on
some CPA or Cpl offer on app plus and
offer vault
literally, anything this in turn
means you can make a lot more money than
if you were just promoting sprizzy with
the free strategy
you can see here that this is made for
absolute beginners
so every single one of you watching this
can get paid with this tool
and as if that wasn't enough you can see
that they offer a 365-day money back
and that they will actually pay you 250
dollars if this doesn't work out for you
so you aren't even risking your money
with this software
which is why I would once again highly
recommend you check it out at the very
by clicking on that very first link down
in the description
in case you don't have any money or you
just don't want to risk it
then feel free to promote sprizzy
through youtube as I have shown you
because in that way you will still be
able to make thousands of dollars
and with that said this is it for
today's video guys
as always if you liked it and you're
enjoying my content
then be sure to give this video a thumbs
up below to support my channel
and in case you don't want to miss out
on any future videos just like this one
then click on that red subscribe button
and turn on the notifications
and you'll be notified whenever a new
video pops up
as always thank you all for watching and
I'll see you soon
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