how's it going everybody, Corbin, here
from zoo marketing and in today's video
we're going to be talking about uh what
exactly a google ads specialist is and
what they do so a little bit different
from my standard videos where I'm going
through more of the technical side of
things here this is for more of a
beginner video for people who want to
either want to become a google ad
specialist or just want to know a little
bit more about what a google ad
the specialist does if they have one working
on their account or if you're a small
business owner essentially so I wanted
to walk through exactly the in and outs
of that this will be a fairly quick
video and a high-level overview but
hopefully uh educational for everybody
out there so before I do jump in uh
please don't forget to subscribe to the
channel if you are new I drop a new
video every week and hopefully it adds
value to what you're hoping to
accomplish in your business or your
career so let's jump right in uh the
The first thing is uh what does a google ad
a specialist do is one they create a
strategy and goals now this consists of
a few different things like things like
how to outrank your competitors or what
will um the customer journey look like
how to target your customers um
basically just an overall uh general
overview of how to be successful with
google ads which are pretty
self-explanatory and almost expected
right but um uh google ad strategy uh
google ad specialist should have like um
a mentality of skills and strategies
that have worked in the past or um
they've tested and no work that they can
kind of translate into the next business
or the next thing inside of there so
a very important part of this role is
creating the strategy and the goals
that are usually set by the client or by
the business owner
and these goals can be a number of
sales number of leads
maybe a return on ad spend essentially
so if I'm spending one dollar maybe I'm
getting three back or four back or
whatever it might be and there are a lot
of questions that go into what the goals
maybe um you know if you're an
e-commerce store what are your margins
um that might be a huge thing that will
affect your return ad spend if you're a
lead generation company or a local
business maybe what's the average order
value for a service that you give so
that your plumber and your average
service is you know a thousand dollars
or whatever it may be that means you
can pay x amount for a lead and it's
possible for your business these are
kind of the questions that google ads
the strategist will kind of go through and
think about it before building the
campaigns to make sure that they can be
successful um with the account so
the next thing that a google ad
strategist does is they build and launch
new campaigns
um and obviously this is self uh
obviously, this is uh a huge part of the
job is building up the new campaigns
but as far as what that kind of entails
I wanted to give you a high level
overview of what a campaign actually
looks like um essentially some of the
elements that go into that is organizing
ad groups which I'm going to give you an
the idea of more what those are if you
aren't familiar with that setting up
bidding strategies writing ads adding
what's called negative keywords so that
you're not wasting your ad spend is a
a big part of it and applying ad
extensions and this is just a small
a chunk of some of the things
examples on building and launching
campaigns but here's kind of what an
account and campaigns look like
essentially you have your overall your
google ads account and then broken into
that you have essentially unlimited
amount of campaigns if you have a big
company and lots of different products
you'll probably have lots of different
typically a campaign consists of a
specific product say that you're selling
dresses and also pants um you could one
the campaign could be for dresses and one
could be for pants and then inside of
that campaign you could have maybe white
dresses and then blue dresses and then
all the keywords that associate with
that and then all of the ad groups that
associate with that so inside of a
the campaign you can essentially have
unlimited ad groups unlimited keywords
and unlimited ads although it's simply
three to four per ad group but as you
can see if you have a lot of products or
services all of a sudden you can be
building out a lot of campaigns a lot of
ads writing a lot of ad copy and then um
kind of building up the whole structure
of this campaign so that's a high
level overview of the actual ad account
the structure now the third thing that an
account manager or a
google ad specialist does which is
probably the most important part is
actually managing the campaigns um this
is where you go through and you actually
analyze the data and see what's working
and pause you know low performing
keywords campaigns etc uh make pivots as
necessary um because you know as good as
you are you may be as a google ad
specialist, there's chances are that you
when you go to test something it doesn't
as well as maybe you did on another
business or vice versa and so testing is
always very important so you're always
gonna be testing new keywords new
campaigns new ad copy essentially and
you're gonna go through and as people
are searching for things like your
products or service you're gonna notice
that uh there are uh search terms that
aren't relevant for what you're showing
up for and so you want to go through and
exclude search terms almost on a weekly
sometimes daily basis depending on how
big the account is and then I mentioned
testing different things like the ad
copy bidding strategies and then
expanding the account through different
keywords or taking impression share from
competitors or other ways inside of
there so this is a huge part of what a
google ads specialist will do is
actually manage the campaign and making
pivots as needed looking at the data
analyzing it and
making those decisions and here's like a
a very small example of what that would
look like a very common example if
you're looking at ads so I have here
three ads and obviously they're blurred
out because this is a real uh case
um you'll notice that for these ads
these are in the same ad group you'll
see that it's best practice to have
three or four ads for ad group um or
yeah for ad group if you didn't know
that but so we have three ad groups here
that we're testing it or three ads that
we're testing as each other and you'll
see um this one has more clicks which are
is a good indicator but then these
ones come at 170 and 113 but that's not
really the big indicator that we'd
be looking at here it's more this this
click-through rate so you'll notice that
the click-through rate on these first
two adds there about a five um
0.45 and a 5.33 which is basically the
amount of times the ad is shown
divided by the amount of time the cloud
add is clicked which is the impressions
divided by the clicks and obviously the
The higher this better number the better so
these two are averaging around a 5.4 and
a 5.33 where this one's averaging a 4.2
so that right off the bat kind of tells
me that it's performing um not as
well the average cost per click on this
one is a little bit lower though but if
you look here the actual conversions or
the cost per conversion and the
conversion could be either sale a lead
or phone call whatever maybe is almost
uh four times the amount of this ad
right here so
essentially as a google ad strategist is
your job to go in and find those trends
and those patterns those things that are
costing more money than they should and
go ahead and pause them and so in this
case what I would do is I'd pause this
ad and I'd create a new one to test
against those other two to hopefully get
even better results so
that's kind of a brief example of what a
google ad specialist would go in and do
when making uh adjustments and that this
would be at all different levels of the
account at the campaign level the ad
group level the keyword the ads
themselves um so lots of different
things that you can go through and
optimize and too much to go through in
In this video, like I said I want to keep
this kind of high-level overview but i
wanted to give you a practical example
of what that would look like and the
the fourth and final thing
and the fourth and final thing is more
there is the reporting side of things so
it's very important as google as
asbestos to be able to report on the
things that you're doing inside the
account report on the metrics um the
the great thing about digital marketing or
about google ads are a lot of them is very
trackable it's not everything is 100
trackable but you can have a very good
the idea on what's working what's not and so
it's your job to go through and report
on the actual numbers whether that be
the number of sales or leads that you
brought up for that week or that month
or whatever cadence you want to do the
reporting and um also very importantly
is the cost for that leader sale because
if I'm selling a 10 product and the cost
of selling that product is
twelve dollars then I'm losing money on
that I need to go make adjustments to
figure that out or if I'm selling a
product and the cost is ten dollars and
I'm getting a sale for two dollars also
that's really profitable how can we
maximize the potential in that product
and really expand it essentially and
then another kind of metric to keep in
mind are clicked click-through rate which
we went over and impressions um just
metrics that are important to report on
but you need to make sure that you
establish the the
the best what's called key KPI key
performance indicator that you want to
focus on with every sales lead
and those are typically the big ones
inside of there
and here's a brief overview of a general
uh dashboard for reporting this one that
I use this is using a tool called google
data studios I have a tutorial on that
up above if you want to learn how to use
google data studios but um this is kind
of an example of a what a general uh
the report may look like it shows the clicks
click-through rate impression
conversions conversion rate cost per
conversion and then your cost breakdown
and then has your top campaigns here
and this is pulling in demo data but
kind of gives you an idea of what you
maybe reporting on so uh that is a very
a high-level overview of what a google ad
strategist would do I want like I said i
want to keep this video as brief and
short as possible
hopefully, you found value in that today
if you did please don't forget to like
and subscribe and if you want to learn
more about google ads or if you want to
learn how to actually run campaigns uh i
check out this video right here I do
have a full tutorial on how to run
google ad campaigns and subscribe to my
channel because I'm creating lots of
content on all the ins and outs very
beginner stuff to all the way to
advanced and intermediate things so
hopefully, you and you enjoyed this and
you join in the journey and we'll see in
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