See How This Shopify Store Makes $1,116,708 Using Affiliate Marketing - make money online

See How This Shopify Store Makes $1,116,708 Using Affiliate Marketing

 so this is how the Shopify store's been

able to generate over a million dollars
in revenue
using this affiliate marketing strategy
where they send traffic
to their affiliate marketing page and
their affiliates go out there and get
customers that are able to generate over
a million dollars in revenue for them
and I'm gonna be showing you guys the
the exact strategy that they've used to be
able to achieve
these results hey guys welcome to the
youtube channel my name is Camille
cannon is the ecom king and in today's
video I've got a complete case study and
store breakdown for you
where I'm gonna be showing you a Shopify
the store called sale dress where they've
used an affiliate marketing strategy to
generate over a million dollars in
and I'll be putting all the proof on the
screen right now and I'm gonna be
showing you guys the exact
the setup they've used what app they've used
to do this how they've set up the app
and everything else in terms of what
they're doing on Facebook ads I'm gonna
be giving you guys
absolutely everything so you can
recreate this success in your own store
now I've even got an extra mile for you
guys and I've actually created a free
google doc
cheat sheet where it's got all the copy
and paste templates that you're gonna
need to be able to follow along with
this video
and get a step ahead of everybody else
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so guys as you can see I'm currently on
this website is called and
this is the website that's been able to
achieve over a million dollars in
using an affiliate marketing strategy
called earn money
now this website here is very simple
sale dress is about dresses
on and you can see their logo
here it's got a shopping handle on the s
and it's called sale address very simple
when you come to the website you know
exactly what to expect and people will
be expecting
absolutely amazing deals like this up to
70 off on the website for bikinis
things like dresses outfits which is
exactly what they say they're doing
now if we scroll down now do bear in
mind all of this stuff is from
aliexpress Alibaba and china warehouses
they've got the trust badges they do a
a little bit of menswear but you can see
this is the actual niche and industry
they currently focus on
which is women clothing and activewear
now you can see here hot deals now these
all the types of industrial markets that
they're currently going for so these
outfits that they're selling
are outfits that big influencers wear
like Kim Kardashian kylie Jenner cardi b
those types of influencers all wear
clothes like this and this is what this
the store is all inspired by it's about it's
about giving people
that is your normal people a chance to
wear clothes that
famous people wear not the exact same
clothes but something similar to
to make them feel really really cool so
based on that a lot of people that buy
from this website are people that are
just in university college, they're
people that have just got a job they
haven't got much disposable income so
when they shop
they want to be able to get good deals
and earn money so what this website has
done is they've been able to give you
good deals
whilst letting you earn money through
their affiliate marketing which is
a very powerful way to get customers and
then get them to give you more customers
and as you guys can see
all these clothes that they're selling
are all influence and marketing based all
these people
are just Instagram influencers and it's
going to get those people that follow
these people
really hyped up now let's move on to
some data quickly
and the data that I'm going to show you
is from e-commerce inspector and I'm
going to be showing you the apps that
they're using you can see that all the
apps here lucky orange
loyalty rewards privacy uh product
reviews smart social login
title live chat I'm going to be going
over the app, they've actually used to
set up the affiliate marketing in the
next few moments
now if we have a look at the actual
Facebook ads that they're running you
can see that they're running three
Facebook ads right now
and you can see therefore they're for
women's wear addresses and stuff like
now what do these guys do just to break
down so you guys understand how this all
are they run Facebook ads and then from
the Facebook ads
they get you to come to the website and
then on the website
they get you to go to where it says earn
money so when you check out at the end
it's going to prompt you to go to the
affiliate marketing
after you buy something from them
they're going to follow up with you with
email saying
join our affiliate marketing earn money
with us and
whilst you're on the website you can see
it says earn money so they really try
and get you to buy
but whilst you're buying or after you
bought you then join that you then join
their sorry their own money their
affiliate marketing and that's how
they've strategically been able to do it
and because they focus on people that
haven't got much disposable income
it's a great way for them to actually
get people on board so when you click
earn money it takes you to this page
right here and it says to become an
affiliate earn up to 30
sign in and it's got all the information
it's got a video
showing you what it's all about and how
it all works and then it gives you a
tier system of silver
gold and platinum obviously it's going
to make you feel more important if you
go for the silver
and gold and the platinum and it's got
all this other information then it's got
join now
so when you click join now it greets you
with this page that says sale dress
affiliate join our affiliate program
there are three tiers that you can earn
rewards on
silver gold and platinum ranging from
eight to thirty percent which is going
to get people enticed and then it says
here you can learn about all the details
when you sign up
and this says more than a buyer free
easy to join and it's an affiliate
marketing program
you fill out all your details and then
once you fill out all your details
it will take you to a page and I'm going
to show you right now if I log in
quickly because I've already signed in
with them
and I'm going to show you exactly now
what it will look like it takes you to
your dashboard you get your own
affiliate links you can see here when i
go to dashboard
you can share your affiliate link and
you can earn commission and then as you
guys can see if you go to marketing
tools it'll actually give you the stuff
that you can post on social media
to help promote this company and earn
commission so now I've given you guys
context on how this all works and how
they've been able to achieve these
I'm going to be showing you exactly how
you can set this up in your own store
and much more because there is a lot
more to this than I've shown you but I'd
rather show you that when I create it
with you
and I'm going to be showing you how to
do your Facebook ads so when you run
you can also get people to join your
affiliate marketing like they've done
because they've kept it very simple
they get people on Facebook ads to come
buy from them and then convert them into
and that's how they've been able to
achieve these results so guys the first
the thing that you need to do is you need to
get a Shopify store now if you don't
currently have one
be sure to use my free trial link in the
the description you'll get 14 days for free
on Shopify
now once you've done that you want to go
to the app store and you want to
download an app called
up-promote affiliate marketing and if
you look in the cheat sheet I've
actually linked it here
in the cheat sheet for you and all the
other important links that you need to
check out and as you guys can see here
I've also given you all the copies and
paste templates
so make sure you smash the like button
so you can get that free cheat sheet so
guys once you download the app you'll be
greeted with a quick start process and
this is a great process to watch and
read if you're not very tech-savvy
and you're not used to affiliate
marketing I definitely recommend you
give it a read and give it a watch
because up promotes done a great way of
teaching you guys how everything works
inside of the app and then once you go
through all that
it will take you to a quick process
setup now this is just a quick way to
set up everything now I don't recommend
you do this because I'm going to be
teaching you how to do it the full
version way instead
but I'd recommend you give it a quick
look anyway just so you understand all
the different features now once you've
gone along click exit
and the first thing that you want to do
are you want to go to pricing now I will
recommend you go for the professional
plan and that is currently
the plan that I'm currently on right now
and this is the plan that you're going
to need to be able to get the same
features as the features that sell dress
used for their affiliate marketing
program to help them achieve over a
million dollars in revenue
so once you've chosen your planning
again like i said I'd recommend the
professional plan if you want to be able
to have the same features as sale
then what you want to do is you want to
head over to programs and when you head
over to programs
the first thing that you want to do is
you want to make a new program
now you want to be following along with
the cheat sheet because this will make
life a lot easier
and you want to hit add new and then
when you click add new what you want to
do is in the name you want to go into
the cheat sheet and you want to scroll
and you'll see here it says affiliate
program tiers and what you want to do is
Do you want to copy and paste this
into the actual form so you can see here
I'm going to go back here
I'm going to put it where it says the name
paste it in there and in the description
you're just going to take all of these
um these um
these actual benefits and you're
going to put them in the description
like that and then you're going to click
active to mean that the actual
program is active and then you can see
here flat rate per order you're going to
the percent value and you're going to do
simple and the amount you're going to be
doing on this one
is showing here so you can see here it
does show you how much you need to do
which is currently five percent now once
you've done this
you want to make sure that you exclude
shipping and you exclude taxes because
it's important that you do so
and then you want to go to where it says
here um disabling
commission for self-referral you want to
turn that one off meaning that if they
refer themselves they get paid you don't
want them to be able to do that
lifetime commission that's basically
meaning that it doesn't matter
what that customer orders after the
first-order they do with that store
if they go once order another six items
maybe three months down the line they'll
get paid commission on that as well
so lifetime commission means that it
doesn't matter what customer they bring
to you, if they order it
if they order stuff after a year two
years they still get paid on that
so if you have that enabled then you
will give them that commission
throughout their whole life
now I only do this on the platinum tier
or the gold tier in my instance I don't
do it for the first two tiers so I have
that actually turned off
and then once you do that you can
actually, add that and then what you want
to do is you want to add another program
so then what you would then do is you'd
go back to programs again and you'd
Click add and you'd hit add new
and then the same thing again you're
going to go back to the cheat sheet and
you're going to do the next one which is
called the silver program
copy and paste that into the name and then
in the description, you're gonna do the same
again copy that into there
turn it on changing the flat rate to
percent and remember
all the percent values are shown here
now based on your own store and your
profit margins
you can decide on what you want to do
now if we go back
over here what you want to do is you
want to do the same again do not turn
the lifetime commission on if you're
going to be following my tactics i don't
do that one
but now you're going to be adding a new
program so you're going to go back to
programs again
after you've saved that one and you're
going to be adding the next one which is
our gold program now you're going to be
doing the same again copy and paste
everything in
and then this time you want to be
turning live time commission
on because these are the ones for the
people that have done really really well
now what I'm going to do quickly is I'm
going to be going through the different
tiers that we've got so everybody will
start off
on the bronze ambassador program or
affiliate marketing
you can call it an ambassador program
you can call it an affiliate program
it's up to you but everybody will start
on this one now if we have a look at the
programs that I've currently got set up
you can see that this is classed as the
default so once you've done this guys
you want to make sure that you make this
the default by just clicking the little
now up-promote will give you a tier
already made I've deleted that one by
just clicking the bin symbol but to
delete it you'll need to create a new
you can't delete it if it's the only one
if that makes sense now once you've done
this is the standard one they'll be on
once they've joined the affiliate
now what do they need to do to actually
go up a tier so you can see here
earn 30 and you'll be moving up to the
silver tier so once they've earned 30
in a commission then they will
automatically move to the silver
the program you can see where they'll be
moved to the silver program
then if they want to get promoted to the
gold program
they'll have to earn at least 175
dollars in commission
to move to the gold tier and then they
will be on the gold here and that will
really entice them then to go out there
and smash it
with the affiliate program now again
those are the frameworks I've given you
guys you don't need to follow those
exact ones but those are the ones that i
personally recommend
so once you guys have done that then
what you want to do is you want to head
over to where it says auto tier
and what this will do is it will
actually, help you automate the process
so once they hit those
uh thresholds on the commission they'll
automatically get promoted without you
having to do it manually
so what you want to do is you want to
change the level condition to commission
value and you want to turn it on
and you want to keep level on the basic
one and then you want to add a new level
by clicking add a new level
and you want to select the next program
and then put the commission that they
to be upgraded to the next one in and
then you can see here then they get
to the next one and then you do the same
again for level three and then you
put the value in here
to get them to be upgraded on here and
once you've done that they'll
automatically be upgraded to the next
based on the commission that they
brought into you as a store which helps
streamline everything and make
everything is a lot easier for you so the
The next thing that you guys want to do is
you want to head over to the settings in
the bottom
left of the tab and then you want to go
to where it says general and you want to
put your contact
email address in here and you want to
make sure that the email address in here
is the one for your store like
info at your store name or contact your
store name
and then you want to make sure that this
is turned on and then the brand name
needs to be whatever the brand name is
for your store
and then the subpath is should be
whatever your store name is as well
and then you want to upload your logo
here and the default affiliate link is
but I also have it as affiliates are
allowed to customize their own link if
they want to
because obviously, they want to have
their own name in their link which looks
more professional
and then what you want to do is you can
actually do a generated short affiliate
link here
by using um but personally i don't do
it but you can if you want to
and then you want to be doing tracking
by coupon, you want to turn that one on
and you also want to have auto-generate
the coupon that will save you a lot of time
and how you do that is you want to hit
set up coupon
and you want to go to Shopify and you
want to create a discount
and you want to call it influencer and
once you do that you want to put the
name of the coupon in here
and once you've done that it will work
automatically and in terms of this is
the actual coupon
that the influencer and they're basically
their users will get so when they
promote something on their story
if that influences uh subscriber
or follower uses that coupon they get
how much off so I normally do it as five
or ten percent
and then once you've done that they'll
automatically get coupons and then you
want to have chat with affiliates turned
on which makes them
be able to contact you if you need to
and then you want to have
auto-activate affiliates on and you want
to make sure that all of these are
turned on especially require the w9 form
this is basically a tax form that they
need to fill out and so you don't get
into trouble so make sure you always
have that one turned on and once you've
done that
hit save changes so once you've done
that you want to move on to analytics
and you want to turn both of these on
and then you want to move to payment
and the next thing that you want to do
are you want to have PayPal on and you
want to have store credit on and you
want to have
export invoices as well that way instead
of the influence to keep asking you for
invoices they'll automatically be done
message bar you don't want to have
turned on integrations I'm going to be
going over that
in a little bit later with you guys um
and the one that I do on here
is the um title live chat so I'll come
back to this at the end
um but I'm going to go over the next
things for you so then what you want to
do is staff accounts and this enables
people to be vas on here when they chat
with affiliates
so guys we now move on to the fun part
of the setup which is set up the
affiliate registration now where it says
affiliate guide you can miss that bit
out I personally don't change I keep it
as default
now affiliate registration is basically
this guy's going to show you right now
which is the form that they fill out to
become an affiliate and as you guys can
see this looks very similar
to the sale dress one right now and I'll
be showing exactly how you can fill this
out guys and you can see here
I've got a photo on the left here now i
need to resize that and I'll be showing
you how to get
that done in a minute now the first
the thing that you need to do is you need to
select the program as the basic program
and then in the page heading, you want to
put join our affiliate program and you
want to leave these two underneath
empty you do not want to be adding
anything to them
now once you've done that the reason why
you've left them empty is because that
will that's what
that's what we'll be given here we're
going to put a photo there instead
and then what you want to do is you want
to go to where it says form fields and
you want to make sure that all the ones
I've got checked here are checked on
yours and you can add more if you really
want to but they're the ones I think are
then you've got the benefits text so you
put you put the show benefits here
and you put each tier here so you can
see I put all three tiers and then I'll
exposure opportunities as well as an
extra and you put the commission value
per that
and then what you want to do is I put
exposure opportunities potentially are
featured in a viral ad
who doesn't want to be featured in a
the viral ad that's the way I look at it and
then you've got the button text here and
I'll put on mine
join the family login now and then the
colors the colors need to match your
website colors
and so forth and then the font can
match your website font as well to make
it looks congruent
so now you come to a section called
background and this is where we make the
for the side section of the form and
you're going to be uploading it here
where it says slide background image
and what you want to do is you want to
head over to the canvas and you want to use
the 14-day free trial
in my description and to get the extra
benefits and you want to type in on
canvas vertical business card or anything
to do with vertical
click create a blank canvas and then
once you click a blank canvas you want
to upload an
the image here of so, for example, you can
click um elements
you've got photos now the photo that i
used was
business so i typed in business and it
comes up with people shaking hands and
Do you want it to match something
professional now depending on your
clientele depends on what images are
gonna be men
or is gonna be women so from example of
mine I used a woman and I'm gonna show
you mine again here you can see two
women shaking hands
so you wanna upload it right on there
and then you want to get some text and
Do you want to drag it over
and you want to type in something
an example is mine become more
then a buyer becomes an ambassador that's
what I've written online
and then what you want to do is you want
to download that and then once you
download those you want to then go back
up here and
upload it and then you can preview your
ambassador program by clicking that and
then you want to make sure that you
resize it to fit it exactly
now it can get annoying to resize in it
but after a few times, it will fit
once you do that you want to head over
too logo and you want to show your logo
and make sure you've got your logo
filled out on these settings for this to
work then your terms and conditions you
use sample template
use sample template makes life easy and
then you've got the custom CSS
which is for developers I don't
recommend you do this and then you've
got this which is the cap share for bots
you want to have that turned on so you
don't have any bots messing around
with your affiliate program then you've
got the affiliate login and once you've
done this you want to have it as
affiliate login forgot password do you
have an account the button text
login now the background and then the
custom CSS which is for developers
and then you've got your affiliate
account customization which is very
so if you want to basically
go to where it says the commission
and you want to have show commission
value and you want to only have this one
turned on you don't want the customers
names are shown and you don't want the
address to be shown because they are
very um important information and
information that people don't want you
to know so make sure you only have
commission value on that way it shows
the affiliate what they've earned
then you've got an affiliate account
language and you want to make sure you
turn this one on
English and then you have affiliate
select language and auto-detect on
that way when they log into the
affiliate program it's all auto-detected
and it makes life really really easy now
we're going to be moving on to the
the section which is right here now this is
where when your affiliate logs into
their affiliate marketing program
this is where they're able to find the
social media posts that they can use
to upload to their story to help
promoting it so what you want to upload
on here
are things like product images sale
images and you want to be creating all
of these
in canva now if you remember what the
sale dress one looked like they had
loads of different call sale
um designs made and they put them in
and what influencers will do is they'll
put it on their story and they'll click
swipe up and then people will swipe up
and take them straight here
so make sure that you upload loads of
different designs like
sale designs photography have it all
uploaded here even upload videos
if you want to but the sky is the limit
with what you do the more creatives you
upload here
the more that influencers have to work
with to potentially
promote your products and obviously get
a sale going through the door so guys
now we're moving on to the email
section of the affiliate marketing
the program now when it says pending
affiliates this is all on the left hand
you want to make sure that you turn this
off because you're doing
auto-approve which means nobody should
be pending so turn this one off the spam
and then you want to by doing that you
just click the status and then click
save and it will turn after you come
down here now
you click save and you'll see now that
this one's been turned off then you want
to go to approved affiliates
and this is the one that you want to
spend the most time on
now if we go to my email you can see
that as soon as you sign up for
sale dress affiliate they'll send you an
email and you can see it right here
it goes through all the different
benefits and it really and they also
a video as well onto the email to tell
you how the affiliate marketing program
works so this is very very important
now when you scroll back up you can see
they give you all the information on how
everything works
what you're going to be doing as an
affiliate so you get off to the best
start so we're going to be recreating
that as well so what you want to do is
you want to make sure that the subject
the line is your affiliate account has been
approved let's start making money to get
people motivated and pumped
and then you can see here I've given you
the copy and paste template as well so
if we go back to the cheat sheet
you can see I've got it right here for
you guys you can just copy and paste
that in
you do need to change a few different
things here as well so you can change it
to your brand name so it makes sense
and then once you've done that guys you
want to hit save so what I also
recommend that you do is you add the
link to the video explaining how your
affiliate marketing program works
and the way you want to do is you want
to add a video to your Vimeo account and
then get a link and link it here and
then that way
they can watch the video now let's talk
about how to make this video so if we go
back to sale dresses website
you can see when you go to earn money
they have a video here and I'm going to
play the video I'm not going to play it
but it's literally just a video of
somebody doing a voiceover
showing them what the affiliate
marketing dashboard looks like
what's in there how they can use it and
how they can integrate it so what you're
going to want to do is you're going to
want to download a screen
screen sharing software from obs for
For example I use obs
and then you just want to basically go
over it and you want to use a voiceover
so you can either
do the recording first you can record
this and not do a voiceover
just show them the different sections
and then what you can do is you can use
free voiceover so if you don't want to
personally talk in the video
you can just script the video and type
it in here and somebody else will say it
so if you don't want if you're shy and
you don't want to say anything
you can use a free voiceover and that's
been linked in the description
or if you want to get something done a
a little bit more professional than I've
actually left a link in
the cheat sheet to a Fiverr um
freelancer that does a
that does voiceovers professionally and
you can see here now if you want to get
a real
professional feel to it then use the
Fiverr person now the one that
they've used in here is just an
automatically generated voice
over the one that's for free in the
cheat sheet and again they've just
a video explaining what the dashboard
looks like how to get the most use out
of it
and then they've got some voice over
robot to go over and explain what it all
means so
that's how you want to be doing it guys
and again it's all linked in the cheat
make sure you get this done because if
you want to get the best results you
need a video designed
for your affiliates and this is your
dashboard where you can create
an embed link so you embed the link on
your website so you can actually
embed this link on your website so it
will show on your website now i don't
recommend that you do that
I would recommend that you get a direct
link and you copy that link
now as soon as people go to this link
check it out so as soon as you go to
this link it's going to take you to the
marketing subs you can see where it takes
them to my basically
my sign up to sign up as an affiliate
for my program
now what you want to do is want to
head over to Shopify you want to go to
online store and you want to go to where
it says
navigation and then what you want to do
are you want to go over to menus and you
want to go to the main
menu and then what you want to do is you
want to create a new
menu and you want to call this one earn
the money you want to call it earned
money because remember the same as with
the sales they have a menu and I'll
show you this again just in case you
they have a menu at the top called earn
money and when you click that it takes
them straight
to an affiliate marketing and how
they've done that guys are exactly what
I'm doing now with you is
creating a new page earn money and then
they paste the link here
and they click that sorry let me do it
again you paste the link there and you
the link and then you click add once
you've done that you will see
this link appears and if I go to the
online store on the store
you can see here it's got earn money at
the top
as soon as you click that it will take
them straight to your affiliate
marketing setup and that's exactly how
you integrate it with your Shopify menu
guys this part is extremely important
now we're moving on to the section where
we've now got our affiliate
marketing program and now the key to
this is
sending traffic to our store and
converting that traffic
into a customer but more importantly as
an affiliate
so the first thing that you want to do
are you want to go to where it says
convert customers to affiliates by going
to the growth tools section
and the first thing that you want to do
are you want to go to post-purchase
pop-up and you want to make sure that
this is turned
on and you want to split test this to
see if it kills your conversion
or if it can increase its conversion and
your affiliates you want to turn this on
by clicking active
and you want to make sure you turn the
bronze program on straight away
now you don't want to click assign
customer as a downline now I'm gonna be
going over this in a minute but this is
to do with MLM
and I'm not fond of MLM and I do not
endorse it so personally
I do not have this on and if you are
somebody that agrees with it this is up
to you
but personally, I do not know once you've
done that you're gonna head over to
and what this does is before you
it's gonna show a pop-up saying do you
want to join an affiliate marketing
to earn a commission to earn money so
potentially getting something for free
that's what this does so that's exactly
what this is going to be doing and you
can change this and design it to however
you want
now I will be leaving examples in the
a cheat sheet of some of those
that I've created so you guys can have a
look now if we go to the email template this
is the template that they're going to
once they check out so once you add your
email to add to cart
and you're abandoning it this email is
going to get sent straight out now i
will be leaving
the template in the free cheat sheet as
well so you can copy and paste it in
but this is how you're going to convert
these customers into people
now the whole key to this is you
either want them to become a customer
worst case you want them to at least
become an affiliate
now you've got a converse sign up
customers so these are people that have
bought so these are people that have
bought now they're at the checkout
they've bought they've waited for the
the product now they're at the checkout you
want to turn this on
and this is the email that we're going
to receive once they buy now again I'm
going to be leaving the template in the
cheat sheet so you can just copy and
paste it but make sure
that you have these turned on so you can
smash it
with the conversion of turning paid
traffic customers
into affiliates now the next thing that
you've got is the MLM thing like I told
you about
and this is basically about for example
let's say one affiliate comes in
and they recruit another 10 affiliates
they get commission on those affiliates
so again this is down to you guys if you
want to do it personally i don't endorse
or do it
so I'm not doing it but it's obviously
there and this is a very powerful way
of making money with affiliates because
it's basically merchandising to remember
just think of it as McDonald's
McDonald's had loads of different
now McDonald's doesn't own every
franchise they only own a few brands in
the McDonald's franchises so franchising
is when people pay to own a McDonald's
and they have us pay a commission to
McDonald's as a company
for the sales that they earn and this is
exactly the same thing now again
it's based on your opinion but it's a
great way to scale
if you agree ethically with this
the structure so if we quickly take a look
they have actually implemented the
multi-level network section in their
affiliate marketing where it's able to
let affiliates earn
a commission on their affiliates and i
know this is a great way that they've
used to make a lot of money with their
affiliates but personally it's down to
your ethics
but they are doing it and this is one of
the ways they've been able to kill it
with the affiliate market
so guys that's how you set up the
the affiliate marketing side of the strategy
for this case study
now it's all about how you implement it
into your product pages
and your overall marketing so now what
you need to do is you need to make sure
that you
add this in your product description and
I'm going to put an example
on the screen and in the cheat sheet so
when people go to your product page
it also says on your product page that
they can earn money and then it links
to the earn money affiliate marketing
section and at the bottom of the
description over all the product details
it will then say
and it'll be highlighted and this is a
great way to entice people to do both
now you need to be very careful how you
strategically do this
because you don't want to turn people
from being customers into strong
affiliates because
you want to make sure that they buy from
you and they also are affiliates you've
got to be very careful
how you promote this because you don't
want to overdo it and make your Shopify
store more of an affiliate than it is
people buying products you have to be
very very careful
but you have to slowly implement it in
different sections so you want to have
it in your footer
earn money you want to have it in your
title menu and you also want to have it
in the description at the bottom of the
in a highlighted color and again the
the strongest way you're going to be able to
do this is by making people
buy the product and then get an email
about it or
as they're buying the product at the
checkout they get a prompt you don't
want to be doing it too aggressively
now let's talk about facebook ads so
when you're running your facebook ads
this is how you're going to get people
to come to your website to actually see
the information
the product that you're trying to sell
them and also how to earn money
so without you running facebook ads this
isn't going to work because you've got
nobody coming to the website
to be able to actually see the
information that you're providing on the
the product that you're selling and
on the affiliate section that you're
providing as well now you can do things
like email outreach or
influencer outreach or Instagram
marketing but it's just too slow you
want to be doing facebook ads
and seeing if people prompt the
affiliate marketing side as well
and that's basically how you do it you
do not want to be saying in any of your
facebook ads
um earn money you can also earn money if
you buy the product or you can also earn
money as becoming an affiliate because
it's actually not allowed you're not
allowed to advertise things like
affiliate programs and stuff like that
on facebook
so make sure that your facebook ad is
all about the product but then when they
come to your website there's small
prompts about
earning money now also you want to make
sure that the industry that you're
getting into
fits this well because you don't want to
be getting into an industry where your
the target audience will not suit this
they're either too old or they don't
understand with the case
they're going for people that are still
at university, they've just got a
first-time job
they look up to people like Carly Jenner
Kim Kardashian and they want to be able
to earn money
whilst promoting it you want to be going
after people that are influencers and
you want to be going into industries
that have influences like the beauty
niche the clothing niche and things like
that because you really are going to get
those people that you need
for them to work with this strategy so
guys that were today's video I hope
you've learned something and I hope you
guys have been able to crush it with
this strategy
if you've got anything that you want to
ask put it in the comment section below
and I'll catch you guys on the next

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