so a couple years ago I hired some
random guy on Fiverr to make me a
whiteboard video
and put it on my youtube channel now
fast forward to today and the results
have been
absolutely insane for that video check
these out
so you can see here it kind of slowly
grew over time until it settled down
and at this point, it's brought in almost
3 000 subscribers
1 500 and it's still bringing in 300
every 48 hours so that kind of got me
I wonder if I could build a successful
youtube channel using
only Fiverr gigs from the channel
creation and setup to the keyword
research to the thumbnails to the video
editing the voiceovers the SEO
every single piece of the puzzle
basically, I wanted to see if a monkey
clicking a mouse could make this all
work so in this video we're gonna see if
it's possible to do exactly that
build an entire youtube channel only
using different
Fiverr gigs and obviously still be
successful on youtube
so one of the cool things about making
In this video was I actually learned some
really cool hacks for hiring on Fiverr
and so if you're a five or higher or a
five or higher or a higher
of Fiverr if you hire on Fiverr you want
to watch this video
so I wanted to find a category or a
the niche that actually made sense
one that a channel like mine could
actually rank videos in but then one
that I could also
make money in and not just from youtube
views so what did I do I googled it
so thank you to for
giving us a ton of niche ideas
I settled on the jobs niche that's kind
of an ironic niche considering that this
youtube channel teaches people how to
quit their job
but let's roll with it so I chose the
niche and that's literally the only
the decision that I plan on making in this
is choosing the niche everything else
from here on out is going to be made by
those experts on Fiverr
time to start ordering some gigs so i
decided to start with four videos and i
just hired basically the first guy on
Fiverr that I ran across to do keyword
research because it's really not that
and honestly, I doubt any of them are
gonna really put a lot of time into it
so for five bucks we now have some
keyword research only took a few
hours and this
is what I was given so the first thing
is I'm pretty sure that these numbers
I'm looking at are for google not for
I can tell you know with things like CPC
which tends to be a
a google thing associated with keywords
same thing with competition
so it looks like the kind of just took
software that they use
they plugged in my keyword and they
downloaded a report and sent it to me
you know that's not really a bad hourly
the rate for what I would think took about
two minutes
anyway I ran with it I looked here you
can see I highlighted four different
keywords that we were gonna go for based
on search volume and uh basically just
keywords that I thought that kind of a
generic whiteboard or
uh b-roll video could do well with but
at this point the easy part was over and
now we need to hire some real talent
because next, we need to get the scripts
written for each of those
and it's not going to be me so when i
type in youtube script here
into Fiverr, I get results that are
literally all over the place in price
and in quality and in how many jobs
they've done and this
is where I learned something really
really interesting about Fiverr because
you see Fiverr doesn't actually put up
the best results when you type something
into that search bar
does that seem crazy to me is that just
me but what I learned is that you can
use these filters at the top and you can
crazy things so seller details I you can
just select top-rated seller which in
In this case, there wasn't any
or level one and that will filter out a
a lot of the ratings of the sellers
next, you can set your budget and I just
set my budget to five bucks
saying hey I only have five bucks for
this to work and I get a whole new list
people here and the beauty of this is
look there's still people for five bucks
that can write scripts they've got great
reviews you can see 94 good reviews
all five stars and they're charging a
the fifth of what some of the other people
are charging so I ended up choosing the
the guy we see on the screen here
you can see here 538
great reviews 4.9 stars and for 10 bucks
they'll write the full script
it's kind of frustrating that Fiverr
would hide this person like I literally
could not find this person unless i
started to search
with parameters and stuff in place i
don't know why they wouldn't show up
first to start with
now I actually ended up ordering from
four different people so that I could
test four different writers but we're
not going to bore people with those
now I got the scripts back really
quickly and I'll be honest I was
terrified that they wouldn't even be
readable that someone was going to use
some kind of artificial
intelligence bot to write the entire
script jobs high pay good but money
helps a lot bank account
fortunately, I was actually extremely
surprised that all four riders
did a very very good job including the
one that was only ten dollars
let's have a peek at the one that he
wrote here you can see where he's got a
a good intro with fierce competition and
growing uncertainty in the job market
following the career path you've always
dreamed of now may seem harder than ever
yadda yadda yadda yadda
all very very well written it's got a
It nice little hook and a nice little
rhythm to the whole script now
I'm going, to be honest, a few of the
words were a little bit big for me
but maybe that'll make people think that
I'm smarter or something
the next step was to order the
voiceovers and the video and I was kind
of hoping that there would be somebody
on Fiverr that would just do
both of these would record the
voice over and insert it into the video
I couldn't find anyone that did this
specifically and so I had to order them
now voiceovers very nearly gave me a
heart attack when I saw the pricing
but once again I was able to use the kind of
this handy trick that I've learned about
and able to really narrow it down and
get some really good deals so when i
went to order voiceovers you can see
right here
uh most of the sellers let you insert a
number and we were doing about 500 words
it was about 200 about 100 to 200 for
most of the sellers in Fiverr
wow that's a lot of money I ended up
settling on someone with an
awesome British accent and you can see
here that for 500 words it was only five
they've got all five-star reviews and
they've got 30 of them
the 31st is mine you're hired so i
ordered four different voiceovers and
then I went through this exact same
process and ordered four different video
now hiring an editor was super super
interesting actually because i
searched and searched did my trick spent
a lot of time most people were trying to
20 to 30 bucks for about 30 seconds of
the video which once again was outside of my
but you can see here if you look at
these four right here
I ended up finding uh most editors for
about 40 bucks
but then when I went back to film this
video things had changed
you can see most of the editors will hop
on here and look at one of these for
it was now forty dollars for two minutes
of editing so they had changed
their pricing and all the editors
but one had actually changed their
and so it looks like these Fiverr guys
are kind of variating their pricing
perhaps maybe
how much business they have determines
what price do they charge
but in the end, there was one that really
worked out for me and had a good deal
and didn't change their prices or
anything like that it's this one right
here you can see for a video less than
10 minutes
uh 10 if you want to add some sound
stuff and things like that and end up
being 30
but you could get less than 20 minutes
so this is what I ended up going with
and ordering for
the future videos that we're gonna do is
this gig right here
and the final step in this entire
the process was ordering the thumbnails that
would go along with the youtube videos
when I typed in thumbnails tons and tons
of results for five dollars
I was going to pay five dollars per
thumbnail because that seemed pretty
standard but on scrolling down I found a
couple sellers that were selling
three thumbnails for five dollars or
three thumbnails for ten dollars
I ended up buying from the three
thumbnails for 10 because I feel like
their thumbnails had a little more
zing to them I love it when a plan comes
we did hit a slight hiccup when they
asked me what color preference I had
and I said yellow and black and one more
color of their choice
in the end, they gave me these three
thumbnails that didn't have any of my
color preferences inside of them but
after I alerted him to the mistake he
promptly replied said sorry fixing
and I said no worries I appreciate the
fast response
and we got some updated thumbnails to check
out these results
guys I'm paying like two or three
dollars for these thumbnails and they
are really really good
alright so at this point we have four
videos edited we've got the voiceovers
we've got the thumbnails we've got
everything is ready to go now I'm gonna be
honest none of the videos really stood
above and beyond any of the other videos
but I'm gonna show you about a 10 second
clip to kind of show you what i
basically got
ready action seven jobs for people
without a college degree
having a college degree is a big plus
for getting a job
though that doesn't mean that someone
without one can't find a high-paying job
on their own
not bad right I was pretty excited about
this I feel like all in all we did a
pretty good job considering that I'm
just piecing everything together from a
bunch of different Fiverr gigs
from people who don't know if I'll ever
come back and give them my business
the only thing left to do at this point
is launch all right it's the moment I've
been waiting for like two
three weeks now we're gonna choose our
the first video we're gonna go live
I just got in there and realized I don't
even know which video I wanna do first
so I think I'm gonna go with the
uh the jobs for people without a degree
I felt like they did a really good job
editing so uh let's do it I'm so nervous
all right we are 24 hours out from
putting out that first video I'm just
getting in the office
you can probably hear my son screaming
in the background for breakfast but i
want to peek at this and see how he did
honestly uh we're 24 hours out from the
the first video on a brand new channel so
my hopes aren't crazy high but let's go
on and see what we got in terms of views
and in terms of ranking
all right so first we're gonna look at
the channel dashboard right here
you can see let's go to this uh this
analytics for the video oh hey look
we're getting views
okay we've got seven views a total watch
time of about a tenth of an hour
um but look over here I mean we're
actually getting some real views here
you can see like
a few people are getting shown this and
it looks like
youtube search is the traffic source or
the browse feature which means this is
real views so that's a really good sign
you can see here uh view duration which
is really important on youtube
is not great uh but with seven views
we're probably not going to judge it
too hard uh so next let's go over here
to youtube
and let's see how we're actually ranking
okay so
um jobs for people without
degrees okay what we're going to do is
we're going to
search my channel name so we're not
showing in the first set of views here
let's check again
there we are we are
okay so we are ranking looks like about
scrolling down
we're ranking a spot about 20 right now
so ranking on spot 20 the day after
with a brand new channel and
uh let's see here look we're ranking
above other people which is good because
these guys have real channels with
actual views on their videos and things
like that see
my original plan was to upload one a
week but I decided to speed that up a
bunch because I wanted to see results
so I uploaded the rest of the videos to
youtube about two or three days apart
and then it was time for the uh the
biggest what I guess would be the most
an important step of all
and that's ordering the SEO or the
youtube ranking service on Fiverr now
this one was a little bit tough because
I searched through a lot of the Fiverr
SEO gigs I knew this was important and i
spent a lot of time on it
and a lot of these guys will say things
like I'm gonna rank your video or I'm
gonna you know guarantee rankings
but when I looked into the services
report as you can see here
this particular job right here this
particular gig says I will write you an
SEO friendly title
a good description I'll add the right
tags I'll add the right channel layout
and then whatever in the world youtube
recommended algorithm is
I guess that's a service and then they
would monitor for me
all in all very little actually being
done that's probably going to rank a
brand new channel
with that kind of service anyway, I ended
up purchasing from a couple of the
random guys
but I found one guy that actually had
thousands and thousands of reviews
and he offered a guarantee that he would
rank me in the top 10 results or I would
get my money back in four weeks
they didn't offer me a guarantee now all
I can show you on the screen
is the initial purchase that I made from
them because
I can't seem to find that particular
service on their profile anymore
maybe something changed there but you
can see here ranking among the top 10
results on youtube
page one so I bought that one we're
definitely going to test that one and
see how they do
and then we'll test the other three as
well now after this it was basically
just me sitting and waiting because all
four of the SEO guys said that their
services needed
four weeks-ish before they could
actually, start getting your video to
rank right
it's time to talk about results
so the first thing I want to look at is
the views I noticed a view trend
that was a little bit disturbing on all
four of the videos
you can see here I would launch the
video it would get some actual organic
views which were really exciting because
at this point, there was no
SEO happening it was just me putting out
In the video, you can see I got about 25
just totally organic real views coming
and then the Fiverr gig kicked in there
uh in about you know a period of about
In a couple hours, I got 540 views just like
and I think we all know that views don't
naturally, happen this way you don't get
500 views and then suddenly
turn it off again so you can see once i
turned it off once again I was back to
kind of getting
a few views a day or no views a day in
this case
something suspicious let's dive in and
see where we're ranking for all four of
these videos
okay now the first one was jobs for
people without degrees
and if you hop in here and you see here
um one two three four five so actually
really good results here this was the
the first video that I put out
and the first SEO guy did this one I'm
five spots down this are the first video
ever on this channel which is pretty
now none of the others ranked in the top
20 which
I assume means I get my money back now
one of the Fiverr gigs sent me
this message uh basically saying I did
it I did it I ranked your number one
congratulations and I was really excited
at first when I read the message
and clicked into a screenshot but then i
zoomed in just a little bit further and
you can see
right at that top there this is the
keyword he typed in the best jobs for
teens that pay top dollar
everyone is searching for that phrase
right and let's look at the overall
channel stats right here we had
five total subscribers three in the last
28 days
and I don't know how that works because
I think it's only a 28-day old channel
and we had 7 000 views don't ask me how
many of those are real I'm fairly
confident they're not
all real um but you can see here we
actually got some decent click-through
rate we got
one of our four videos ranking which
isn't bad that's a kind of close to the
stats that I get on this channel as well
one in four videos we'll tend to kind of
do well and rank for the keyword
all in all, I was happy with the script
writers I was really happy with the
voiceovers I was happy with the editors
uh I felt like the SEO was a little
suspect all in all
branding a youtube channel to yourself
will always end up doing better than not
branding it to yourself
but for our next video, we're actually
going to try to create whiteboard videos
for whiteboard videos and we're going to
use a new way of ranking
so don't forget to click subscribe and
you'll get notified when that video
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