hey welcome to vid society my name is
Chris and in this video, I'm going to do
a review for you
on a keyword research tool that I've
been using
actually, for quite a few years, I forgot
about it, for a long time, I happened to
run across it the other day
I was like oh I think I got a copy of
that so I re-downloaded installed it and
there's been tons of
updates to it and I'm actually quite
blown away because this is like a
one-time price
super cheap compared to most keyword
tools in fact I'll put the link for it
directly below this video
if you want to go there and check it out
this is a tool it's called keyword
and it lets you search keywords from
multiple sources from
Google search from amazon youtube google
related google questions and you can
import keywords from CSV files
or manually just import a list of
keywords that you can work on
and so what I'm going to do is show you
how to use this tool and how it works
and how you can find
a lot of really good keywords that you
can use whether you're making youtube
videos or
maybe you're just trying to build-out
your website and you need to find out
what keywords are best maybe trying to
find some long-tail keywords
alright so before I jump into the
software I want to show you what this
tool does
and how it works so if you go to
google if you go to youtube if you go to
or any of these other places anymore if
you start to
type in a keyword it's going to give you
so let's just take for example we type
make money what google is going to show
are the trending keywords which are
important because if you go use a
keyword tool
to find keywords based on make money
it's most likely going to be outdated by
at least 30 days
and so the keywords you're getting may
not be getting
that many searches anymore but what
you're always going to get
is if you go directly to these websites
and enter in their search box
is the trending keywords that are most
right now and so if we type in make
money it's going to show us
what is the most popular right now and
we can see here it gives us two words
four words five words and we can expand
on this
so we can even go say maybe with and
then it's going to give us
more keywords and we could do say make
for and you got all different kinds of
keywords we can use here that are really
popular and it works the same way with
youtube we type in make money we can see
the most popular searches make money on
youtube without making videos this has
absolutely huge on youtube lately I've
seen tons and tons of videos like this
and basically, it's all about
re-uploading creative commons videos
uh but I don't know how well that works
anymore but I know it's a popular topic
and that's why they're getting uh so
much attention right now
we could do make money online and we can
see even a lot longer tell keywords that
we can use
uh we can say make money online with and
now we got some really long tail
keywords that we can use here
and these are the type of keywords that
are really good if you're just starting
a brand new youtube channel because
when you start a new youtube channel
you're not going to rank very well
for medium to high competition keywords
because your youtube channel is not
established yet
or even your website is not established
and so what you have to do is start to
build it a little bit so google or
youtube knows that you're growing it
it has a little bit of authority then
you can start ranking for a little more
competitive keywords but when you start
you want long-tail keywords so ones make
money online without investment 2021
that would be a good one
make money online without investment
work from home would be a good one
we know people searching for these
and even with amazon if you're promoting
what you can do is you can come to
amazon you can start searching in
maybe you want to promote popularly
products from let's
just say maybe wireless routers so we
type in
wireless router
and you can see here wireless routers
highest rated
for home uh wireless router we'll type
in four
and then we can go on and we can see
this and so but the thing is
to do this it can take a long time and
it can require
a lot of uh using a spreadsheet
copying pasting and typing and all that
and what this tool
does is it automatically goes through
this list
and it will do it letter by letter and
all these terms that you see from these
downs automatically for you so you don't
have to come in here
and copy and paste copy and paste or
type it out so
let's jump back to it and let's go here
and take a look
what we want to do is find some keywords
based around the make money niche
obviously, this is a really big niche so
what we can do is type in
make money and then we can type in make
money here also
but what you can do is fill this out and
it gives you all these
options we can say we can come down here
let me just drop this down some
and it pre-fills some questions
or terms that's based around this that
you can use it to search for keywords so
how to or how blank make money so what
it's going to do is it's going to go to
it's going to type in how and then it's
going to take all the keywords that have
this and then make money at the end
how does uh make money that one doesn't
make sense of how to do
okay why do make money for uh make money
and we can scroll down here you can see
there are all different kinds of things
that you can use depending on the type
of keyword, you're using
maybe it's region-based maybe it's based
shopping so maybe you're shopping maybe
you're wanting to do a site or a channel
on purses
so if you typed in purses up here it
would say purses star
under 100 and then it would take all the
keywords and then replace the star with
whatever Google shows
now uh you can see down here's some
really good ones here for the best and
what we're going to do though is we're
going to do this manually so I'm not
going to use this
if you wanted to all you'd have to do is
just double click
any of these and it would add it to this
box or let's just say
um make money
star online and then what that's going
to do
is search google for this term and fill
this blank spot now over here
here is your play button this is
when it's going to go start and it's
going to search
down here are your search settings and
this is what makes it really powerful so
for example, I can do search settings
from a to h
what that's going to do is it's going to
go to google and type in make money
and then a letter a and then it's going
to copy all those
terms that it finds in the drop-down
that starts with a
and it's going to go b and call the way
to letter h
or you can do it all the way to z or you
really expand it and you can go to
it's going to go to google and it's
going to type make money
a or a b
a c a d and it's going to fill in all
these terms that
normally you're not going to find any
another way
so I'm just going to do a to z and you
can even do the numbers here zero to
this is really good if you're wanting to
find products to promote
uh serial numbers model numbers things
like that from Amazon, I've done a lot of
videos on amazon that I've uploaded in
the past
where I use this and I would just type
uh something like Samsung television and
then I would hit this and it would find
model numbers of Samsung televisions and
I could go find those find out which
ones are popular to promote them
you also got region settings here that
you can choose
and then once you're ready you just hit
play and I don't know how the back end
of this
works but you can search a lot of
whereas normally google would ban your
IP for it
you have the option to add proxies too
but I rarely ever have to do that
because this just works really good
so we can see what it's doing here let
I go and stop it
because we've already got a bunch of
keywords here
and I can scroll down and we can see
make money network marketing online
we can just go on and on and on from all
these keywords
but what we can do from here once you
have your keywords
it lets you organize them or manage them
the ones you want to keep
the ones you want to get rid of so down
here at the bottom, you can see I can
move all these keywords over here
to this grid, if I want to do that or i
can just find the ones that I like
and I can click this arrow and it's
going to add it over here for me
I can delete everything I can copy this
list to a clipboard which would be good
if maybe you want to offer this service
online as Fiverr as a gig to do keyword
the research you could do that you can
export them in different types of files
and then there are some other options here
but let's go ahead and move all of these
okay and let me drag this over
and you can see we have a few columns
here that we can adjust and change but
what I want you to focus on is over here
on the left-hand side under list, you can
see there are three different colors white
gray and black right now every keyword
is assigned
under gray which is neutral and what you
can do is you can kind of
filter these keywords based on whether
you want to use them or not by which
caller you use
so let's say for example make money on
GTA this is a video game I don't want
I can click black and that's going to
put it in the black category
make money eve online I don't want that
I don't want that one I don't want that
one and I can do that throughout this
and then if I come up here to the top i
can sort the entire list by just one
so if I only want to see the ones that i
marked in black
I can see them if I want to see all the
ones in gray I can see them
and you can see that the ones that were
in black are now gone because they're
over here in this category
or if there's if I only want to mark the
ones that I really want to see
I can do that too so I'll mark this one
as I want this one and
this one and this one
and then I just want to show this list
so I'll click that and these are the
The only ones that I see
then you can export this list if you
want to google ads and you can
collect your
average monthly searches and you can
import them back in here
and save them and work with it and
you'll see here where it also says
article and keyword tags
so this is not something that I use with
this tool but if you do your own writing
for your own articles
you may really like this what you can do
are you can come up here and hit
this plus button and breaks down
where you can create differently
categories and
articles and you can subcategorize them
and then what you would do is over here
on the right-hand side, you can see where
it says write content
so if we click on that it's going to
actually, open up a content
writer and what we can do is we can use
the keywords that we chose here and
marked as the ones that we want
and we can create an article using this
word processor
and it gives you all kinds of features
that you can use which I'm not going to
go into detail about because if you
click this help button
they have a complete tutorial section
that goes over
absolutely everything that you want to
about this tool so
I'm going to go ahead and close this
because I don't use that but once again
you might
we'll go back here and show this gray
and then you also have a negative
keyword list you can add and what it'll
do is just remove any keyword that has
the negative keywords in it you can use
keyword tags to organize your keywords
mostly I use it just to find keywords i
define these keywords and let me give
you another example let me clear all
these out
we'll just you can click on one of these
and you can right-click
and it gives you options to do different
things too where you can assign it you
can google it
uh you can add a negative keyword you
can see here all these things you can do
or you can come up here and you can just
hit ctrl-a hit delete
and just delete everything and they're
gone and you can start over
so to start over what you do is hit your
back button
if you paused it like I did and it's
going to start back over
so let's go ahead and get rid of this
and let's do another search and I'll
show you
how from start to finish that I do this
when I look for
keywords that I want to use for new
videos all right so let's say
that I'm making a video for one of my
food youtube channels based around the keto
so I could come up here and I could type
in keto
and we could scroll down through here
and I can maybe try to come up with keto
blank under one aikido under
cheap keto best keto 4. that's a good
one or top keto for
scroll on down to see what else we got
and that's for celebrity fashions
keto blank reviews blank keto reviews
okay let's say I want to do a review
let's find out what's popular we'll do
keto reviews you can see it add it here
and we'll do a star keto review
and let's just hit play and see what we
come up with
all right so we're going to get a lot of
results here which I really wasn't
expecting that many so
we'll just pause it right here and then
what I'm going to do is copy all of
and then for me, I use refs if you have
another keyword tool that allows you to
paste these keywords in to get search
results you can use those
but for me I use areas I'm just going to
come in here under keyword explorer
I'm going to paste in this list and hit
and now I have an idea based on this
a small list of keywords which one has
the most searches and I can wait and i
can let this keyword list build up into
hundreds or even thousands of keywords
I can filter through them which is what
I normally do and then take the ones
that I think
are going to be good maybe it's a list
of 100 or 200 maybe more
then I will paste them in here and find
the ones that have the most results
and that's how I come up with uh titles
my youtube videos and even my website
now the other thing is to let me go back
here let's say we want to delete
everything you can also do the same
thing with
amazon you can do the same thing with
youtube so maybe you're wanting to
search on how to do something on youtube
let's just say
how-to and then star and then we're
going to get a
a ton of ideas on here all based around
how do we can make videos on
I'll go ahead and pause it and then
remember if you come over here and if
Click the a to z to z it's going to
take a little bit longer but you're
going to get
so many more results in fact if we come
back over here
and if we do like let's just say our
keyword is keto
and then what it's going to do is if i
it's going to start with the letter
a and it's going to copy all those
characters there and then it's going to
band it's going to copy all those and
it's going to go c
d e f and it's going to go through and
every one of these and it's going to add
it to the software for you
saving you an immense amount of work
but this is an amazing tool like I said
it's just a one-time price I'll put that
the link below this video if you guys want
to go there and check it out
it is an amazing keyword tool and
there's other you can also get google
related you can get google questions
which are really popular to make youtube
videos from as well
so but like I mentioned earlier it has a
the huge tutorial base that goes through and
shows you step by step how to use every
the aspect of this tool
just in case you want to go in-depth and
use it more than what I do
but that's it for this video if you guys
enjoyed it please like it let me know
subscribe to my channel click the bell
and I'll let you know when I upload new
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