so I've been doing Shopify dropshipping
for the last four years, I started my
journey back in 2017. just 21 years old
Camille is already worth over 3 million
he has multiple business concerns but
the most lucrative is his dropshipping
dropshipping is where you list a
product on your website and when
somebody orders it you go to the
supplier and they ship it directly
to the customer and you never see the
product and in today's video
I'm gonna be sharing my journey and my
experience within this industry
to let you guys know for those that are
beginners or somebody that's just come
across dropshipping
because I'm sure you've seen those
Facebook ads or those youtube ads
or you've seen those flashy screenshots
you're probably thinking that this is an
amazing business model to start and you
can get rich within a couple of days a
a couple of months maybe a year so what
What I'm gonna be doing in today's video is
I'm gonna be giving you guys the actual
the real reality of being a Shopify drop
shipping business owner
and I've been in the game almost five
years which means I've been here for the
the face of time meaning that most people
that started business or businesses
fell within the first five years I've
survived that and I've achieved some
amazing results
and my results have been documented and
I've been acknowledged by them
and I've gotten all my screenshots and
proof over on the screen
21 Camille sitar's dropshipping sales
topped 1.7 million dollars in 2020. so
at least you guys know that you're
listening to somebody that's achieved
some very good results have been acknowledged
for those results
and has been in the game for long enough
to know that is dead or is it not
and should you actually be starting this
the business model for yourself so I'll be
telling you guys straight off the bat
that this is not a get rich quick scheme
also, this is not an easy business to
there's a lot of complications that are
within this business
that can make it quite challenging for a
a lot of different people now a few of
those things could be website
running Facebook ads or marketing so
there are loads of different things inside
of this industry
that can be complicated for some people
my journey started back in 2017
now prior to 2017 I was in a buying and
reselling business where i buy luxury
and resell them at a profit now i was
making some good money at that
but it wasn't a scalable business i
couldn't scale it and make more money
and I couldn't automate it
which means I was working around about
10 to 12 hours every single day and i
was getting
absolutely hammered so what I did is i
went on to google and I searched for
online ways to make money and I came
across this article that listed like 20
different business models online
and the one that came out and that stood
out quite a lot was drop shipping and
when I read the description of what it
entailed it really stand out to me
because I thought
the lessons that I learned in my buying
and reselling business I can put it in
this business
also, there are some new things I can learn
within this business and I'm always open
to a challenge
things like creating a website things
like doing Facebook ads those were the
new things I've never done before
that I was excited to try out now
something that I do want to mention
that's actually quite funny and a lot of
you guys need to hear this is
back in 2017 when I was googling drop
a lot of people back then were saying
dropshipping is dead
and today people are saying drop
shipping is dead there'll always be this
dropshipping is dead
malarkey even it doesn't matter when or
where it will always be there it was
there when I first started in 2017
and since then I've been able to achieve
multiple seven figures so
don't let that dropshipping is dead
malarkey put you off because it's been
there for a long long time
so after spending a few days doing my
research on the business model I decided
to pursue Shopify dropshipping and i
had a budget of around about two and a
half thousand pounds to three and a half
thousand pounds
which is around about four thousand
dollars to around about three and a half
thousand dollars so it's an actual
very very good budget and now talking
about budget quickly
anybody that tells you you can start
drop shipping or Shopify dropshipping
with no money is lying to you
you need a decent budget now you can
start Shopify dropshipping with a low
budget but in terms of your success rate
it's going to be like that big
like literally not really a good chance
of being successful
so you do need a budget and the budget
needed is for things like your website
your apps
your facebook advertisements your
youtube advertisements are basically your
marketing now the budget that I'd always
recommend for
anybody is around about fifteen hundred
dollars and that will enable you to be
able to build a site have the apps
and test a couple of products now the
more the better
but saying that I would always recommend
somebody not to like quit their job
after they made one thousand five
hundred dollars and start a Shopify
dropshipping business
I'd recommend that you have something
that's giving you cash flow every single
month whether it be a job
you'd be a freelancer but don't have
that mindset off I've now made a
thousand dollars I've made 500
let me quit my job and let's go all-in
on Shopify dropshipping and that can
make me my money
you need to make sure you've got
something that we call a monthly
income coming in whether it be a job or
being a freelancer
and you want to have around about a
thousand to one thousand four hundred
dollars and you just want to keep
topping it up keep topping
it up because you will get through that
cash flow quite fast
now in terms of having a job or being a
freelancer don't let that put you down
don't let that make you feel bad
as long as you're making an honest
living and you're working hard towards
your goals
there is nothing wrong with that so
don't ever let anybody out there say oh
you work a job you're less
superior than me I do agree that a job
is a short-term solution to a long-term
but as long as you're working a job or
being a freelancer and putting that
money towards something
that then can take you to the next level
then massive pat on the back to yourself
so back in 2017, this is how I do my
product research and this is how it
looked I've gone to websites like
and I'll go to their best-selling
products or I go to their newly listed
and I'd go through them and try and find
something that I would like myself
so the reason why I do that is that i
thought well if I wouldn't buy it then
somebody else wouldn't buy it
now there's a bad problem with that
because you can't always look at
as the buyer you've got to look like a
the general rule of thumb although I'm a man
I'm obviously not gonna be buying
um nail varnish or acrylic nails but
somebody else out there
might so you really have to open your
mindset and the biggest mistake that i
made in the product research game was
i was too narrow-minded to my own
beliefs and what I would buy and
what I would do with the products so
what I learned from that is when you're
finding products always do your market
research on the product so if you come
a really cool product and you think oh
wow it's an amazing product but it's not
for me
but you think it could do really really
well then do the research
on that market so let's say I'm selling
some new acrylic nails I might want to
go on to google and research
the acrylic nail market like what are
the age ranges that buy
what are the best-selling countries what
are the average spending power
in that market what needs to be
innovated in that market that people are
not doing
those are things that you really need to
express on to find out what you can do
as a unique selling point to solve the
product another massive mistake that I'd
make back in the day when it came to
product research is I'll do
everything that everybody else was doing
so I'd go on to those women product
and I would copy every single product on
there I would go on to youtube videos
and I would use the same products as
everybody else
and that's a massive no you don't want
to be a sheep you don't want to be
following everybody
you want to be unique and you want to be
in your own lane now by doing this i
completely failed for the first six
months I made a general store you know
those horrible looking typical general
stores back in the day I'll put it on
the screen
and I'll literally have like 600
products on there that were literally
all from winning product sites from the
best selling pages from youtube
and I just flood them onto my website
and I wouldn't even do any product
descriptions I just have the ones that
were imported onto the site I wouldn't
even have any professional photos or
I'll just have the standard ones and
sometimes I'd only have one photo on my
product page and obviously by doing that
I just wasn't selling anything I wasn't
anywhere I was running facebook ads as
well now I'll get into that a little bit
later but they didn't even work either
because everything was just way too
competitive and I just wasn't
very good at selling in terms of my
website my copywriting
my marketing angles were completely
off there was just no reason
for people to buy from me as a seller so
what I ended up doing after those six
months of failing is I decided to level
up my game
and learn copywriting learn market and
and that's something that a lot of these
guys don't tell you when you start your
Shopify dropshipping business they make
it looks like it's this piece of paper
that is very very simple but there's so
many diversifications
of this industry, you're selling products
to consumers
that is all about psychology but they
don't tell you that they tell you that
put this product on your website
run an ad and then you'll be laughing
late it's just not that simple there's
so much
complex into this industry when I was
leveling up my skills like my copyright
and my marketing psychology
then i went back to the drawing board
and I found a product and I did my
product research
a little bit different this time i went
on to aliexpress again and i went
through the trending products and i went
on the new selling products
and what i did instead is i went to the
last page i started doing reverse
psychology which means doing the
opposite of what most people do
so i went on those best selling products
but instead of going to page one i went
on the last
page and then i worked my way backwards
because these products were listed from
years and years and years ago which
means people probably ain't using them
anymore because they think that they're
old and that they're dead
then i came across a product that i
genuinely thought was amazing
because i'm a massive tech nerd now that
product was a
privacy screen protector now i've
actually got it on my phone now and this
phone is completely different to the
phone i was using back in 2017
this is the new 12 pro max now if you
look at this
phone screen you can see it but if i
turn it left or right you can't see it
because that's what we call a privacy
screen protector so after finding the
product and feeling absolutely positive
about it i
decided to level up again and instead of
just putting that product on my website
and running ads and hoping for the best
this time what i did is i actually
started to try and look for some of my
competitors to see
what they were doing to see what my
competition currently is and i went to
facebook and i searched for the videos
out there and i literally went to the
bar and just searched for the product
and it came across quite a lot of
different videos
now the videos i did come across they
weren't running anymore they were posted
quite a few months before me finding
that product
and i realized that people just don't
want to sell it anymore people are just
not interested in it now after me seeing
that people ain't running that product
anymore it put me back in that old bad
mindset of a dropshipper which is
because people are not running it
anymore it must mean that people are not
making money
so then i thought hold on a second let
me level up a little bit and let me
think again
and what i decided to do is i decided to
really look in
every single website and every single ad
being run for it and i thought to myself
what have they missed out
what are they not capitalized on that i
could potentially capitalize on
and that is one of the biggest things
that people just don't do at the moment
a lot of people want to sell these hot
selling products that you can find out
but not many people look and think well
look what has that person not done that
i can do
that they've not capitalized on it to
make more and more money now the one
that everybody was running for that
product was the most
obvious one which is protect your
privacy whilst being on public transport
now that is the most obvious and the
most blatant one that people will try
because it's the one that comes to mind
straight away and this is where people
go wrong because the key is to
educate your audience not sell to them
the key
is to educate what this product can do
for them and not point out what's
obvious and try and get them to sell it
to them now by me saying that what i did
instead was i
educated my audience and i said that the
chances of you being spotted on public
and people looking at your phone is very
unlikely but
to make yourself feel comfortable whilst
you are being on transport or being
around different public groups
you might as well buy it now instead of
me just putting out the obvious which is
you want to protect your privacy on your
phone whilst being out
i instead educated them and let them
know that the chance of you
even being spotted on your phone in
public and somebody looking at your
screen is very unlikely
but to make you feel more comfortable
when you're out there we would recommend
getting it just so it can ease your mind
so you can see the massive difference
there instead of hard selling
i educated and informed them and when i
looked at the actual video that they
were running it was pretty basic so what
i wanted to do was i wanted to take the
to the next level so i added in some
transitions some nice music
i added in some nice end and intro
screens and people just weren't doing
that back in the day
now you're probably thinking but today
the videos are way better than they were
back in the day and what you're talking
about now just doesn't make any sense
although you're talking about doing
transitions and you're talking about
putting music in
that's just the basics in 2021 yeah it
is the basics in 2021
but there are new things that you can do
that people are not doing today like
doing 3d renders like doing
ai technology like doing fast speed
ramping there's just so many things that
people are not doing today
that you can do that others ain't
willing to do because it takes more time
and it takes more
money people ain't getting the product
in house and recording it
people ain't getting a professional
photo shoot done these are just things
that drop shippers are not willing to do
because they are lazy and when you
understand that drop shipping is for
lazy people
you've got to understand that you want
to take it to the next level and not be
a lazy drop shipper
and if you do that that's when you win
in this game and that brings me on to
the next thing which is a psychology
barrier that a lot of you guys put in
place for yourself which is
finding reasons to justify you not doing
things so if like me saying
make your video ads better than the
competition you guys would have thought
oh welcome
in today's age um you can't do those
because they're the basics but then i
told you
to get ahead of your competition but are
you willing to do that and spend the
money and that's down to
you to decide moving on to the next
thing which is the facebook ads
i decided to look again at my
competitors look at that ad copy
and change that and try what we call
long ad copies medium copies and short
because back in the day people would
only just do short
i would try all three different ones
also what i'll do is i'd actually do
lots of different testing so instead of
doing what everybody out there will tell
me to do in terms of how to set up my ad
account how to set up my ad sets my
i would try and do a few different
things and try and test
lots of new and new different things out
instead of copying what everybody
else does and that's something that just
you guys don't do anymore and that's
something that a lot of people don't do
anymore which is
they don't want to test because they
want to be able to go to somebody and
feel like they know what they know and
what they know can give you the results
that you need so you [ __ ] if you don't
test outside of that
you're not going to see results and that
puts you in this mindset where you just
don't want to get out of it and you're
in this whole follow the sheep follow
the sheep instead of you being the
person that
steps outside of the box and tries
something new now that takes me to the
facebook ads part of this product so now
i've found the product now put on the
and i've done things differently i'm
back to the facebook ads now
instead of doing my normal facebook ad
strategy that would fail for the last
six months
i tried doing something different again
and that is the key and i hope you guys
have followed this so far which is
trying something different that the
masses don't do so before i'll just
follow this ad strategy that i found
which was okay but it was just very
basic and a lot of people were doing it
so what i would do is i would change the
budgets instead of doing two to three
dollars a day which you could do back in
the day
i tried doing five dollars a day i tried
doing ten dollars per ad set
and i tried doing different things
instead of doing interest targeting
i tried demographics so what i'd do is i
would change my whole strategy
from what most people would do which is
what we call the sheep's and i'll try
leading it myself i learned that
facebook loves variation facebook hates
it when you do
things so typical they like it when you
try loads of new things out
and that's something that i learned
after trial and error for the last six
months so something that you guys need
to really write down and think about is
when you're doing your facebook ad
strategy whatever ad strategy you're
try doing things very differently try
split testing things
try doing things that people don't
recommend that you do to see if they do
work for you because everything's
different for everybody's ad account
or advertisement account or for your
product now funnily enough things
started going really really well
after a few days we started to get some
really good sales on the product it was
actually profitable from day one now
that's not normal
within this industry being profitable
from day one but we were profitable from
day one with this product
and over the last next few days and few
days the sales just incline an incline
and incline
and we were using the same ad account
spend which means that we're making even
more money this shopify drop shipping
actually works
after six months of failing and this is
the thing that i thought to myself
i didn't say to myself well look shopify
drop shipping doesn't work i thought to
myself well look the way
i'm doing shopify drop shipping doesn't
work and that is the key
and that's something that you guys need
to write down it's not about shopify
drop shipping not work it's about the
you're doing it and that is the key
never blame somebody else or something
always be the person to be blamed
yourself and look at yourself
as an accountable person and that's
something else that you guys need to be
fully aware of
with shopify dropshipping your product
in terms of their lifespan
will only last between a couple of
months and the maximum you'll get our
one product is 12 to 18 months
now the 18 months is very very rare but
that's normally the life cycle of a
product within shopify drop
and that brings me on to the next really
important point when you do make money
with a store don't go out there and buy
yourself some expensive designer goods
keep the profit and reinvest it because
there's been many examples within myself
and people that are nowhere
they've had one very successful store
they spend the money they get excited
they think oh well we'll just start a
new store and do it again and guess what
for months they don't get another store
that does well
and then they've gone out there and
spent loads of money on themselves and
they've got no money to put into the
company and the key here guys is
any money that you do make put it in the
bank and hold it for reinvestment
in a new store or the current store
you've got because you just
don't know when will be the next time
you'll find a successful product
and i tend to say that you're gonna be
testing between five and ten products
until you find one that does well again
now sometimes it can be quicker than
but that's my averages right there so
just bear that in mind
and to bear in mind that you need to be
spending around about three hundred
dollars per product
to test them so if you do the math you
can work out how much money you need to
a decent product on the averages now for
those guys that are asking what were the
profit margins with that it was around
about 20 to 23 percent
now that's the basic average profit
margins in drop shipping you're looking
at between
10 to 30 percent for those guys that are
wondering and you're probably thinking
well they're not the best profit margins
but in terms of scalability they are
very very good and when it comes to
selling the store at the end
you can make even more money so don't
let those profit margins make you think
oh well
it's not a lot of money do bear in mind
that those are actually very very
considering the business model that
we're in so here's chapter two in 2018 i
started general niche store and a
general knee store basically means a
niche but
everything about that niche so general
overall parts of the niche
and what i did is i just basically put
loads of different tech products
into that store and i was running
multiple ads to multiple products
so instead of running one product at a
time i was running three at a time and i
was running ads for each one of those
products at a time
because i was looking to basically speed
up my process
to find the next winning product to then
scale it out and this is something that
i'd recommend for a lot of you guys if
you're looking for faster results
then you want to be testing more
products at each time now that's only
depending on your budget
and the amount of time that you've got
required now after testing three
products at a time in that general niche
then i decided to go all in within the
one product because it was showing me
the best results
and i put all the cash flow and all the
effort within that one product
and we then scaled it aggressively and
when i say scaling it aggressively i
mean about the amount of ad sets that i
was doing
about the budget and the overall
everyday running for the product and
that is another big
lesson that you need to learn once you
find something with proof of concept
go all in on it straight away because
you just don't know how long
the hype is going to last around the
product you don't know how long it's
going to be till other people catch on
to your product
and try and sell it and make the
competition even harder now what we were
able to achieve within 2018 with that
general niche store was multiple
six figures which was absolutely amazing
and during that time we had to learn how
to do cross-selling
upselling we had to learn how to
increase the product pricing and learn
how to load the advertisement costs to
make it an overall more profitable
as well to generate more revenue so
that's another thing that you guys need
to make sure that you learn
and you try and teach yourself which is
how do i upsell how do i cross-sell
how can i increase my product pricing
without making the ads get
basically destroyed by you changing too
many things at one time
and how can i make my ads less expensive
but carry on with the same result again
that comes back down to
testing things out so when people go to
buy your product have you got an upsell
showing that they can upgrade the
product or they can add something with
do you have a checkout upsell on it are
you changing the product price in every
50 orders what i do i do it by two
so if i'm selling something for 34.99
after 50 orders i'll put it to 37.99 and
i'll keep going and keep going till i
find a barrier of resistance
and then i'll put it back down to what
was doing the best before
now in terms of how to lower your ad
costs how can i decrease my ad spend
by decreasing the ad sets that are
working well or lowering the amount that
i'm doing and still getting the same
results and again that comes back down
to split test now in 2019
this was the year that did everything
for me this was the year where i was
able to achieve
seven figures with one store in a short
amount of time
now this was in queue for black friday
christmas now
q4 for e-commerce and majority of
businesses out there
is the best time to get one going and to
make the most money
now you're probably thinking well i'm
just going to start a business drawing
that's not as simple as that because
you've got to have the skills you've got
to have the knowledge you've got to know
what you're doing during q4
because during q4 which is the quarter
of the year which is between
um october and december or september
those are the easiest days to sell those
are the easiest months to sell
but i always say during q4 it's not
about getting the set it's about making
sure the customer's happy
so the in terms of the amount of skill
that you need during q4 compared to q1
q3 is a lot higher the running costs are
a lot higher
so don't just watch this video and think
well i'm going to make a store during
october this year
and try make as much money as possible
because it's just not going to work like
that you need to make sure you've got
the skills you've got the knowledge
you've got the proof of concept first
before you can do that so the best time
to get started is now
and then wait for q4 and then when
you're in q4 you can go crazy now let me
get right back into the story
so in q4 of 2019 we made another
niche store for tech products and we had
all that pixel data now pixel data
is basically data where you collect
people's information like add to cart
initiate checkout and view content and
you can do lookalike audiences
because i had that much data in that
industry when i started this new store
and i started selling during q4 things
went a bit crazy because
i already had a season pixel so when i
launched new ads they were cheap
and they were very very scalable and
profitable and because of the q4 hype i
was able to achieve my first seven
which was a game changer for me so when
i say i've made a million dollars i
don't mean that i've personally made a
million dollars that means it's revenue
and the profit of that revenue is around
about 18
to 22 percent so overall it's not bad at
all it's very very life-changing for
somebody at my age
and where i've come from so when you
achieve those kind of results and you
achieve that kind of success this is
what opens the doors up now to
bigger and better things now this is the
key drop shipping is the little bridge
to the bigger story
now drop shipping is what gets you going
it's what teaches you facebook ads it's
what teaches you customer psychology
it's what teaches you the fundamentals
now this is something that nobody tells
drop shipping is by far one of the best
industries to learn very very important
fundamentals like advertising
like customer psychology like building a
website like doing
product descriptions there's so many
fundamentals that you learn within
shopify drop shipping so let's say you
achieve only 10 percent or 20 of the
results that i was able to achieve
now you're going to be able to have all
those skills and within those skills it
will open the door for you to maybe
start a marketing agency
for you to go and get a job at a very
good marketing job for a big company
which can land you a six figure salary
i don't know what you want to do with
those skills but what i'm trying to say
by doing this industry opens up the
doors because of the skills that you
which is just something that nobody
thinks about when they start when people
start they only think about what they're
gonna get on day one how much
they're money they're gonna make on day
one they don't think of what it's gonna
over the long term of your life so what
i decided to do
from going from my seven figure chapter
in 2019 is
in 2020 i decided to start a youtube
channel which teaches you guys how to do
ecommerce and drop shipping
and the reason why i started a youtube
channel is because now i'm in a position
where i don't need to worry about money
and i can get on the camera and not
worry about oh am i making money because
i need money i can just do it for the
love of doing and within 2020 i was
still running my drop shipping stores i
was still
running that niche store in the tech
industry and i also started some more
and what i also did in 2020 is i did a
lot of partnership stores where
i collaborate with other people we go 50
50 or 25 25 25
and we work together on a store and the
reason why i decided to do that instead
of running my own stores on my own
was because of time efficiency i can
make just about the same amount of money
if not a little bit less but have a lot
more time to myself to do things like
youtube to go out there and enjoy my
life with my partner because those first
years of doing shopify drop shipping i
had one of the most boring
lifestyles ever i sat at a desk all day
I didn't go out I didn't go partying i
didn't go on meals I didn't do any of
that crazy stuff
and that's the next thing that you need
to learn you will have to sacrifice
throughout your journey it's a must also
with partnership stores, they're a lot
more enjoyable because you're
socializing with other people and when
you do stores on your own
you can find them quite boring because
it's just you and you only
so even for beginners if you want to
start a store with your friend you're
going to enjoy it a lot more because
there's more socialization
within that store but there are also cons
that come into doing partnership stores
like you're not agreeing on things so do
bear in mind the pros and the cons
but from today and going forward I'm
more highly invested
in doing partnerships than I am doing
solo stores now q4
in 2020 was absolutely amazing we
achieved some great results and I've
even made a video of me doing a day in
life on q4 last year so I'll leave it
here so you guys can watch it at the end
of the video
but we didn't do as much as we did in
2019 but it was a lot more fun it was
a lot more sociable
and the profit margins were actually a
a lot better in that store
so if we look at this week this week
we've done 34k with the store
um there if you look at this month we've
done almost 200k
with the store again when today finishes
we'll hit 200k I'll post
again an update and then with another
store let's get the other store up as
just to show you so these other stores
are almost 4k
today this yes sorry this week it's done
and this month it's pretty much just hit
so this month this one's hit 100k as
well so there we go
so overall I can't be happier than than
what we've achieved so far so that's
something else that I do want you guys
to bear in mind you need to get a scale
and weigh up what's more important more
money or more time
more time or a lifestyle you've got to
really weigh up these different options
because when you do make money
the options become more widely available
and you need to start working out which
ones you prefer do you prefer making
more money by having less time or do you
prefer the opposite and these are things
you have to really consider now let's
talk about 2020 what and where I am at
this current stage and what my plans are
going forward
so in 2021, it's all about learning lots
of new things for me
personally so things I'm learning in
today that is very important for my
dropshipping stores in the future and
my e-commerce stores in the future
are number one the new technologies like
ai which is artificial
intelligence ar artificial reality so
now you can do these stores where
they've got ar technology and I've also
made a video about that so I'll leave
that in the description so you can watch
it at the end and these are things that
not drop-shippers are willing to do so
as I've been talking about my journey
throughout this whole video, i've been
talking about being ahead of your
and even till today, I'm doing the same
I'm trying to be ahead of my competition
one way or another some of the things
I'm doing I'm learning to tick-tock ads to
another level I'm learning from one of
the best guys that I know of
I'm also learning my youtube ads and I'm
doing them I'm doing things that not
many other dropshippers are willing to
and do trial and error to get to
the next level because lets are honest
facebook ads are still amazing we're
still making lots of money with Facebook
but there will be a time where there
will be a better competitor whether it
be youtube
whether it be tick-tock there will
always be the next best thing
so you need to make sure that you're
ready for the next best thing it doesn't
mean that facebook ads are dead ios 14
is called facebook it's still a very
good option
but you've always got to make sure that
you've got a plan b plan c
ready just in case and that's another
thing that drop shippers don't do they've
never got a plan b or c rep they just
focus on plan a
and if that goes wrong they just
complain something else that I'm really
working on a lot this year is our
clothing brand solitaire
me and my friend Jordan Nicklin it's a
clothing brand it's one of the biggest
ones in the UK when it comes to working
with some big
artists and it's not a drop shipping
store it's a real e-commerce store
with actual products being designed and
created by us and that's one of my next
things and that's something else that i
want to talk about
dropshipping again like I said was the
bridge to the bigger picture now we're
doing our own stores
our own branded stores our own actual
products and that is where you make the
money in e-commerce when you've got your
own private label store
whether you've got your own fashion
a store that's where the real money is
but you must learn the skills and again
when I'm running this clothing store
I'm using a facebook ad strategy that
I'd use it for my actual dropshipping
store so
that's what I'm trying to say what you
learn in dropshipping is so powerful
for your future events
so drop shipping from 2017 has now put
me in a position where I can really do
whatever I want I really do love
investing my money and I've invested a
lot more money into cryptocurrency i
wouldn't be able to do that if it wasn't
for drop shipping
I'm not in a position where I can start
SAS companies because
being a drop shipper being somebody in
e-commerce I'm always coming across
things that I'd love to solve and I can
create a sas company
to solve those problems so I'm looking
into things I can make in terms of sales
now a lot of things that a lot of
drop shippers do when they see successes
they create a course a paid course
i'm not about that life but that's some
options that people do and I personally
don't agree with it but that's my view
on it but that's one of the things that
a lot of drop shippers like to do when
they're making a little bit of money
if I wanted to now I could get into
being a marketing agency there's just so
many things that dropshipping has done
for me
that I would have never been able to do
if I didn't do drop shipping throughout
those few years I've been able to go
into one of the biggest tv programs in
In the UK I've been able to go on to some
massive websites like business insider
so it's completely reshaped my whole
and again if you only think short term
you'll never get here I've been working
my ass off
for four years to get here and I'm only
seeing the real crazy results
in this year 2021 so do I think drop
shipping is a good business model for
you to start in 2021 and 2022 or do i
think it's gonna die out
I think it's still one of the best if
the best business model for beginners on
a good amount of budget
being one to one thousand four hundred
dollars with a good monthly income being
a job of being a freelancer
to start in 2021 because the skills the
what you can do after this is insane and
nothing compares to it
is the famous is dropshipping dead no
it's not dead everybody will tell you
it's dead
because it's ways to justify why you
won't be successful
in that now like I said to you guys
before people were saying it back in
people are going to always say, people
will say in 2024 people say in 2025
but what I will say is do not start
Shopify dropshipping if you're lazy
if you like to have excuses if you like
to blame other people
if you're looking to get rich quick then
do not bother with it
if you're not open to new challenges if
you're not open
to really diversifying your knowledge
like copyright in
learning how to do advertisement don't
do it because it's not a simple business
it's a lot more complex than people lead
you on to believe it's going to take
months maybe years to learn the ins and
the outs of this
industry and to get to the next level
but let's say for example you're 25 or
let's say for example you're 45
if it takes you three years let's say
you're 45 you're gonna be 48 and let's
say you'll be able to achieve some
life-changing results do it really
matter if you're 25
it's gonna take you three years you're
now 28. does it really matter if it
takes three years stop thinking so
short-minded and start thinking a little
bit more long-term
so I hope that's helped, you guys
understand what it takes to be a
successful drop shipper, i hope that's
given you some motivation
to start a Shopify dropshipping business
I hope this let you guys know the ones
that were interested but now
that's made you think maybe it's not for
me you know whether you should start or
whether you shouldn't start
a dropshipping business I hope you guys
have really enjoyed listening to my
journey and what I've had to go through
and what I've had to do
to get here today like I was saying
before the best place to learn Shopify
dropshipping for completely free
is on my youtube channel because I've
released a six-hour free course
where I teach you everything that I've
been talking about in today that you
might have thought oh I don't understand
what you're saying
I cover it all in the six-hour free
course and I'll leave in the cards here
and in the description so guys I'll
catch you very very soon I hope this
the video has been helpful and lets me know
what you guys thought of it in the
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