so these are my top 10 favorite products
for August 2021, q3, and I'm
going to be giving you guys three of my
winners from last year drawing q3 so you
guys are in for a massive treat hey guys
Welcome to the youtube channel my name
is Camille Sanon as the ecom king and in
today's video I'm going to be giving you
my top 10 favorite hands selected
products for august 2021 q3 and we're
currently heading into q3 which is one
of the best times to get involved with
e-commerce and drop shipping and for
that reason I'm gonna be giving you guys
three of my winners from last year from
myself and my business partners so you
guys can get ahead of everybody else now
I've done all the hard work for you guys
because I'm gonna be giving you guys the
product descriptions the ad copies the
other stores that are selling this I'm
gonna be giving you all the information
that you're going to need to be able to
get ahead of the competition so you can
crush it during q3 and q4 now how I find
these products are I go to the industry
leading websites like peekster which is
a women product tool software and then i
do extra research by going to google
trends looking at statistics and looking
at daily order, volume to see if they fit
the current time of the year I'm going
to put them on this list for you for
completely free and I've also created a
free google doc sheet and this free
google doc sheet has all the information
on here that you're going to need to
fast-track your process and if you want
to be able to get this free google doc
the sheet we need to 2
500 likes on this video and I'll leave
it in the description and in the pin
comment now if you're currently a member
of the VIP membership group for the
the channel you'll be able to access this
free google doc sheet straight away so
this is a quick disclaimer there's no
guarantees that any of the products on
today's list is going to generate any
income for your stores these are all
based on my own opinions on my own
thoughts there are three products on this
list today that are actually my winners
from last year but it doesn't guarantee
that you're going to make any money with
so guys the first product on today's
the list is gonna be the giant support
pillow and if we look at the express
link for this product as you guys can
see it's got 2476
orders so it's currently trending and
doing really really well and what this
product is it's basically for women that
are pregnant and these pillows are
designed to keep them comfortable whilst
being pregnant because whilst you're
being pregnant it's not comfortable to
lie on a normal bed so this pillow helps
support them and keep them comfortable
and it comes in loads of different
colors and lots of different styles now
this was actually one of our winnings
products for one of my business partners
called bill and this was his first-ever
winning he's able to achieve over a
hundred thousand dollars with this
product now
the thing that I love about this product
is in statistics it works really well at
the moment because it's pregnancy and
pregnancy rates have driven really high
at the moment so it's a perfect time for
this product and it's a forever green
product meaning that women are
constantly getting pregnant throughout
the year so this product will never die
out and it will not be useful
because there's always going to be
pregnant women out there now another
the reason why I love this product so much
is because whilst people are at home
more than ever this just encourages
these products do really really well
so something else that I've done to
really help me find out if these
products are saturated or not is I use a
chrome-extension called saturation
inspector and as you guys can see here
it shows me the competition level and it
shows me all the different stores that
are selling this current product on
Shopify and on woocommerce and you can
see there are about 142 uh stores selling
this product now because there's 140
stores selling this product it doesn't
mean that all of them are running paid
advertisements for them which means that
yes 140 studs are running it but how
many of them are actually driving
traffic to them and that's something
that you need to have a look at to work
out if it's saturated or not but if we
look at the competition level it's not
showing it as saturated just yet so this
is a perfect time to get involved with
it now something else that you really
want to do is you want to be looking for
these products on other suppliers like
CJ drop shipping wheel because they have
better shipping times than aliexpress so
for example, here we've got the
pregnancy pillow here and you guys can
see if we look at the shipping times
this one does ship from France and you
can see that the shipping time if you
have a look right now is about
three to eight days so that's a lot
faster than aliexpress now do bear in
mind though that some of the warehouses
are just from France to France so you
ship from France and you can only ship
to France so do bear in mind have a look
at CJ dropship and look at their
shipping methods and I'll show you
another example in a minute so this is
the other example that I've got for you
which is another product that's on this
list and you can see that the shipping
time here if we look at this one is 12
to 18 days now the shipping cost can get
a little bit expensive and it does
change every day so do make sure that
you monitor the shipping prices and you
consider it into your product costing
because you want to make sure that
you're making around about 20 on each
one of these products now something else
What I love about saturation inspector is it
actually works on um it actually works
now on CJ drop shipping so if you click
saturation specter it will actually show
you on CJ drop shipping not just
aliexpress and it will also show with
you on Alibaba because before it only
used to work on aliexpress so this is a
great upgrade to figure out if people
are using JC drop shipping or not for
these products now if we take a look at
the product price and recommendation i
recommend they sell this product for
59.99 it's going to cost you around
about 35
and your profit margin's gonna be around
about twenty-four dollars now like I was
saying before I'd recommend that you
make at least twenty dollars per product
in margin and that should actually
include your shipping cost and your
product cost if you want to be able to
advertise on Facebook and other paid
advertising platforms profitably now the
the product description reads over 10
different sleeping and relaxing
positions finally get the rest you need
this giant support pillow helps pregnant
women new moms and difficult sleepers
sleep peacefully perfect for any
sleeping position the unique shape
controls the body to ensure support for
hips neck shoulders and back all while
helping to regulate the body temperature
and enhance enhancing circulation for
deep and restful sleep and it says the
the giant u-shaped pillow is extra soft
support on the purpose body pillow now
if we have a look at some other store
that's selling this product right now
you can see this one right here which is
a general niche dropshipping store and
the website looks like your typical drop
shipping store back from 2018
which I don't recommend they're
currently selling for 59.99 and you can
see they've got a few different images
and a few different trust badges now you
don't want your website looking like
although it's not terrible you want
to make sure that your website is a one
product store and you follow the one
product store guide in the free drop
shipping course because that will help
you get the best conversion rate so you
can look at this website and it will be
in the free google doc sheet uh to see
how they've laid out a few of their
upsize cross-sales discounts but i
wouldn't recommend using this as an
example of how you should base your
website because it is an old-school drop
shipping website so if we take a look at
a Facebook video I've been run for this
you can see it starts off with a woman
in bed in pain and it says back pain
ruining your sleep and then it shows the
a person then moving to this pregnancy
pillow and it shows them being a lot
happier and it shows them being
able to sleep better and then it shows
loads of different images of people and
then it just talks about how it helps to
reduce any issues with the spine and
back pain and fatigue and it's a very
simple video because it starts with the
pain point and then it shows a solution
and these types of video ads always do
really really well now talking about
video ads if you want to get the best
video ads that are custom content and
that you can be assured that you're not
going to get in trouble for using I use
bilo all the time for when I test
products I always use bilo and what bilo
is where you send your product to
these creators on this platform and then
what they do is they make videos for you
and there are examples here of a few of
they and they're absolutely amazing so
if we take a look at this video for
For example, you can see somebody showing an
unboxing experience you can see somebody
doing a beauty experience and it just
shows you what your video ads could look
like if you use bilo so I'd recommend
that you check this one out guys because
it is what I use for all my video ads at
the moment and the reason why you want
to go for unique content is because
number one you're not gonna get any
issues with any uh copyright you're
gonna have unique content and then that
the way you're not gonna get in trouble and
when you're advertising on Facebook and
tick tock there's a higher barrier to
entry now so if you have your own custom
the content you are going to get better
results for the algorithm so in terms of
the countries I'd recommend that you
the target for paid advertisements is the
e-packet countries miners Mexico brazil
and Italy because I tend to find that
when I advertise to those countries i
get high fraud risks now it's got
nothing to do with those countries
they're beautiful countries but I just
tend to find that those countries give
me issues when it comes to fraud rate
now the interest I'd recommend for this
product is babycare mother's
daddy and newborn and then you can use
suggested interest to find loads of more
interest now the ad copy says is your
back ruining your sleep now you can
sleep in a comfort with the
award-winning peaceful night easy sleep
pillow designed for
side sleeping the doctor-approved and
the recommended pillow can reduce and
discomfort by supporting your back
aligning your spine and maintaining a
natural curvature now and then it goes
over all the bullet points um points
saying that how good it is and these
bullet points on ad copies work really
really well now something I do want to
talk about is you shouldn't be
mentioning things like doctors approvals
or award-winning if they are not awarded
winning or doctor-approved because you
will get done by Facebook for basically
misleading so make sure that when you
talk about being the award-winning
product or
um or approved by doctors make sure that
they actually have been because you will
get into trouble so the second product
on today's list is going to be the pop
bloop toy if we look at the express
link for this product it's got over 2
500 orders and I love products between 2
000 orders and 5 000 orders because it
means that they got proof of concept but
they're not too saturated just now now
this product is basically a satisfying
a product so when you get bubble wrap and
you pop the bubbles in the bubble wrap
you get satisfaction from it it's
basically this but in a kid's toy and it
comes in different colors different
shapes like burgers unicorns ice cream
and kids just absolutely love them and
the reviews on this have been absolutely
amazing and parents are very satisfied
with the outcome that they've had with
their children using these toys now kids
toys are one of our best selling products
in our drop shipping stores and the
the reason why kids products are doing
really really well is because a lot of
kids are at home and they need to be
entertained and this is one of the best
products that do that because of the
satisfaction aspect of it now if we take
a look at the product price and
recommendation recommend they saw this
product for 24.99 it's gonna cost you
four dollars now the product description
says develop children's intelligence and
cultivate logical reasoning ability and
exercise mental and planning ability at
At the same time, it can prevent
the brain and elderly keep the brain
active see in action relax relaxing
artifact our popping block toy will make
a slight popping sound when pressing the
bubble to help release stress anxiety
and relaxation in the life it's suitable
for parent-child games autism people
with high anxiety and elderly now if we
quickly take a look at one of the
websites selling this it's called pop in
bloop and it's one product branded
store for this product specifically and
they've gone for those kids color scheme
blue-black and white absolutely love it
and you can see they've got a nice high
quality photos and they've got videos
showing it in action and you can see
that all the photos they're using on the
websites are high-quality photos and you
can see they've got some very short but
brief um explanation on how the product
works they've got the self and hate
health safes they've got the safe and
healthy part here which is very
important and then they've got something
about a perfect gift now not a lot of
people talk about this but they don't
talk about how products can be perfect
gifts which are important than the nice
frequently brought together here
maximizing the different variants of the
product and then they've got these
reviews here which look really really
nice and really good quality and my
favorite review app is luke's reviews
and I actually have a 30-day free trial
if you want to use it in the description
now if we quickly take a look at
facebook out of being around for this
the part you can see says hey kids are
going crazy over this coin if we play it
shows kids playing with it and having
fun together popping the toy and it
shows satisfaction and then you can see
here it shows the name of the brand and
then you can see kids playing with that
outside and inside and it shows their
emotions whilst using it now this is a
very powerful video because it's showing
the product in action it's showing
satisfaction from the product by
emotional and it's showing that it's
being multiple used by indoors and
outdoors and it's showing families using
it together and that's a very powerful
emotional video ad so these are the
Facebook interests I'd recommend parents
were preschoolers three to five parents
with early school-aged children, six to
eight parents for pre-teens eight to
twelve then you can use suggested
interest now the ad copy reads endless
pop having trouble getting your child
off your phone today give them the pop
a toy that kids of all ages are enjoying
right now it's washable durable and
portable and then this is the actual
thumbnail and the thumbnail is something
very simple and it just shows the
product in high quality in a kids
environment so the third product on
today's list is going to be the car
balloon launch and if you look at the ad
express link for this product it's
basically, kids toy again and what
happens is you get this big pump here
and then you get the cars to go with it
and then you put the balloon in the
little toy and then when you pump it it
pumps the balloon into the car and it's
a really cool unique product now this is
actually our winning product from last
year during q4 and we achieved over two
hundred thousand dollars in one month
with this exact product so this is a
the massive product now this product is very
unique as a unique use to it has the
balloon aspect and the kid's toys aspect
kids love balloons they love toys so
putting them together that's what makes
this product so so powerful now the
product price and recommendation is I'd
recommend they sell it for 29.99 it's
gonna cost you around about seven
dollars and you're gonna be making
around about 22 dollars in margin now
the product description says in the
balloon powered car we'll show you how
to use air pressure to power the car toy
a balloon-powered car is pushed forward
by air escaping from the balloon and
it's a fun easy way to play with your
kids together and then it says the
features here educational toys this is
an air-powered balloon and a vehicle set
to science experiment about the
knowledge and suitability for kids three
years old and up learning and playing
great DIY tour for your kids to learn
some science and knowledge behind them
having the fun racecar more however it
also improves child children's exercise
abilities now unfortunately I wasn't
able to find a decent website selling
this product but I have found a video ad
for you guys and if we play it you can
see it shows the kid pumping it into the
little car and then it shows them how
big the balloon can get and then it
shows how the balloon powers the car to
a move which is really really cool now
this Facebook video ad is very simple
it's just demonstrating the use case of
this toy because it's quite complicated
unless you see it in reality which shows
how to pump it and then when you pump
the balloon the car will then move and
you guys can see it's in very good
quality and you can see you can do other
things with it you can basically make
kids toys fly in the air using this so
there's so many multiple aspects this
product and it's an absolute game
changer for kids now these are the
interest I'd recommend the exact same
ones as the last product and you can see
they demonstrated right here now the ad
copyreads hottest kids game 50 off free
shipping by now and then you can see the
the thumbnail shows the cars the balloons in
it and then it shows another image of
the other toy that you can use the
balloons with and then it shows the
actual pump right there and we call this
a multiple images in one image showing
different images inside of one image to
demonstrate the full use case of the
a product so guys the fourth product on
today's list is going to be pressure
hose nozzle foam gun if you look at the
aliexpress link for this product as you
guys can see it's a washing tool eight
in one jet spray gun and it's a foam
washing tool gun and it's got under 500
orders which means it's brand new to the
aliexpress marketplace which is amazing
and as you guys can see it shows here an
image of the gun and you can see here is
the foam nozzle and the reason why foam
nozzles are important is because
whenever you're washing cars or anything
you want it to foam because then that
way it's got more impact and it's less
damaging on the whatever you're washing
when you're washing a car and it's very
strong water very pressurized water it
will actually damage the paintwork on
the car so you want it to be foaming so
it doesn't do that so you guys can see
here it shows the foam on the floor of
how firmed it gets and then it also
shows you the images of how it works
here and it's quite a simple product but
it has eight use cases and it is
protective on anything that you're
currently washing the reason why I love
this product is because people want to
save money at the moment because they're
not sure of the economy so a great way
to save money is being able to wash things
from home to save money and because it's
the summer season right now people are
enjoying the hot weather and they want
to get outside and wash their cars and
whatever like their houses and things
like that now this is the product
pricing recommendation recommend that
you sell it for 29.99 it's gonna cost
you around about nine dollars and you
can make it around 20 profit margin now
the reason why I love this product so
much is because it's got so much cross
silent upsell you can sell things like
washing liquid with it you can sell so
many upsells with it now the product
the description says high-pressure nozzle
our dispenser has eight spray patterns
and soap dispenser high-pressure design
technology can concentrate water
pressure at this point of spray distance
up to six to ten meters best for
watering plants lawn patios and washing
cars showering pets the hose nozzle with
soap dispenser built-in soap dispenser
that perfectly combines the detergent
bottle and the soap dispenser makes no
longer need to prepare buckets of foamy
water separately when you're washing and
your detergent into the bottle adjust
the amount of foam by a rotary switch so
you can rotate this pitch by just
rotating it and that will increase the
firm or not now if we quickly take a
look at a Facebook ad video being run
for this, this is quite cool because it's
not actually showing you a video ad
washing a car it's actually showing you
a video ad washing a so this one
quite this one kind of makes me laugh
because it's such a dramatic video
somebody washing a horse so you can see
here somebody's washing their horse
right now
with this exact product and it's
something that you wouldn't uh wouldn't
think of and this is what we
calla wow factor because you won't
expect this to be washing a horse so it
grabs the attention you know exactly
what this does and it's a short and
simple video ad which works well and the
the thing I love about this is you can run a
video ad for cars uh you can run a video
ad for somebody washing their brickwork
outside you can run an ad for somebody
washing their animals with it there's so
much multiple angle frames that you've
got with this actual product now the
interest I'd recommend for this product
is gadget cars summer cleaning and car
wash you can also do things like animals
if you wanted to now you can see here
the ad copy says no need to pay for
expensive car washes get your own car
wash from home with a car wash foam gun
now that's for the car wash marketing
the angle you could do things like no need
to go to an expensive groomer have a
grooming groomer from home or something
like that and then you can see here this
is the thumbnail showing again I don't
know why it's a bad quality I think it's
the google doc and you can see here it
says I want this now and it shows the
horse being washed with this foam gun
right here which is really really cool
so the fifth product on today's list is
the pearl cover-up button set and if you
look at the express link for this
the product you can see it's got over 700
orders it's currently getting on to that
trending aspect and what this product is
is basically for people that are wearing
certain clothing and the buttons aren't
very strong on the clothing so it helps
secure it so obviously you're not going
to get any issues with wearing your
hoodies your knitted jumpers and things
like that and it also makes them look
pretty so if you're wearing things or
buttons they can sometimes look ugly so
this is a nice way to make them look
pretty and you can see the different
designs here and they come in loads of
different designs and this product has
so much potential for crossover upsell
and the reason why I love this product
so much is because the fashion product
is great products anything that's in
fashion does really really well as long
as you're timing the year right in
terms of what side during the year but
this product can be sold all throughout
the year because people are always
wearing clothes with buttons on them so
that's why I love this product so so
much and I haven't really seen many
people advertise products like these so
I feel like they're underrated so if you
look at the product price
recommendations I'd recommend they sell
it for 19.99 it's gonna cost you two
dollars and your margin is going to be
around about 17 but where you're going
to make money for this is where you're
doing things like quantity breaks you're
doing upsells and cross-sales because
there are so many different designs you
want to be upselling them on loads of
different designs that they could buy
the product description says not liking
your top loose neckline clothes over the
style using our peel cover button set
classy practical and convenient this is
accessory keeps your top securely closed
to prevent accidental exposure while
still looking stalled so if we quickly
take a look at a website selling this i
want to show you a few things that this
the website has done well which you guys
could do as well so the only thing that
they've done well is they've used really
nice imagery that actually explains the
product instead of writing actual
product descriptions so this is
something quite new and it's been
happening for the last few years but not
many people have been actually using it
but instead of writing product
descriptions people use imagery and then
within the imagery, they actually write
things on the imagery and they show
pictures to explain exactly how it works
and this is more attractive for people
that are more that have less attention
span because people's attention span is
getting slower and slower and what what
you want to do is you want to make sure
that these images actually get people's
attention and they don't lose attention
from the actual thing so if people read
descriptions they lose attention because
nothing is appealing to it so this
is a great way to counter that so if i
quickly show you a video I've been
around for this product on Facebook you
can see it shows the person at the start
of the video struggling with her loose
top and it shows potentially some some
some flesh being exposed and it shows
that if you use these new buttons it
helps make them a little bit firmer
so you're not going to get that issue
and it shows you how easy they are to
use and they're not just used as buttons
they're also used as making collars look
really nice as well so you can see there
it's in what I call a speed ramping
the process so it's the actual video is
being played quicker than it should
actually, be played so it's being played
I would say about 1.5 times faster than
its originals time and what that does is
it keeps people engaged with the video
and it's really nicely done because it's
done really nice and high quality and it
shows the different ways you can use
these for hats collars for sleeves
there are so many UK use cases for this
product as long as you explain to the
customer the use cases they can use so
that's a really good solid video app now
these are the interest I'd recommend
this product pearl shopping and fashion
clothing jacket jewelry and then you can
use suggested interest now the ad copy
says make buttons on clothing
fashionable get it now URL and then it
shows here the image of a woman's hand
holding these button clips to show the
different designs that they have and
with fashionable products, it's just a
a simple image that works really really
well and as a thumbnail so the sixth
product on today's list is the cat bed
if you look at the express link for
this product as you guys can see it's
literally an animal bed and a cat bed now
this can be used for dogs as well as
from what I've seen in the description
and in the reviews and it's just a nice
cool looking bed with a pillow actually
attached to it as well which is really
really cute and it comes in different
designs and color now this is just
another new style of a variant of an old
winning product so there used to be that
banana cat bed I don't know if you guys
remember and that was actually one of
our old school winning products that we
did a couple of uh tens of thousand i
think we did around about forty-six
thousand dollars with that product it
was a banana bed cat bed now this is
similar but this is actually an actual
looking bed instead of a banana bed now
this product's got over a thousand
orders so it shows proof of concept and
it's got some great reviews and it comes
indifferent sizes to fit your pet and
it can ship from the united states for
faster delivery time and you guys can
see it comes in different colors and
stars as well and the reason why I think
this product is good is because people
treat their pets like their kids so
they're willing to spend money on them
and they find things like this really
adorable now pets love sleeping
in their owner's beds so why not get them
their own bed to stop that issue from
happening so that's why I absolutely
love this product so the product price
and recommendation is I'd recommend they
sell this product for 29.99 it's gonna
cost you nine dollars and you're gonna
be making around about twenty dollars in
profit margin now the product
the description says pre-super self-heating
cat cave house bed ensures a cozy
sleeping for your pet in a cold season
provide a quiet hiding place for your
pet super thick and soft make your pet
super comfortable giving your pet a
privacy and create a good sense of
security now if we quickly take a look
at an actual Facebook video after this
the product you can see shows a car
actually going into the bed and sleeping
in it and it shows them being really
adorable sleeping on the pillow
as well and it's just really really cute
and with pet products like this you
don't need to have them crazy videos you
just need explanation videos showcasing
a real case use case for the products
and pet owners are going to absolutely
love this and find it absolutely
adorable and they're going to want to
buy one for their own furry pet now the
interest I'd recommend for this product
is going to be cat lovers muscle of cats
pets at home cat lady cat plain toys pet
store and then you can use suggested
interest now the ad copy reads most pets
love their owner's beds get your fur baby
its own bed is cute and simple and then it
shows here has the thumbnail a cat in
the bed and it shows its paws on the
pillow and it says your cat will love it
and it's simple but it's powerful so
guys the seven products on today's list
is the globe dissenter with the ship and if
you look at Alex Preston for this
product as you guys can see it's
basically, an object to hold your
expensive alcohol in and a lot of people
like to do this when they have guests
over to have the most expensive alcohol
in these nice containers to really show
them off and as you guys can see it's a
globe on this funny holder which looks
really cool and then it has the glasses
to match it as well which is really
really nice and people love things like
this they come in two different colors
black and brown and you can have it
without the glasses or with the glasses
so you give those people the option for
that now the reason why I feel like this
product's gonna do really really well is
because now people can mix again
with other people, they're gonna want to
be able to celebrate certain things
and as you've got Christmas and things
like that coming up people are gonna
want to have their best stuff on show
and this is one of the things right here
and people really do invest a lot of
money in preserving and showcasing their
expensive alcohol their wine and stuff
like that so I just feel like this
the product really does fit in with that and
it's got really an underrated order
amount it's got 359 orders it's quite a
new product to the market in terms of
the design and I just feel like things
like this could do really really well
it's had some great reviews based on the
quality and the actual use case of it in
terms of how it's actually used to
actually pour the alcohol into the cup
now this is the product price and
recommendation recommend they sell it
for around about 69.99 it's going to
cost you around about 41 you're making
around about 28 on the product now the
the product description says embrace your
love of travel adventure and a good
whiskey red wine is a beautiful mouth
blown global decent is a must-have the
sails and ships have an amber hue which
has to make sure a beautiful home piece
about the item you can see here the
the capacity of which it can hold and it
separates basically everything from
pouring and it just goes over how it's
all used and the capacity of it and then
it says here lead-free glasses the
whiskey holder is manufactured and
crafted from aba and lead-free
ultra-clarity glass known as safe and
storing the drink of alcohol make sure
excellent choice of serving cocktails
whiskey and different drinks so it just
goes over the important things that
people that do appreciate their alcohol
and ready to spend a lot of time and
money on it the things that they're
going to want to know when they store
their expensive stuff in one of those
containers we'll have a look at a
Facebook ad being ram fish you can see
it's actually an image add not a video ad
and things like this that are decorative
products actually work better as an
image ad than they do as a video ad and
you can see where they've got along
the description so when you're doing picture
ads you always want a long description
and you want bullet points like this and
they're using those bullet points these
these alcohol glasses which is really
cool and you can see here they offer a
30-day guarantee now when you put that
in an ad copy trust me it will make your
conversions a lot higher so if you're
confident with your product and you've
got a good relationship with your
supplier, you should always be offering a
return policy but if you do you can you
can be really really positive about it
and add it at the bottom here for better
conversion rate so these are the
interest I'd recommend for this product
whiskey iris whiskey jack-daniels
Jameson and then others suggested
interest now the ad copy says the set is
probably the best gift you can get for
whiskey lovers the classy couple premium
gift set includes instantly elevate your
home atmosphere fun to play with classy
to drink with anti-spill helps bring out
a full aroma of whiskey shot now and it
says here of course the 30-day
a money-back guarantee so guys the eighth
the program today is this is the vibration
rubber washing machine feet pads and
this product here on aliexpress you can
see is a problem-solving product so if
you have a washing machine and you leave
it on a surface when it's on a high wash
it will vibrate and it will make an
absolute racket and it can scratch the
surface and it can damage the washing
machine over a long period of time but
so what these do is these basically stop
it from rattling and it basically stops
it from scratching your surface and it
can just help if there's any minor
little leaks as well because they've got
leak pads built-in and it comes in a
pack of four so this is what we call a
problem-solving product and it is a
pretty much every household pretty much
has this problem so it's such a mass
styling product which means that your
target audience is very very big which
means that you can scale this product
quite aggressively if done correctly and
it's a real product with real users and
that's why I absolutely love it and it's
so underrated there's not many of these
selling as well on Facebook as I've
seen so it means that not many people
are focusing on a product like this
because they don't appreciate the value
of it and they don't see the potential
running a product like this and that's
something I want to say a lot of
products that you think don't have
potential majority times have the most
potential and this is one of them in my
opinion so if you quickly take a look at
the product price recommendation
recommendation for 24.99 for the pack of
four now you can sell them a little bit
cheaper if you want to and the product
costs around about five dollars and the
profit margin is gonna be around about
twenty dollars and where you're gonna be
making money with this product is by
either doing quantity breaks because if
they have two washing machines or a
dryer sell eight that means you've
got one for the dryer and for the
washing machine or do things like
upsells sell them things that are
related to washing machines laundry and
things like that to really upsell them
and increase your average order value
now the product description says it can
effectively absorb vibration movements
by 99 for noise reduction anti-vibration
anti-slip and prevents floor scratches
the large seduction in chassis can
stabilize the grass the floor
effectively prevents unnecessary
movement of the washing machine and
dryers with the scratch your floor
non-slip pads the strength of the shock
absorbing pads honeycomb traction
pattern reduces the washing machine
drier floor movement and greatly reduces
to transfer the vibration from your washer
dryer to the floor keeping them always
in place which is very important now if
you look at the actual website selling
this you can see it is a general store
but it's done on a nice aspect here it's
called hey buyer and you can see here
they have a simple product title here
they have all the important information
here and then here you have what we call
the scroller where it scrolls through
the images now again they've not used an
the actual description they've used products
to describe the product and sometimes
that can work better than others but with
a product this simple it's not that hard
to describe what it does so you don't
really need too much description this is
good enough in my opinion so if we
quickly take a look at a Facebook ad
being around for this you can see in the
background it shows a washing machine
and it shows a plate of fruit or veg in
it and a lot of people use that washing
the machine as actual space to put things on
because if you're living in a small
space you're going to try and maximize
your space by using things like washing
machines and dryers as a surface to put
things on and as you guys can see on the
opening video it shows that when it when
it washes it throws everything off it
and then it shows you when you use these
pads yes it shakes but it shakes into
the absorbing pads and it stops it from
making a racket and it stops it from
actually damaging the floor as well and
it stops it from moving all over the
a place so you can see that these are
really impressive and this video ad is
very very powerful because its speed
ramp and it's showing loads of different
examples showing real case users and
it's showing you how it's actually
dealing with the actual problem which is
the shaking into these um cups that stop
it from vibrating so it's a very
powerful video not much to it very
simple just showing loads of different
use cases for it showing the problem
being solved by it and that's pretty
much it that's all you need for a good
video ad so these are the interests I'd
recommend for this product washing
machine laundry and then others suggested
interest and the ad copy says these pads
are the effective functions and shock
absorbing noise reduction anti-vibration
anti-walk non-scratching the floor and
convenient cleaning get yours with the
URL and then you can see here this is
the thumbnail and it says absorbs
vibrating noise and it shows a thumbnail
of a washing machine with the cups in
the background with warming losing her
mind because of the shaking and they've
actually made the image in the
background blurry to show that it's
vibrating which is really really cool
and this thumbnail is really really
powerful and it tells people the pain
the problem they're currently going through
and the solution they can get from it so
the non-product of today's list is the
super train horn if you look at the
aliexpress link for this product it's
basically an electric uh horn but it's a
very loud horn it's as loud as a train
the horn that's what's called the train horn
and the reason why this product is so
powerful is because a lot of people have
a have very big cars they have cars with
very loud engines so we're all you live
in a city where it's very loud and
people can't really hear your horn so
you want to make sure that your car's
got a very loud horn on it so you let
people know that you're there and truck
drivers and things like that need horns
that is powerful so let people know
that you're around so as you guys can
see it's got under a thousand orders
it's got great reviews and it's such an
underrated product and it's a simple
product a lot of people now go back to
traveling again getting into their cars
going to work and things like that so
now people are going to want to make
sure that they've got a safety mechanism
so it stops people from that are not
allowed to be alerted when they're
actually on the road in a bigger vehicle
or they're in a vehicle that's just very
loud or they live in a loud city
and you can't really hear horns or the
a person is wearing head headphones so if
you're wearing headphones which a lot of
people do now
you're not going to hear a horn so if
you have a bighorn like this you're
going to hear it even if you have
headphones in it so it's a massive e
problem-solving problem we quickly take
a look at the product price
recommendation recommend they sell it
for 29.99 it's gonna cost you nine
dollars you're gonna be making around
about twenty dollars on this product so
the product description says ever want
to dominate the streets features our
horn is extremely powerful directly
injected mini compressor paired with the
paint and the snail designed to really
charge the amp up the sound all
integrated into a small but powerful
device there is no bulky air compressor
only a small device that produces
incredible sound it's compact and half
of the customers buy and install two
horns for double the loudness now if you
look at the actual Facebook ad for this
can you guys can see a woman in a
car beeping but this guy's too busy on
his phone and he can't hear what she's
saying but then you can see this little
electric horn is attached to the car
and when you actually press the horn
it's that loud that people can hear you
from miles away and it just lets people
know that you're on the road get out the
way if you're in the way and you can't
hear us so you can see there the
reactions when people are using the horn
and that's just going to get people's
attention now these are the facebook
interests I'd recommend that you use I'd
recommend use cars horn truck car
accessories and ford now this is the ad
copy how's remind people walking on the
road how's remind drivers who are
driving fatigue for your own driving
safety I think you need a high frequency
horn the ladder the raw is just like a
horn of a train but it's definitely not
prank it's a safety guarantee easy to
install safe driving low price protect
your life and you can see it get yours
now and then you can see here the
the thumbnail shows a big truck saying 300
DB train horn to let people know that
this horn is a serious horn so guys the
eighth product on today's list and you
know what they say the best or last
is gonna be the eight in one sync wrench
and if you look at the Alex press link
for this, it's basically a sync wrench
but it's got eight in one multiple
functions to save you a lot of time and
to stop you from having any fatigue when
doing any jobs in the sink and as you
guys know when it's coming up so you
want to make sure that your wind that
you're boiling your sinks your pipes are
all working completely fine so this
product's not even got a thousand orders
yet very underrated has an amazing use
cases and a product with a good use case
is a very good product now the reason
why I love this product so much is
because it's a handyman's basically love
because it just makes their life a lot
easier a lot faster less fatigue and the
job's going to get done properly and
that's why this product is so powerful
and because it's coming up to handyman
season so this is the product price and
recommendation recommend this other
product for 24.99 it's gonna cost you
around about four dollars so you're
gonna make another about twenty dollars
on the product now the product
description reads don't you just hate
trying to squeeze yourself in tight
corners just to reach the nuts
underneath your faucet now you won't
ever have to contort yourself into a fit
tight spaces again with the amazing
eight and one sink wrench the unique
plumbing tool will help you easily
tighten and loosen up nuts and screws
with the tucked away hard to reach
places now if we look at an actual
website selling this you can see they've
done a great job they've done what i
calla one-product landing page and as
you guys can see where they show a video
straight away and it says here the the
the actual solution you can have and they
got the buy now which is great and then
they go over the description and they've
got another buy now so you can see here
they've got videos they've got
description and then they've got a buy
now button when they go into the next
section a buyer now Orton that way
people don't need to scroll all the way
up to click buy now and as you guys can
see this has been done perfectly i
couldn't have done it better myself and
as you guys can see where they've got the
cross style and the quantity breaks
upsell and then you can see where they've
got the drop-down menus and stuff like
that now this website has been done
honestly guys to perfection this is how
your website should look the only thing
I don't like is they should have
actually have a nice looking logo that
would that would make the rest of the
website spot on and I think guys you
should be using this as an example for
your own websites in terms of how they
should be executed now if we take a look
at an actual videoI'veve been around for
the product shows somebody using
their product in a sink and they're
showing how easy it is to use how it can
actually, make their life easier and then
it shows the eight in one functions and
they're showing this off at a speed
ramping process and then they show the
product design features and they show
how the product was designed to help
people that are doing pipes underneath
the sink and making life easier you can
see they're doing so many different
things to sinks and pipes but this is an
eight in one product and that's all you
got to do with a video like this show
the eight actions multi-function
actions show where it's going to work
show how it can save lives and then show
the pain points do that with a fasIn t
a video like this you're gonna get some
good conversion rate now these are the
interests I'd recommend for product
gadget and gear home accessories
handyman DIY and engage shoppers now the
the ad copy reads use the plumber sync
wrench and makes installing facets and
syncs so much easier the handyman tool
can save your knuckles back and money
get yours here and then it shows a
thumbnail somebody using it underneath
the sink and it says genius plumbing
talk so guys those are my top 10
favorite products for the month of
august 2021 q3 now if you've enjoyed
In today's video make sure you smash the
like button and don't forget to hit 2
500 likes on this video so you can get
that free google doc sheet and let me
know which one was your favorite product
on today's list and I'll be catching you
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