Facebook Business Manager Verification [Updated 2021] - make money online

Facebook Business Manager Verification [Updated 2021]

 hello everyone this is Corbin from the zoo

marketing today we're going to be
talking about how to
verify your business manager account a
super fun process
just kidding it's kind of annoying but
it's something that needs to be done
there are a few benefits to doing this
one the biggest one
is build more trust with Facebook and
this means that
less of a chance that your ad account
will get shut down or your business
manager will get shut down
um also going along with that is um you
cannot appeal
Facebook ads or different things like
that if your business is not
verified so
make sure you go through and do this
when you set up an account
and then the other benefit is it allows
you to
um raise your credit limit on how much
you can spend per day or
whatever that may be so a couple
different benefits to doing this I'm
going to walk you through step by step
on how to do it on this account here
and we'll kind of jump right in so the
The first thing you're going to want to do
is go to Facebook business manager of
course you're going to click on the
three little
lines over here and then you're going to
go to
business settings you want to click on
business settings once you click on
business settings
you're going to scroll down here until
you see this business info
and that is where you land on the page
that we are currently on right now so as
we click in here inside of business info
as you see here it's blurred out but i
do have all of my business details
added inside of here make sure you go
and add everything
inside on this but make sure all this
information is updated
and that it's all correct inside of here
once that's done then you're going to
come to this part right here which says
verify this business and if this already
says verified if you have a green little
dot there
that means that your account has already
been verified congratulations you you
stop watching this video don't forget to
get do a thumbs up on the way out though
that'd be much appreciated maybe
subscribe but we're gonna hit view
details here and we're gonna go through
and verify this now
here and then uh we need to hit this
start verification button this is the
The most important process it's starting
verification uh process right here we're
gonna hit to start now
um once again make sure that all this
information is correct you're gonna
scroll down
and everything looks good there so we're
gonna hit next
we're gonna hit start now
once again make sure that all this
information is correct you're going to
scroll down
and everything looks good there so we're
going to hit next
I'm going to wait for this to load
request so most with most accounts you
need to go through and
um submit some sort of identity so uh
helpful to confirm it's you they're
going to ask a couple different
make sure I'm not a robot
and I need to upload an id so I'm going
to pause right here I'm going to upload
my d real quick and then we'll
I'll show you the next steps okay so i
just submitted my driver's license now
we're going to hit continue
so I just hit my so I just submitted my
driver's license we're waiting
and thank you for completing the
identity then identity
confirmation process we're always on the
lookout for security so while we review
your information you won't be able to
request a review or restrict
so they are reviewing that currently um
I will cut right here and I will let you
know how many days it was until it was
verified and what that process looks
like at the end
okay and here we are and actually just
came back after five minutes um click
back into the business info thing and
then hit continue and then now these
settings are inside of here so I need to
click the correct
state record it's the right legal
business name and address
and then now I need to choose a
verification method so we're going to
hit continue
and now I need to drop in more um
business documentation because it's an
LLC so I need to do my ein documentation
or a certification form of incorporation
or business license so
I'm going to pause here upload those
documents real quick okay so I got my
IRS form
ss dash 4 and then we have the
we select our language and so now we can
hit next
and now I need to verify my address so
just a lot of documentations you got to
go through and add inside of here so now
I need to give a
utility bill electric phone or a bank
statement with the address inside of
here so I'm going to now pause and
upload that real quick
we're back and as you see we have now
uploaded um a bank statement and sorry
for all the blurred
the information obviously a lot of personal
information inside of
these so hopefully you're getting enough
to know the steps you need to do so then
we're going to hit next and a lot of
pausing and going through and now we
need to
verify these in things so I'm going to
go through and choose where you'd like
to be reached
I'm going to go personally with my email
so I'm going to have them send me an
email real quick
and I need to grab that verification
code so I'm going to pause again and
grab that real quick
okay so Facebook just sent me an email
so now I'm going to type in the code
that they sent over to me
I'm going to submit
and thank you for submitting your
business the verification details we
will review your submission and notify
you once the
notification is complete so once again i
will pause it here and let you know
when I officially hear back from
Facebook and when
uh the verification process is done and
I have my little blue
or not blue checkmark but my green
checkmark as you can see here it says
it's submitted so we're just waiting for
them to get back to me now
all right and here we are a month later
um I started the verification process
on may
May 26th and now has been verified on
June 24th so they did send me an email
saying congratulations your thing is
on June 24th and I came back in here and
it is verified so
um now that is all done a lot of
people get the
Facebook business manager confused
verification confused with the
domain verification if you haven't
verified your domain
make sure to follow this video over here
I'll have another separate video on how
to verify that so two separate things
you want to make sure your
Facebook's business manager is verified
like this and your domain is verified
and set up for ios 14. so follow that
video if you haven't already
and we'll see you in the next video

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