Earn $30 Every 10 Min On Autopilot! (Make Money Online) - make money online

Earn $30 Every 10 Min On Autopilot! (Make Money Online)

 all you have to do is set this up in 10

minutes and it pretty much
makes you money automatically from there
you don't have to do any work since
these two sites I will be going over
today will do
all of the hard work for you stay tuned
if you're interested
now just before we start let me remind
you that if you like this type of
content and you'd like to see
more than supporting my channel by giving
this video a thumbs up below
and so you don't miss out on any future
videos to come
then click on that red subscribe button
and turn on the notifications and you'll
get notified whenever I upload a new
with all of that said let's now jump
straight into the tutorial so I can show
you everything
alright guys so the main platform we
will be using today
among a few others as well is called
and what this website is and how it
works you can see right over here on
their homepage
sell your music and ebooks worldwide so
this allows you to sell music
and ebooks to make money online and it
does work
worldwide which is a very good feature
of course
with that said let's make something
clear right away you won't have to write
create music or whatever to
make money with this I will show you a
the platform that will allow you to make
money with this site without doing
any of the work yourself so make sure
you keep watching
anyhow something I really like about
this platform you can see right here
you keep eighty percent of the profits
this is actually huge when you think
about it because for example
if you upload an ebook onto here it's
this site will actually promote
that ebook and get the sales for you
you won't have to bother with any of
that you would just need to upload the
ebook onto this platform
and that's it and despite all of that
they only retain
20 of the profits meaning that if you
have an ebook
selling for twenty dollars for example
and five people purchase it
you would earn eighty dollars and this
the website would earn twenty
so long story short the fact that you
retain most of the profits is a really
a cool feature of this site
which means you can make quite a bit of
money with your ebooks and or
songs as far as getting paid is
you can see that they will pay you daily
in other words, you won't be waiting for
weeks on end to get paid which is
another great feature this platform has
to offer
and last but not least they have an
the awesome support team that will help you
with whatever you're having trouble with
now the last thing worth noting about
this site you can see just below which
are their partners
they are partnered up with the likes of
apple music Spotify
amazon youtube google play I mean these
are some
huge companies guys and this is worth
noting mainly because it proves this
website's legit
I wanted to show this to you so that you
can see that you can
actually, make money with this site they
won't try to scam you
or whatever they will actually pay you
and with that said guys
let's now get to what you actually want
to do when you come on here
which is to create your account by
entering in your details here
your full name and your email address
and once you fill that
just click on get started below and
it's on the very next page where you
will finish your registration by
entering in
all of this data you will have to enter
in your username and password
you will then choose a security question
and write the answer to that question
so that you can protect your account
this company and title fields are not
mandatory to fill in
so don't worry you don't need to be an
owner of a company or whatever to be
able to create your account with this
anyhow just below that, you will choose
your gender your email address you've
already entered prior
and so it will be visible in this box
just below that you will have to write
in wherever you heard about this site
and you can just type in youtube in that
box and finally to finish this process
you will select what you will be selling
on this site and you will select
music ebooks book distribution and
audiobooks before clicking on the
submit free registration button
just below all of this so you can create
your account
the last step you will need to take is
to head over to your Gmail account
and open up a message from fair that
looks something like this
and just click on this link so that you
can activate your account
once you create your account unfair it's
time for me to show you a website that
will allow you to make money on fair
without doing anything and that website
is called
idplr.com with plr
standing for private label rights and
what this means is that all the products
that you can find on here
you can use freely you can claim that
you are
the owner you can make money off them
change them
and so on what products we are talking
in particular, you can see by hovering
your mouse over
free products here and as you can see
that we have ebooks
software videos audio graphics and
various free
templates in other words guys on here
not only can you find ebooks and music
but you have the full license to do
whatever you want with them
so you can actually use ebooks and music
that isn't even your own to make
money how crazy is that before you can
download the ebooks and music though you
will want to create an account by
clicking on register for free right here
on the next page, you will have the
the choice to either go for the free or
membership and here's something I would
recommend you guys do
go for the free membership for now and
then sell a few of those ebooks
and some music on fire and when you make
a bit of money
just reinvest it into this platform
because by doing so
you will gain access to all of their plr
meaning that you will have more products
to choose from
and thus you will be able to make more
money in the end
so going for the premium membership is
actually worthwhile
and the best part is that you won't have
to give away any money upfront
anyways what do you guys need to do for now
is click on the free membership
and then on click here to register for
you will then go ahead and enter in as
much of the same data as you did with
the previous site that I won't go over
as to not prolong this video
once you log into your account here is
what you need to do to grab free ebooks
and or music hover your mouse over free
products once again
and click on either free ebooks or free
I went along with ebooks in this
the particular case once you click on that
you will be taken over to this page
where you will be able to see
all of these ebooks and you will simply
want to click
on any one of them once you do that on
the next page
you will be able to see the download
button right over here
and clicking on it will download the
ebook in question to your pc
now just before we go back to fire i
want to really quickly tell you guys about
the awesome feature
regarding the music on this platform and
that is that the songs are in
actually fantastic packages
this means that you will get like 10 to
20 songs per download
and all of them individually can make
you a lot of money
you also won't have to bother with
downloading the songs individually which
is awesome, to say the least
in any case to upload the music or
ebooks onto this site this is all you
would have to do
Click on my account in the upper right
corner here
on the next page just select the new release
and then choose either the ebook or
music depending on what you want to
and from there you'll fill in some basic
info about your product such as the
title price
and so on and I won't go over this
because all of that info will vary from
product to product
in any case, once you upload the product
on here
your work will basically be done from
there because the fire will promote your
products as I said before
and you will be able to enjoy your
profits from there
and with that said this is it for
today's video guys
as always if you liked it and you're
enjoying my content
then be sure to give this video a thumbs
up below to support my channel
and in case you don't want to miss out
on any future videos just like this one
then click on that red subscribe button
and turn on the notifications
and you'll be notified whenever a new
video pops up
as always thank you all for watching and
I'll see you soon

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