Tried Shopify Dropshipping For 1 Week (Insane Results) - make money online

Tried Shopify Dropshipping For 1 Week (Insane Results)

 people are claiming that drop shipping

is dead and it no longer works in 2021.
so in this video, I'm going to be
starting a brand new Shopify drop
shipping store and attempt to get it
1 000 per day in sales now
obviously, there's no guarantee that
we're actually gonna succeed
and if this challenge wasn't already
hard enough I'm gonna be giving myself
only seven days to hit this goal
dropshipping has changed a lot over the
last few years and in this video I'm
gonna be proving that drop shipping is
far from dead
I'm gonna be documenting this entire
experience completely transparently
showing you each and every step of me
launching this dropshipping business
and show you how much profit we
actually, end up making
also, you guys know that I love putting
myself under the gun
so if we do not hit our goal of one
thousand dollars per day
in sales then I'm gonna be giving away
five hundred dollars to one of the
viewers who drop a like and comment on
this video
so now that's either way let's get this
challenge started
all right guys the clock just started
it's currently March 8th
and I forgot to mention this in the last
clip but if this challenge wasn't
already hard enough
I'm only going to be giving myself 100
starting a budget to get this business
off the ground which literally means
that one misstep could completely wipe
us out of the challenge
but there is gonna be one catch while we
do only have 100
starting budget any money that does come
in from the sales we're gonna be able to
use right away so we don't have to wait
on any deposits to come in
so my plan for today is to try to find a
the viral product that we can advertise
profitably and this is usually a pretty
difficult task
unless you know what you're looking for
so I'm gonna get to work
look for a product and update you guys
after we have some progress
all right guys so I've been on Facebook
looking for a winning product for around
the last hour
and to be honest I didn't really find
anything that looked good
until I started browsing TikTok and me
ended up finding something that will
change this entire challenge
so let me show you guys what this
product actually is
so I found this company called zen
bodies and basically what they're doing
are they're promoting the showerhead
that's gone viral on aliexpress and
Facebook ads multiple times
so if you check their views out they're
literally getting hundreds of thousands
of views on every single post
so, in my opinion, I think this brand's
doing over 20
000 per day and they have a relatively
simple website
something that we could definitely
improve on and build much better
so I've officially decided to sell this
shower head and it's not
any normal shower head the value
the proposition behind the shower is that it
has these different
beads in them and basically it cleans
your water so I think this is a
perfect problem-solving product and i
actually decided since that advertiser
is actually promoting their store off
tick tock
I have to do the same thing so my plan
for this video is to test a few
different traffic sources
so not only am I gonna be testing
Facebook ads out in this video I'm also
gonna go ahead and try to make some
money using free tick-tocks
and then I'm also going to try some
Instagram influencers that way we can
have a real sample size and see what
the advertising platform is best for this
now obviously I have a ton of work to do
so I'm going to get started on the
all right guys I'm not even joking but i
literally spent the last
two hours building the website and then
I forgot to save it so I ended up having
to rebuild the whole thing
so it's been about four hours but we
finally got the website complete
and I'm pretty happy how it actually
turned out so let's hop into my phone
and I'm gonna show you guys everything
all right guys so here's the website i
ended up coming up with this brand name
called serene shower and we ended up
building a really simple home page
what we did focus most of our time on
was this product page over here we built
this custom from scratch
so if you see there is a couple error
on here this is the first time I've
actually viewed it live
but I'm actually super excited about this
product page
I think all the information in here is
really going to help sell the product
and compared to the other competitors i
selling this product our landing page is
much better so there's a couple thing i
need to do to finalize this product page
I'm going to add some reviews I'm going
to fix any errors and then I'm going to
go out and launch some Facebook ads and
start working on some tick-tocks
all right guys so it's been a full 24
hours since our last update and I ended
up ordering some video ads off of Fiverr
yesterday and they came out
really solidi actually just finished
launching the ads up and I ended up
five different interests shower skin
dermatology natural skin and modern
I ended up ordering two separate
creatives so we could see which buyer
pool does
best so the first ads angle shows how
this product takes bacteria and
different toxins out of the water
and then the second ad angle is focused
around how this is a cool shower
and it helps you relax and it turns your
home into a spa
so I'm actually really excited to see
which one outperforms the other
but unfortunately, we were only able to
launch the ads up on a 25
a day budget because it is a new ad
account so
if we want even a small chance of
hitting our thousand dollars per day goal
then we're gonna need to get really
creative and hopefully blow up on tick
so I just ordered one of this shower
heads on amazon and it should be here
later today
all right guys so we just finished
recording some tick tocks and i'm
actually super surprised with the
quality of this shower
i'm gonna put some clips on the screen
of my old shower compared to the new
serene shower
so as you see it's a pretty dramatic
difference and it definitely helped us
make some killer tick tocks
this is the first tick tock we made and
as you can see the idea behind this
tick tock is to educate people on why
they actually need this shower
and i just launched it up so i'm gonna
update you guys tomorrow with the
alright so i have some really exciting
news but before we get into that i want
to go over the results with facebook ads
so like i mentioned we launched the ads
up with two separate variations at 25
dollars per day
and currently we just broke the
threshold of 25
and we actually have zero sales but
here's where things get juicy
that tick tock we posted last night
actually ended up getting a ton of
so i know most of you guys won't believe
this but the tick tock ended up getting
7 000 views and guys here's the craziest
thing if we actually go on shopify
let me show you guys what ended up
we ended up getting three sales if you
guys see over here
we actually sold three units these
aren't some draft orders
i'm gonna go to the shopify we're gonna
go to drafts
guys there is zero draft orders these
were all
organically from tick tock we got 80
visitors this is
absolutely ridiculous i gotta be
completely honest i really didn't think
that we were gonna get sales our very
first day
from our tick tocks but i really think
this validated which advertising
we should double down on so while i will
leave the facebook ads running
i don't think i am going to test out
instagram influencers
i want to make sure i focus all of my
time on building some killer tick tock
so we can hit that
dollar per day goal so i'm gonna keep
pumping out those fire tick tocks and
i'll update you guys tomorrow
so honestly i thought we were gonna hit
our 1k goal yesterday because
literally in a matter of 20 minutes we
got in three sales on that first tick
but literally right after it died down
and we've gotten absolutely no view
since then so now that tick tock was
dead i was on a mission to get another
viral tick tock
so i ended up launching six tick tocks
and i spent a ton of time trying to
perfect these ted talks but they
literally got
no views so i gotta be honest i'm pretty
bummed out right now
but to be fair i am a complete beginner
with tick-tock
so i think my plan for today is to get
on youtube
do as much education as possible so i
can come in confident tomorrow
and hopefully hit that 1k goal
alright guys so i ended up spending a
few hours yesterday on youtube trying to
learn absolutely
everything about tik tok and i found a
few things that i could potentially be
doing wrong
so number one my tick tock's currently a
business account and from what i've
heard having a business account isn't
because you're actually not able to use
different viral music because of
so i ended up switching my profile back
to a personal account and we're gonna
see if that performs better
and then number two one of the best
recommendations that i heard
is focusing on the first two seconds
because that's really what drags people
into your video so i'm definitely gonna
keep my eyes
peeled and try to make those two seconds
as appealing as possible
and then number three the quantity of
uploads that's actually going down and i
was recommended somewhere around five to
and i actually posted six yesterday so
it looks like i was posting around the
right quantity but it just
really hasn't gotten the results we
wanted so what i'm gonna do is i'm just
gonna be implementing this exact
strategy today
and we're gonna actually see if we can
get another video viral
and just a little revenue update we
managed to get zero sales from tick tock
but we finally got our first sale from
facebook ads for 39.99
and we actually ended up spending around
to get this first sale which means that
we're actually not profitable so i'm
gonna cut those facebook ads and we're
just gonna go absolutely all in on these
tick tock ads because our facebook was
capped out at 25
per day so it's not like that was gonna
get us to the thousand dollar goal
i'll see you guys tomorrow with an
update on how these tick tocks do
hopefully we can put a hail mary
together and hit that thousand dollar
hey guys so i apologize about the bad
audio i was gonna give you guys an
update tomorrow but i'm feeling pretty
frustrated and bummed out today honestly
i pretty much spent the whole day trying
to make tick tocks
and all of them pretty much flopped
which kind of sucks
but um i've been kind of thinking today
and trying to think
if there's any way we can actually get
to that thousand dollar goal
and something actually hit me so
technically our tick tock did do really
well for us
but the only issue was that we weren't
able to get any more views to the video
so then i thought what if we actually
try out some tick-tock ads
i've never tried out the tick tock ad
manager before but
i think this is the perfect opportunity
so i'm gonna wake up early tomorrow and
i'm gonna try to test some of these out
and we'll see how it goes
so here's some clips of me the very next
morning diving into the tiktok ad
the very first thing i needed to do was
installer tiktok pixel
so i headed over the shopify app store
and it was actually a super easy process
installing the pixel so then once i got
onto the tick tock ad manager
i launched up my very first campaign
with a daily budget of
50 one thing i was super delighted to
is how similar the tick tock ad manager
is to facebook
so anyway i ended up picking my interest
in targeting and i decided to go after
beauty and personal care
and then i started creating the ad
inside of the ad set and within just a
few minutes we had our very first tick
tock ad
published all right so i have some good
and some bad news our tick tock got
approved super quickly
the review process was much faster than
the standard facebook review
and within just a few minutes we started
to see a good amount of traffic and it
was really interesting to see how these
tick tock users reacted to our website
we actually got a pretty decent add to
cart ratio and we were end up paying
35 cost per click so what's really cool
is after we spent about 22 dollars
we actually ended up getting our very
first sale from tick tock ads
for 39.99 and so far i'm pretty happy
with the cost per acquisition
if you don't know what that means it
just basically means that we were
profitable from that very first sale
so what i ended up doing was i took our
original budget of fifty dollars and i
actually 3xed it
so i brought it to 150 so we could try
to end this challenge with the bang
but i'm not even joking 15 minutes after
we raised the budget this happened
so if you actually see that our tick
tock actually got disapproved
i mean i'm super bummed out so i did end
up submitting it for a manual review
i mean i have no idea how long this
gonna take it's kind of annoying like
every time i do one of these challenges
we have some issues like this
but this is gonna give you a realistic
view of what it's like running an
ecommerce business
anyways i'll update you guys if i hear
anything back all alright guys so i have
a hilarious story
our ads have been disabled for the last
three days but i was just
out chilling at topgolf and i got a
notification on my phone
it was a bill from tick tock ad and just
a few hours later when i went on the
shopify store this happened
and if you guys don't believe me i'm
going to show you inside the tick tock
ad manager
so you can see here if we filter to
saturday the 20th
you can see that we spent a total of 200
we had a 49 cost per click and we ended
up getting
412 clicks so if we actually go
over to the shopify you can see that
equated to
11 sales for 524 dollars
um and it ended up being 13 units that
were sold
we had a pretty decent conversion rate
so i'm pretty happy
i think the funniest thing to me about
these sales is that i was ready to just
throw in the towel and show you guys
that our account got disabled
but literally out of nowhere we started
getting hoards of sales but to be honest
i was very confident with this store
and i knew it had tons of potential our
ads just weren't able to run
but technically we did go over our seven
day timeline so i am going to be giving
away 500
to someone who likes this video and
comments down below
anyway my plan is to keep this store
running because we have tons of traction
right now so i think i'm gonna make a
part two to this video trying to get it
to ten thousand dollars per day
so if you do want to see that make sure
to let me know in the comments as well
now the last thing i want to do is go
over all expenses and show you guys how
much profit we ended up securing
so to sum everything up we ended up
getting 17 orders for a total of 762
and if we actually break down all the
expenses we ended up spending 65
on facebook ads 242 dollars on tick tock
14 on our domain 50 on our facebook ad
creatives 20 on our processing fee and
if we total up the entire product cost
it ended up being another 247 dollars
so if you actually calculate everything
our grand total is 126 dollars
in profit now that's a small number but
keep in mind we only started with the
budget and literally after a week we
actually doubled that so if this was on
a large budget it would be absolutely
now i think this video speaks for itself
i'm making the most
transparent content on youtube right now
and if you guys actually want to learn
behind the scenes on how to grow a
wildly profitable ecommerce business
then click the first link down in my
description i have a program that's
specifically designed to take a beginner
and show them how to start a wildly
profitable ecommerce business
and it's actually for a super reasonable
price especially for the value you guys
are getting
but anyways that's all i have for you
guys today i really hope you did enjoy
take care and peace out

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