Make $10,000 Per Month Re-Uploading YouTube Videos (WORKING IN 2020) - make money online

Make $10,000 Per Month Re-Uploading YouTube Videos (WORKING IN 2020)

what's going on guys thomas garrett's
here and in this video i'm gonna be
showing you this insane strategy where
you can make ten thousand dollars per
month just by re-uploading videos to
youtube and i just chose ten thousand
because that's the elusive number
everyone wants for financial freedom but
as you can see right here
you can make much more than just ten
thousand dollars per month
mind you this number right here that's
just from youtube ad revenue alone
and youtube ad revenue is great don't
get me wrong but in this video i'm gonna
be showing you a secret hack where you
can make
even more money without doing any extra
before you ever get monetized on youtube
so definitely make sure you watch this
entire video because i'm gonna be
showing you channels that are
doing this exactly how to do this step
by step
and how to make money fast but if for
some reason you don't like this strategy
at the end of the video i'll be showing
you a bonus strategy that i'm personally
that can make you even more money online
so without any further ado make sure to
smash that like button
subscribe if you haven't already let's
get into the video alright so first off
you saw the estimated monthly earnings
of this channel right here
and just so you know this isn't like
faked or anything this is on
a website called socialblade and you can
get analytics from
different social media sites youtube
twitch twitter instagram all that stuff
and like i said this is their youtube
soothing relaxation and i showed you
their estimated earnings but you can
also see their views over the last 30
days subscribers over the last 30 days
you can scroll down
see daily stuff there's a ton of
analytics and i've done a few videos
about like
different ways to make youtube channels
and youtube videos with
copyright free or creative commons and i
always get those few keyboard warriors
you can't monetize this content yada
yada ya right
so let me just show you something quick
so right here this is soothing
relaxation's youtube channel
okay so if i click on a video give me 30
an ad placement
i'm going to show you how one see add
one of two
okay this is a youtube ad that means
they are in the partner program
they are able to monetize their videos
and just so you know this isn't fake
again here's another
relaxing music channel meditation
relaxed music let me click on this video
hi i'm what do you know another ad okay
now check this out this is youtube help
youtube okay what kind of content can i
so let's scroll down a little bit here i
use royalty free or creative commons
you can monetize royalty free or
creative commons content
if the license agreement grants you
rights to use it commercially
okay that's very important the other
thing it says is sometimes
rights owners require you to give them
credit and then also we need audio for
our videos and if we go down here
it contains music from the youtube audio
you can monetize music from youtube
audio library it's an insanely valuable
free resource youtube gives us and we're
going to be using it in this video so
there you go you definitely 100 can
monetize this content however
to be monetized on youtube you still
need 1 000 subscribers and 4 000
hours of watch time so like i said at
the beginning i'm gonna be showing you a
secret hack where you can make money on
without doing any extra work before you
ever get monetized
but don't worry because i'll also be
showing you how you can get monetized on
super super fast with this strategy but
before we get
into the making of the money we gotta
know how to do
this strategy right so the first step
would obviously be
creating a youtube channel like soothing
relaxation they use
keywords in their name so i would
suggest doing something
similar i wouldn't suggest using like
your own personal name
for two reasons actually the first one
is because
it helps with search and people
instantly know
okay this person's videos have to do
with relaxation
okay the second reason and the the more
important reason
is because when there's not just one
person linked to an account
you can sell this channel for big bucks
later on
super powerful but now i'm not going to
be showing you how to create your
channel in this video it's super simple
but if you have no idea how to do this
i'll link my free youtube course it's on
my youtube channel it's over an hour
and i'll put that in the description
below so you can watch that after this
and see how to set all that stuff up but
like i said all that stuff's super
the important part is creating the
making the money but making sure you do
both of those
the right way which i'm gonna show you
so let's get started so if you were
to go to either of these channels or any
channel around this topic
and watch their videos you'll see that
they're actually pretty easy to create
once you know how it's pretty much just
some footage in there and then some
music and typically it's like the same
song either
repeated the whole time or a couple
different songs and the most common way
say ticket content would be to type in
like nature videos into youtube
and then what you can do is you can
filter it right here
by creative commons okay and then all
these videos
are creative commons i don't personally
like that strategy
what i suggest instead is going to one
of these three sites
okay we got pixabay we got pixels and
we got cute stock footage okay but what
i have opened here
is their frequently asked questions
because remember we need a commercial
okay can i use cutestockfootage.comclip
photo in commercial products sure you
can use all of them
in any project commercial or
non-commercial okay
pixels yes all photos and videos are
pixels are free for commercial use
pixabay same thing okay now
i suggest using all three and there's
tons of other resources out there but
those are my three favorite that i've
my favorites probably pixels okay so
that's what we're going to use for this
all right so once you're on their home
page you just go here to videos and then
you can type in different
types of keywords right here like nature
ocean uh cinematic different types of
things like that
and then you just hit enter and as you
can see here these are
beautiful absolutely beautiful these are
4k videos so you can just go to full hd
1920 by 1080 and then hit free download
okay and that's all you got to do and
then as you can see here it's right
there now
and then i would suggest downloading a
ton and the best way to stay
organized would be to go down here and
just create a new folder
and do something like you could organize
it be like this is nature
footage and then you could have one for
ocean and that way you you are organized
in the future
but for me i'm not gonna do all that i'm
just gonna download a few videos put
them in here and then we're gonna keep
going because i think you get the idea
right and if you want and you can just
mouse over the video and click the
little download button right there but i
personally like clicking on them
checking them out and then making sure i
download the right size
but really it doesn't matter they'll all
be good you can just do it however
works best for you now the next step to
get the audio
is to go to audio library
slash music
you will need to have your youtube
channel signed in to use this
but it's totally up to you you can just
use your own youtube channel for this
and then create the channel
for this specific strategy later it
doesn't need to be created right now but
to find audio that would be good for
this again you can just search you could
type in
rain or you could type in relaxing
and then search and then you can also
instead of that what i think is easier
is you go to these things right here
and then you filter it and you could go
by the mood
and then you could do calm okay and then
apply it
and these are all going to be calm okay
and you could also filter it again
and then go by genre and do ambient
okay and you could also do like
classical stuff they have piano music
stuff like that
totally up to you but we could do that
and filter it more
and then the next step you could either
just download a few
download one and repeat it which i'll
show you how to do or you can click
duration right here
and then click it again that'll put the
longest ones up top
so this one's 15 minutes that's insane
right and then you can just listen to it
make sure it fits with the type of
content you're doing and then just
download it
okay and again it goes right there and
to stay organized what you could do
again is create another one for
audio and you could make it more
specific like
ambient classical whatever it's up to
you however you want to do it
if you're doing this like for real if
you're serious about it and want to grow
legitimate business i would suggest
trying to stay a little organized
it just helps you know what i mean so
i'm not going to do that i'm just going
to put it in my folder that i already
and now we're on to the next step and
that's just putting these clips together
in a simple video editor and there's
quite a few video editors i have all the
resources i talk about
linked below and for free you got imovie
great editor but if you have windows
their free editor kind of
sucks it really does they they took away
windows movie maker at least they did in
windows 10
and they have like the photos app you
can edit with besides that you do have i'm not really a fan that's
what i used in the
free youtube course but i just really
don't like it for paid ones if you can
afford it if not i would suggest
seriously upgrading to a paid one as
soon as possible the two ones i
i really do think are the best is
wondershare filmora
and camtasia okay you can get free
trials of both of them linked in the
description below
i personally did that when i first
started i got a free trial of both of
i ended up using camtasia it just worked
easiest for me and because i think
camtasia is the best that's what i'm
going to use for this example
okay again choose what you want totally
fine but
the first step is opening up camtasia or
getting a free trial obviously
and all these editors basically work the
same the first step
is obviously bringing the content into
here so you just hit this little plus
button right here
import media and then we're gonna go to
our nature file right here
and i'm gonna select everything and just
hit open
now our media bin right here has all of
our content right there so videos and
audio so the next step is putting these
onto our timeline right here
these tracks okay so what we're going to
do is we're just going to put them on
and literally all you want to do is you
want to make sure
they're like all the way at the
beginning and then all the way
next to each other right you wouldn't
want to have any space
in between like that okay and the most
common thing you do
while editing probably not as much with
this strategy
but for most videos is you you go
somewhere where you want to cut
something off
and then you can either click the letter
s or you can go here to split
right i just use s and then you delete
it right
and then you just drag it over okay
that's literally all editing is
seriously it's that simple and then
we're gonna put the audio here and
now this is the important part okay as
you can see at the end here
it fades out so what you're going to
want to do is you're going to want to
slice it right here where it fades out
actually let's go a little further back
like right here
and then cut that off okay so we're
gonna backspace to delete it
and then what we're gonna do is we're
gonna copy this so ctrl
c make sure our playhead right here
this line is at the end okay
and then what you're gonna do is ctrl v
to paste it
okay now you can see we have two audio
clips but we're not gonna do it like
that we're gonna put it
like try and line it up somewhat like
right there you see those
wav files the audio is like pretty much
the same level
so i'll do it something like that split
okay delete this side and then
drag it up so now what you can see
is it's not going to fade out at the end
all right and you can listen to it make
sure it looks good
but basically it will probably sound
pretty close to decent
right we'll listen
oh wow that was amazing i i had no idea
it was gonna be that good
that was crazy okay so now you can see
if we go back to these
channels right here soothing relaxation
if we go to sort by
and most popular you can see their most
popular video is
three hours long three hours three hours
as you can see three hours is proven
okay so that's what we're gonna do and
it's really this simple check this out
you would probably want more video files
but again this is just example
so what we're going to do i selected it
all like that
again control c but you want to make
sure you move
this to the start okay and then zoom in
make sure it's at the start or well the
end of that
and then ctrl v okay so you see now did
it again
and then what you're going to want to do
is you're going to want to do this again
copy it all
zoom in make sure it's all the way at
the end paste it okay
zoom out some and then we're gonna let's
just copy the whole thing
and then we're gonna go to the end here
zoom in again i think you get the idea
and then i'm gonna paste it okay now
what we're gonna do
is we're gonna go to the end of the
audio here
and then we're gonna slice right here
okay slice the end of the
video where the audio ends and then
delete all this stuff
okay and also before we go any further i
should mention
that if you didn't check the size of the
videos that you bring
in make sure you go to file project
settings and put it to 1920
by 1080 okay so for example if it wasn't
on that
and i had to change it then your videos
would look like this and then all you
would have to do is
do like this and then stretch it to the
full size okay it's really simple
either way it's fine but just make sure
you do that now
the next step you wouldn't want to copy
all these audios
you just want to copy this one and then
let's do it like that
copy that and paste it but then you can
if we zoom in you can see this one's a
bit longer
okay so what we're gonna do is we're
just gonna drag that right there
and then you're gonna put these right
next to it make sure it's all the way
next to it and then a quick little hack
so we don't have to do that every time
you can just double click
right here and you can see how it's
you just split that okay so now it's
lined up
and then what you can do is you can
select all of this
copy it paste it grabbing all that
selecting it copying it and then pasting
so we're at like 35 minutes and you just
continue and do that until three hours
it would happen in like two or three
more copy and paste
very simple now the next step if you
want what you can do is you can go to
the end of the video
so we go right here and then rather than
the video just ending abruptly what you
can do
is you can go to audio effects right
and grab fade out and drag it onto the
now it's gonna like fade out right
pretty nice but the video stays on so
check this out
you go to transitions here fade through
and then you could just grab it and drag
it a little bit like that
so let's let's test this out
that's pretty nice right so that's what
i would do at the end of the video
not required and something else we can
is we could put some text on here and
then we could say click the link below
for this thing and i'll show you that
soon that's how we're gonna make even
more money okay so stick with me
but before we do that make sure you save
your file okay so you just save it and
then name it
whatever you want to name it could just
say youtube video one or you could name
it the title of the video whatever
and then you want to export it okay what
i suggest doing you see i have a custom
production right here
youtube video preset so what i would do
is i would add slash edit presets okay
then you would go right here to new you
would call it
youtube video preset or whatever make
sure it's on mp4
smart player hit next go to size
unclick that unclick that and then just
go to 1920
by 1080 and then you could also click
use editing dimensions
so in the future you won't have to
change this or anything like that and
then hit
next and then hit finish right here and
it will export
and then after you've done that you just
go to export and then it's just one
button after that every time
but now the most important part like i
making money and what's crazy is most
people when they're starting youtube
me included they think that you can only
make money through the ads on youtube
i almost didn't start youtube because of
that but that's when i discovered
something called
affiliate marketing and then that's just
where you promote someone else's product
and then they deal with the customer
support the order fulfillment if there
is any
the refunds chargebacks payment
all that stuff they deal with it and
then when someone purchases
through your affiliate link which is
just a special link that you
get you get a commission and you don't
have to do any of the hard work
it's literally the most simple way to
make money on youtube
the hard part is finding a good
affiliate program but i've already done
that for you and the affiliate program
i'm talking about can be used in almost
any country
india and the philippines include it and
this specific program
is on an affiliate network called
clickbank and it's completely free to
and there's just a ton of different
affiliate programs on there now
not all of them are good by any means
but i found one that not only is
perfect for this type of channel and
these types of videos
but it's selling like hotcakes and after
you create your free account you just go
to marketplace
and then you can search in sacred sound
system okay so it's right here as you
can see their gravity is
86 86.98 that's insanely high
and it's a brand new 2020 offer 43.32
average sale and they even have rebuilds
which means that's recurring
passive income and before i show you how
to promote this it'll just take a couple
seconds let me do some quick math let's
just say you get a million views in a
which is pretty low for these types of
channels but let's just say a million
most of these channels are going to make
anywhere between one to three dollars
per thousand views so let's divide one
views divided by one thousand because
that's how much they make
per thousand views times one dollar okay
so that's a thousand dollars
in ad revenue at the lowest per million
views now let's use those same million
okay and then let's plug it in with this
product all right
so the average conversion rate which
just means the average amount of people
who are gonna purchase
around five to ten percent and it can be
much higher it could even
maybe be lower but obviously not all of
the million people
are going to click the link in the
description so let's say
10 click so we're gonna times a million
by ten percent so point
one zero that's a hundred thousand
people are gonna click the link
all right so like i said five to ten
percent of those are gonna purchase
but let's just call it one percent okay
let's say
one percent point zero one purchase
that's a thousand people are gonna
purchase the average
sale is forty three dollars okay so
let's times that by
43. that's 43
000 just from a million views
just from one program and that's not
counting an average rebill
which you're gonna make passively on top
of this and that's with a one percent
conversion rate okay let's times it by
five for a five percent
two hundred fifteen thousand you can see
how you can make a lot of money
really fast with affiliate marketing
okay so I just wanted to explain that
so you can kind of understand how
powerful this is so now
most newbies would just tell you to hit
promote and grab your affiliate link
generate hop link right here here's your
affiliate link that's what newbies do
pros and what I'm going to show you are
going to their affiliate page right here
and then you can read about it if you
want but you can just enter your name
here or hit
I've already registered now check this
out not only do they give you a bunch of
other affiliate links here but if you go
to interest
keywords and then go to keyword search
okay click here now what you have is a
of keywords to give you video ideas
to put in your title on your youtube
channel and that's going to bring people
who are specifically
interested in this product all right
so what you would do here is you would
enter in your username
and then for the tracking id if you plan
on using other platforms you could just
call this one
youtube so it's just for youtube hit
create my links
and what that does is it adds it here so
this is the highest converting one so
we're just going to take that
copy it this affiliate link we have is
not pretty
so I suggest going to a free tool called
and again all these resources are linked
below in the description and then you
just paste your affiliate link here
see you don't want to put that in your
youtube channel okay you want to shorten
it and now you have
this link okay and the cool thing is if
you want to create a free account you
can actually edit the end of this
but even this is perfectly okay and then
what you want to do
are you want to put something like this
in your description okay
my number one resource for soothing
music or my number
one resource for healing music and then
you put your bitly link here
that's not my bitly link we copy our
bitly link
and put it here however you want to do
it whichever one you want to use those
are just examples feel free to use them
if you want
and then whichever one you use again on
the youtube video we can go back
and you could say click the link below
for my number one
resource or you could say click the link
below to
get access to my number one resource
for soothing music okay something like
that and then you could just have a call
to action at the end of the video
as well as the one in your description
so people are gonna start clicking the
and you don't do any additional work
it's just passive income and that's how
you can start
re-uploading videos to youtube and make
money just like soothing relaxation and
I hope that all makes sense but now you
stayed until the end
I told you I had a bonus strategy for
you that I'm personally doing and if you
go down below to the description you'll
something that says the program that
makes me thousand dollar affiliate
and if you click the link below that you
can get access to the program
and the business model that I personally
use which is also
affiliate marketing but it's the high ticket
affiliate marketing
as you can see you can make some
insanely high
commissions and it's much easier to make
ten thousand dollars per month
when you're getting paid a thousand
three thousand dollars every time
someone purchases
now they both work and it's totally up
to you but if you're interested in
learning about high ticket affiliate
marketing just click that link below
put your email in on the first page and
then you'll see a short minute long
video from me on the next page
and that will explain everything but
with that being said thank you so much
for watching I really appreciate it
if you enjoyed this video make sure to
smash that like button subscribe if you
haven't already


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