zoo marketing today I am going to be
walking through how to connect your
analytics to your Google Adsense account
um for those who are not familiar with
Google Adsense
essentially it is a google owned
the platform that allows you to run ads on
your website and you get paid for having
these ads on your site so here's
an example of one that's online this
little segment this is a little blog
that I have to go
so as you can see there are these ads
inside of here and whenever somebody
clicks or sometimes views these ads
I get a tiny uh penny uh here and there
and so
um I'm gonna be showing you how to
connect this data to your google
analytics account why this is important
is um uh it helps you to see which
channels are maybe bringing in more
AdSense revenue
um so I'm going to jump right in though
probably what most of you are here for
and then after I set up this connection
I will
I'll go through and show you some
practical examples on how you can use
this data so
the first thing we're going to want to
do is come in here to google analytics
and I'm going to move this thing um
and before we begin you will need admin
access to both your Google Adsense
account and google analytics
and it's under the same email so this is
all under the same email, I'm going to
come over here to admin
and then we are going to click and we're
going to scroll down here and we're
going to click on this AdSense linking
that from this point we're going to
Click on this little AdSense content
um and then hit continue and then we're
going to select the view that we want so
for me
uh I want it in my filtered view not in
my old website
data because I've created this view if
you only have one view you'll just put
it in that one but we're gonna do
filtered view right here
and then we're gonna enable a link
and now it says it may take up to 24
hours for your AdSense links to be
and that's pretty much it that's how to
connect it um now I'm going to come back
in 24 hours and show you exactly
what kind of data it's pulling in and
then how you can use that data
all right we are back now it's been 24
hours so now we can look to see what
kind of data
this uh the Adsense account is giving us
so if we come over here to
um behavior in this left-hand column and
then go to publishers
and then just go to overview here's
where you'll see most of the google
Adsense data and there are a lot of
other things that you can do but here's
the main thing that you should know is
inside of here, this will show you your
publisher impressions so that's how many
ads are shown on your website
and you can go through and change all
these different metrics inside of here
one of the most important being the
publisher revenue so if I click in here
you can see that yesterday from this
a site that I made just shy of a dollar 99
cents which hey it's the passive income
so every little bit helps and it breaks
it down by the pages that are bringing
that rev that revenue and this is just
the overview keep that in mind so
one of the more helpful pages is this
publisher pages
so you can click in here and you can see
that it breaks it down by the most
profitable pages for you obviously it's
only been running for a day so the data
I still need a little bit more data
collect inside of here but you can see
publisher impressions so this how many
ads get shown on this page specifically
and then um this one's really good to
keep a track on keep track of this this
how many clicks actually resulted on
those pages so as you see this page
brought in 20 and here's the click
through rate so
the amount of that's how many people saw
the ads versus somebody clicked them on
the specific pages so it gives you an
idea of
maybe where you should send more traffic
to or which one has uh can get you more
money from
from google Adsense and then finally
your average cost per thousand views um
or sessions which are also very helpful
some good data in here to kind of go
through it and
establish baseline metrics for your site
and figure out where to be where you can
send more traffic and then the last one
is this publisher
publisher referrals refer and
as you see this just shows a bunch of
different sources on where the traffic
comes from
as you see for this one most of my
traffic comes from Pinterest and then i
um some coming from youtube and
Pinterest like a huge so
most of this site uh that's kind of the
the strategy that I have here is just
sending Pinterest traffic over that way
um hopefully this video was helpful for
you um don't forget to subscribe down
below if it was and
good luck in your Adsense adventures
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