step number one go to this website
that's going to pay you just for
watching videos online
step number two create your free account
enter your email password and click
right here to create your account
step number three click on any of these
videos that are going to pay you from 32
cents up to four dollars and 52 cents
for watching
step number four wait 34 seconds for the
video to load up and step number five
sit back relax and enjoy making money
literally just by watching
videos and ads online in this video i'm
going to show you how to get paid just
for watching
videos or watching ads online i'm going
to show you this brand new website that
i've been testing out for the past
couple of days
and so far i made 55 literally just for
watching videos and in this video
i will show you everything and how to
get started in the next
five minutes sounds crazy good then
let's get
started what's going on you kind of it's
eric here back in my laptop and in this
video i wanted to show you something
i want to show you a live proof of how
to make over four dollars and 52 cents
just for 30 seconds of watching video
ads videos or ads
i mean you get paid for watching the ads
but it says that you get paid for
watching videos
now make sure you're going to stay until
the end of this video because i will
show you everything that you need to see
lifeproof website how to do this and
also i will show you
couple of hacks how you can make pretty
much over 80
as soon as today if you're going to take
action on this okay
so if you like all the extra hacks then
make sure you're going to watch this
video from beginning to the end
and don't just rush to go to this
website okay i just i'm just begging you
to not do that
because then you're going to miss out on
all the details and you might
might not end up making any of any money
at all okay so just promise me that
you're going to watch this video from
and the end now so far i only made 55
i've been testing it out
i actually gave this website to my
virtual assistant because i didn't want
to do it myself
i wanted to give it give it some to
someone without no experience or video
pretty much
a lot of experience like i have to
someone that has pretty much just
basic experience in like doing online
tasks and so far he made 55 dollars
now he hasn't been able to cash it out
yet i will show you all the details and
all the stuff that you need to do
now this is going to be a step-by-step
tutorial i'm not going to be selling you
anything in this so the step number one
of this video is going to be to
like the video just like usual i would
really appreciate if you could please
smash the like button on this video it
would help me big time
and as you know everybody that smashes
the like button is going to make money
using my videos
so if you'd like to do that i would
really appreciate it and also if you are
new to the channel
don't forget to subscribe and hit the
bell icon so i can notify you every
single time i will personally send you a
to your youtube inbox every single time
that i upload it
so you can be the first one to use the
method and make the most money as well
so if you like to do that then
definitely hit the bell and also don't
forget to comment below where are you
from how much would you like to make
online and just tell me something nice
and within the first hour i will go
ahead and reply to every single person
that's going to comment below this video
i will do my best to do that okay
now that's the step number one step
number step number two of this video is
going to be the proof
and kind of the withdrawal thingy like
how to actually get your money out
because you know these coins tokens
as long as they are on the website yeah
you can already do anything with them so
i'll show you like how to get them to
your paypal account what is the payout
and how to pretty much go about it
and step number three is going to be a
step-by-step process on a completely
brand new account pretty much everybody
watching this video is going to be
starting from a brand new account so i
want to show you the process
on a brand new account like how to
create the account where to go how to do
and all that good stuff okay guys just
promise me do you like the video
subscribe if you did not and now you're
going to watch the entire video from
beginning to the end
and do not miss out on any of the
details because at the end
i will show you additional hack pretty
much how to 10x your earnings and make
up to 80 dollars realistically you can
make it today
but i'm not going to tell you that okay
it's possible that you can make it today
if you're going to implement the method
to the best of your abilities now with
that being said
the video being liked let's get started
so as you can see this website right
i have blurred out the logo because i
don't want you to go there right away
because then you are not going to use
the method correctly
and you might end up messing it out okay
so for
for example for now i only got like 51
views 51 total views
i made 45 dollars pretty much the
account made 45.61
cents watch balance but as you can see
my account balance is 55
so it's 10 dollars more okay and i'll
show you what is the what is the
difference between
account balance and also the watch
balance okay so this is very important
this is kind of like the hack on how to
make even more money when i was giving
this to my virtual assistant
he was pretty much just watching the
videos i was going through the account
after that checking it out like how it
actually works
but i just left him to do it because
yeah i don't really have that much time
to test out all these methods
so i kind of outsource them to like a
virtual assistant to see if he can
actually make money with it
and then i was going through the account
and i noticed there are a couple of
extra hacks you can actually do to make
money tested them out and as you can see
i just made like 10
extra now then you just scroll down and
you can quickly watch entertaining
videos and earn now some of these videos
are pretty much a fixed amount
the only downside of this website is
pretty much you can only watch five
videos per day
and make like in some cases you'll make
like 61 cents in some cases
32 cents in some cases four dollars and
52 cents
in some cases just 56 cents okay now
what he told me
is that pretty much the the amounts
change on daily basis
the only downside which i will show you
how to go over
how to pretty much neglect completely is
that you can only watch
five videos per day and that's it you
cannot watch more videos
and all of them require you 34 seconds
to do that
so pretty much you watch this video you
get paid 61 cents
32 cents 47 cents 4.52 cents
like sometimes you get these dollar
amounts but it
rarely happens okay like i wanted to
catch it on a video
so i told him like when he's going to
get one just don't do it at all that's
why we haven't reached out the payout so
far because
i wanted to record a video for you guys
and then the 56 cents right here pretty
the videos change up on daily basis and
you can only watch like
all these five and then pretty much
don't do anything at all then you need
to wait for the next
day to come so you need to pretty much
it's going to take like i don't know
34 seconds that's like five times that's
like two and a half minutes per day
to make this amount of money just by
watching these videos okay
so sometimes you get these dollar
amounts but don't expect them right away
on a new account you're definitely not
going to get them
so this is pretty much it now when i go
to the payout section so right here
i go to the payout or withdrawals this
is pretty much the
this is pretty much the page paypal with
money western union and payoneer
and as you can see don't really use the
western union
because you get like 100 minimum payout
but for people
when i scroll down i can see it's 80
okay so
we haven't been able to cash this out
because it's only like
uh 55 dollars so yeah we need like 80
dollars to cash it out to people
now i told him to not do that because i
wanted to show you the dollar video so
it is worth it because otherwise
let's say you get paid like 60 cents for
this one it's like
four dollars per day this way it's like
five dollars or
or like yeah like uh eight dollars so
yeah it makes difference like in just 10
days you can make some extra cash
you just really need to be consistent
with it okay so this is pretty much the
proof now just 34 seconds i will show
you how to do it in a brand new account
so the website is called
pretty much i will show you how to do
that i'm going to zoom it out
now it works you watch videos the pretty
much the way it works
is they are actually giving views to
other people
the people are paying for reviews and
they are paying for people to actually
watch their ads
they are making money from the ads the
website is making money
and you are making money as well so
let's say the advertiser pays
let's say one dollar watch the video and
watch the ad
and they get paid let's say dollar fifty
from that they give a dollar
to the uh to the advert to the to the
website they are going to take like 20
and they are going to pay you like 80
cents to watch the entire video with an
so pretty much everybody is making money
and yeah you can actually
buy something from the ad so it's like a
stealing thing because you
actually need to watch the ad and that
way pretty much everybody is winning and
you make money by watching videos and to
make this legit
they only allow like five videos per day
because if you're going to watch like 20
ads you are not going to buy anything at
all but if you're going to watch
just five per day it's kind of legit
okay so this is the website now all you
have to do
head over to you click on
sign up button right here
now the signup process is super simple i
will show you all the hacks just please
make sure i don't want to make this
video too long
i see it's already eight minutes don't
don't want to make it too long so let me
just go through this so eric
saggy birthday i'm going to include a
fake one because i'm not going to like
put my real birthday right here so i'm
not 86
i'm not 86 okay so let's go with april
1st full day
now email let's enter my email and let's
enter some
fake password i'm not a robot and create
click on create your account
and the thing is that you get like five
instantly so that's that's a cool thing
you only need to turn like 75
and they are popping ads like here and
there okay
it's like this one for example this is a
fake ad this is not like this is
my local newspaper and this is also like
my local newspaper something headline
but you're going to get these ads that's
why they can also afford to pay you
this amount because when you are
watching these videos like on daily
like otherwise you would just go through
videos like on day one make eighty
dollars cash it out
this way when you're going to do it you
need to log in every single day
and then you pretty much want to add
their ads as well on daily basis
so they can sell you something just
promise me you're not going to buy
anything from them
just use it to make some money i hope
it's going to work out i haven't been
able to cash it out as i told you yet
so i mean it's completely free you don't
have to pay for anything so
uh yeah i mean it's it it's it's super
simple so here's what you need to do
like this video is right here
it says battle pass so this one is 61
cents this is pretty much
beginning and sometimes the change the
changes you can see like this is yeah i
click there and it's going to pop me an
ad so just be aware of that sometimes
the dollar amounts change
okay like or on this one i have like
forty dollar four dollars and fifty two
uh here it says just 52 cents so yeah
this is it whenever you click on the
video it's going to take you to another
do not click there do not click here so
i'm just going to
battle with these ads now i watch the
video so that's why they actually pay
you now you just watch it for 34 seconds
again another one this is like a politi
politician ad
so i'm just going to wait like yeah
let's wait make some money
yo yo yo so for 34 seconds and yeah i'll
show you like what's going to happen
now this is the thing with this with
this website guys this is not going to
make you rich
do not expect to get rich by doing this
what it's going to allow you to do
is going to give you some startup money
for traffic
for software for products for anything
like that okay
so oh this was like a 30 second video
what's happening
oh come on i need to watch another one
on okay i need to make sure like the
video is real you can see that i
clicked there multiple times yeah this
one is definitely yeah this is the
longer one
so i need to watch this one i don't know
why they added less than 30 second video
you can see it's working and this this
website is going to live like buy like a
video course with no problems but it's
not going to make you rich do not expect
to get rich
it might not give you like instant
payout especially
just go for 80 see if it's going to work
for yourself
so far 55 that's all right but it's only
on the website so
yeah i'm being honest with you guys so
yeah it's free that's why i'm sharing it
with you
it's loading that's why i'm also talking
so much but yeah now the video is add i
click on complete
and it's going to give this green little
successfully completed you received 32
cents okay
and now i just refresh it and pretty
much you can see
five dollars 32 cents and something
let me just there's so many ads okay
that's the thing with the website why
they are actually paying
and this is going to be a weld after 23
hours okay
so the downside is you can only watch
like five videos per day
you can do it for all of them i'm not
going to do that but here's the cool
i will share with you now two hacks like
three hacks
on how to maximize your earnings because
this is going to take you
34 let me just do the math really
quickly so 34 seconds times 5
5 so 34 times 5 divided by 60
this is going to take you like 2.8 it's
like three minutes per day on one
as you have seen the the sign up process
is extremely simple
and it doesn't even require to verify
the email so what i would do is just
create multiple accounts
like five to ten they didn't say you
cannot do that
like create five to ten accounts and
then it's going to take you like
uh like 15 to 30 minutes per day to
watch these video ads and you can do
them all at once
from one browser so just create like
five to ten accounts
and then once you reach eighty dollars
on one account
you are also going to reach it on
different five or ten accounts
so you can make anywhere from 400 up to
like eight
eight hundred dollars possibly if it's
going to pay out so
yeah like it can work and you can be
like 800
but yeah if it's if if the minimum
payout is just this
it's going to take like 40 days so it's
going to be like 10
per day like 20 per day depending on how
many accounts you're going to create
so that's one hack but there's another
hack that you can use to make even more
so what you can do what you can simply
do is if you go to the website
and i will close the ads i go to my
account and go to referral
and you can see that you also earn one
dollar for
every friend that signs up you can earn
by referring others to register
and if anybody is going to sign up
through this link as your referral
you get paid one dollar straight up and
there's no limit if you have like 80
friends you can just share this on
facebook and tell them
please go ahead and yeah sign up i want
the one dollar
and i see if this website is actually
working if it works i'm going to tell
you that
use this website and make some money so
just share it on facebook
share it on twitter or i will show you
exactly where to share it
so you can get a lot of free signups so
just go to a new
new tab and you want to go to you want
to search
beer money ready okay
search for beer money ready and this is
pretty much a forum
on reddit where people are interested in
exact websites pay for watching videos
pay for clicking two three dollars per
and they are going to just check it out
and if you get like 80 people
out of 831 000 i think that's
pretty realistic to sign up through your
link you can even just tell them like
hey guys
i'm testing out this new website that
supposedly pays you for watching videos
could you just go ahead and sign up and
they are going to be like yeah
i mean let's see if it's actually going
to work out they're going to sign up
through your link
you'll get one dollar and you can then
cash it out let me just go ahead with
these ads
so just go to withdrawal and you can see
if it actually works on people
okay so 80 so if you get like 80
referrals you watch couple of videos
it's going to take like five days
you can actually cash out like 80
dollars but i guess after that
i don't know these websites sometimes
don't really pay you after that
okay so just don't get your hopes up i
know there's
a lot of people that have a lot of time
so an extra
3 to 50 minutes per day can actually
make a huge difference
and go ahead and check out his website
okay now i'm not going to give you my
referral link
by no means i'm using this to promote
this website okay i don't want you to
sign up through my links
what you can do is pretty much comment
below this video share your referral
link and ask people to join as well so
if you are still watching
and you are trying to sign up to this
website please i kindly ask you to help
other incognito members and go ahead
scroll down to the web
below the comment to the comment section
and check out their referral links
okay so guys if you're watching this
post your referral links at the bottom
of the description
sorry at the in the comment section
below this video
and anybody that wants to sign up go
ahead and check out the comment section
and sign up through anybody's
affiliate link the referral link okay
and give them some money i mean it's
one dollar over and over but it's going
to add up and let's say somebody's going
to be like 80
and he's going to buy like a video
course that's going to change his life
after all it was worth it so guys we can
do this go ahead try out his website and
make some easy money
now i know it's just by watching videos
there's plenty of ads
so yeah it might be a little bit
i don't want any ads it might be a
little bit annoying but they are
they are these partners we are
partnering with over 1500 brands
app next to mogul livestream promatic so
yeah it can actually
work out so go ahead test it out see how
it's going to work out
and that's easily easy way how to make
some money just by watching videos
anyways thanks for watching if you are
still watching don't forget to like and
comment below that i'm still watching
this video
even though it's a little bit shorter i
want to know if you actually like these
that are short straight to the point
just show you the website and that's it
or you like the more over the shoulder
formats where i walk you through the
entire method
step by step please i need to know this
because i know there are people that
hate long videos
there are people that love long videos
but i want to pretty much appeal
and create videos that most people are
liking to watch okay
so again if you are watching let me know
and tell me if you like
over the shoulder videos step by step
videos or videos
that i just show you the website just
like this anyways
thanks for watching and i will see you
in the next videos that are going to pop
on the screen right now
and click there and make some easy money
so take care
and bye for now
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