Hey everyone.
And today I'm gonna be making one of my most requested
I'm gonna be showing you five different ways
to make money online for free,
regardless of whether you are a teenager or an adult.
Yup, today I'm gonna be showing you how
you can make money online whether you are 60 or 20 or 50
or 70, or even if you are 13 and best of all,
several of these methods are working worldwide
and none require a PayPal account or any startup money.
So, even if you are broke,
all of these ideas are things that you can try.
Now, I was personally inspired to make this video
because honestly, most videos where I see where they talk
about how teenagers can make money online,
they kinda suck.
You see, I have extra experience making money as a teen.
When I was 15, I really wanted to buy video games,
but I had no money.
So I went to my parents who instead of giving me money,
told me to get a job.
So, I got a job every Sunday evening.
I scanned groceries at my local supermarket.
And I can tell you now,
like everyone else that worked there,
I absolutely 100% hated my job.
And every Sunday as I scanned groceries, I think to myself,
surely there has to be a better way to make money.
Surely there has to be another way other than this
soul-crushing minimum wage job.
And so three months later at age 15,
I embarked on my first day for a side hustle,
flipping second-hand video games for a profit.
I ended up making over a thousand dollars for just one day
of flipping games.
And every three to four months,
I'd do this and earn another $1,000.
And it's a story that I told in this video here,
which explained my exact method for flipping games.
And the crazy thing is that to earn a thousand dollars
at my supermarket job,
I would have had to have worked back to back Sundays
for six whole months.
And then at age 16,
I upgraded my income even more by starting
my first successful online store, reselling video games.
So yes, I have actual experience making money online
as a teenager,
which means I also personally understand
the limitations of being a teenager.
And I absolutely hate it when adults with no experience
of making money as a teen, make videos like this and go,
"Oh, hey teenagers.
"I have a great idea for you.
"Why don't you open up your own eBay store,
"flip stuff on here.
"I'm such a genius for coming up with this idea for you,
"smash that Like button."
And so you're like, okay, maybe this is a good idea.
And then you're like, oh wait, no it's not.
Because they sell on eBay,
I basically need a PayPal account to collect money
from my customers
and PayPal won't let me have an account
until I'm 18.
So, for each of these five methods,
not only am I gonna explain how they make money for free,
but I'm also gonna explain how to legally do them
as a teenager and how to get paid
without needing a PayPal account.
Method one, start a free on my merch store.
If you've already watched this super popular video of mine,
then you probably recognize this idea,
but I still recommend that you keep watching,
because I'm gonna give you a new website
that you can use this method with.
Plus, I'm also gonna show you a new winning product
that you could be selling with the method.
And I'm gonna show you how people can open
free online merge doors
and earn a nice side income like this
using this method,
without needing a PayPal account legally,
even as a teenager.
So, here's the deal.
Anyone, whether you're a teenager
or an adult can open an online store
and start selling custom merchandise online for free,
and you don't even need any artistic skills to do so.
Well it's because of websites
like this one here, CafePress.
CafePress lets people like you or me,
sell custom products that we create for a profit for free,
because you see, it's very different from a traditional
online store like this one here,
where you have to buy a domain name
and then install your own eCommerce software from scratch
and then pay to advertise your store
to get customers into it.
Nope, instead of this,
CafePress is a giant preexisting online store
that anyone can add and list products on and sell them.
You can kinda think of it like eBay.
People come to eBay each day to buy products
and anyone can list items for sale on there.
Well, CafePress is the same.
Anyone can create and list products for sale there
in the form of custom merchandise.
And as you can see, each year,
CafePress sells tens of millions of dollars of custom merch
and CafePress lets you sell a huge range of merch for free
and make money from it.
The biggest overall seller is of course
the classic t-shirt,
but that's not all you can create and sell your own custom
hoodies for free,
and you can create and sell custom mugs for free.
So you might be thinking, okay, Sarah, but I don't get it.
I'm a broke teenager.
How can I create and sell products like this
without any money?
Don't I need my own t-shirt printer?
Well, the answer is Nope.
Nope, you don't.
All you need to do is sign up for a free CafePress account.
And once you've created your free account,
come to the My Designs page,
and here you can upload your chosen design.
And you know, some of you may have noticed before
that when I was registering,
it did ask me for my birthday,
but it didn't ask me for my birth year.
So don't worry.
Although, as you'll see,
CafePress is more than happy to have teenagers sell
on its website.
So, you don't need to lie about your age to sell on here.
And once you've uploaded the design that you want to use,
you can then choose which of the products
you want to sell it on. And as you can see,
they do literally have hundreds of products to choose from.
And so once you've chosen your products,
you can then go and tweak them.
So for example,
I can move the design to sit lower on the t-shirt
or a can make it smaller, things like that.
And I can modify the title of my product page too.
Once you've created your product CafePress
will automatically create a product listing for it
in the marketplace.
And then when a customer comes and buys say,
this t-shirt from you.
CafePress's has a clothing factory that will print your design
onto a t-shirt,
package the t-shirt up
and then ship it out to the customer
automatically without you having to do anything.
And in the eCommerce industry,
we actually have a name for this service
and it's called print-on-demand
because that's literally what it is.
Customers order your t-shirts,
and then they get printed on-demand as customers order them.
And with CafePress, you never have to spend any money
because you never paid for that T-shirt yourself
and still, CafePress lets you create your products
and then set the price.
And when a customer buys the product,
CafePress will collect their money
and remove the product creation fees from it.
And send the rest to you as a profit
in the form of a commission.
Now you might've noticed something that I did.
I uploaded this design I created to CafePress,
and there were two reasons why I made this design.
Firstly, I chose this design because I know a lot of people
are gonna go, but Sarah,
I can't create and design my own t-shirts,
I'm not an artist.
And I got no graphic design skills and I'm broke.
So I can't hire someone to design a t-shirt for me.
Well, you know what?
No one cares.
It literally does not matter.
Nope, not if you choose to focus on text-based designs.
So using this free graphic design app here Canva,
I use the free open-source fonts included
creating the simple text-based design.
I literally just placed a text box here,
I picked a font and then I typed in some text and that's it.
Now one slightly annoying thing about Canva
is it will not save images without a transparent background,
unless you pay for a premium subscription,
which CafePress needs you to do,
but that's okay because there are lots of free online tools
like this.
If you just use the power of Google to find them
that will remove the white backgrounds from images
and make your designs transparent.
So that is the first reason I chose to use that design
for this example.
The second reason is that it's actually a copy
of a top-selling design on CafePress.
See, let me show you something.
If I come to women's t-shirts
and check out the first page of results here on CafePress,
they will list the t-shirts that have been top sellers
recently on the first page of results.
And what do we see?
We see an extremely similar design,
and look at simply just the text, THE WINE MADE ME DO IT,
a design I was literally able to make and list
in one minute for free with Canva.
And actually, if you noticed that wasn't
the only simple text-based design at all
in the list of top-selling t-shirts.
Now of course,
if you're an artist do use your artistic abilities
of course, to create cool designs for sure.
But if you aren't artistic, don't let that stop you.
Just focus on selling products like t-shirts and mugs
that still looked great even with simple text-based designs.
But yes, I do not suggest that you just copy
preexisting designs like I did for this example,
copying them would be copyright infringement.
Instead, I did this to show you
that simple text-based designs,
especially when funny can still sell great.
And actually, there's another way to make even more money
with this free method because CafePress
is just one print-on-demand marketplace,
there are lots of other marketplaces like it
that you can list your products on to
once you have created them.
For example, here's a site my subscribers
will recognize, Redbubble.
Redbubble works exactly the same as CafePress
and they're either more popular.
In the last six months, I've had over 20 million views
from people coming to buy merchandise.
So just like with CafePress,
you don't have to advertise your products
because people are literally coming to Redbubble
to buy merch.
And actually, Redbubble has a product
that CafePress doesn't, face masks.
And right now people are making lots of money by creating
and selling their own face masks.
This is making so much money
because lots of states in the USA are actually mandating
that people wear face masks outside,
and people want to have fun face masks
instead of plain white masks or surgical masks.
So custom face masks are truly making people a lot of money
while also adding joy into the customer's lives
by having fun face masks to choose from
instead of boring ones.
But yes, you're absolutely 100% allowed
to take your CafePress designs
and upload them to Redbubble
and sell them on products there,
you own the rights to your designs.
And just like with CafePress, it is absolutely free.
Redbubble collects the money that the customer pays,
they remove their product creation fee from that money
and they pay out the difference to you
in the form of a commission.
And I know that I'm gonna get a million, billion comments
from people being like,
"but Sarah, does this actually work?"
I absolutely hate this question
so let's answer it now.
Yes, this absolutely 100% works.
And I don't just say this because I've had viewers
leave super cool comments saying that they're making money
using this method.
I also say it because there are tons
of successful case studies like this one on the internet
for you to read and watch.
If you just take a second to Google it,
people are making hundreds
to even thousands of dollars a month,
selling merchandise like this on these online marketplaces.
And the number one way that they do it,
is by learning how to choose and optimize their products
for the internal search engines.
So that the designs will show up when people search
for relevant keywords.
And if you'd like to learn more about how to do this,
then there are lots of free YouTube videos out there
that have tutorials and in-depth information
on the specific topic.
So if you're interested, be sure to do a search for them.
But the big question, how can you do this as a teenager,
without a PayPal account, and yet still get paid?
Well, you know, it's kinda funny,
literally, no one checks your age when you register.
And as a kid, I played Neopets,
it was a virtual pet simulator game,
I was 11 when I first registered,
to use Neopets's forums,
you had to be 18.
So guess which age I signed up as,
but obviously, I can't recommend doing what I did
and I'm not allowed to recommend doing what I did.
So I will tell you the truth.
Each print-on-demand site has its own age minimums
in the terms and services pages.
For Redbubble, as long as you're 16, it's all good.
And if you're selling on CafePress,
they're even more lenient.
As long as you're 13 and have supervision,
AKA permission from your parents,
the terms and conditions allow you to use this site.
So, how can you get paid?
Well, while both do have PayPal as an option to get paid,
they both also have alternatives.
For Redbubble, they will pay your money directly
to a bank account.
If you live in the USA, UK, or Australia.
And let's clear this up right now
because it's crucial for the video.
I've had some teenagers confused
if they can open bank accounts,
and the answer is that you can,
you can get your own bank account and get a debit card,
which is essentially a prepaid credit card
with your parents' help.
And this is called a joint account.
In CafePress, they're even easier with the payouts
if your parents are not willing to go to a bank
and get an account set up for you.
CafePress will literally get your commissions mailed to you
in the form of a check.
And they'll even send it to lots of countries.
With a check, you just had to take it to your bank
and give it to them.
And then they'll turn it into sweet, sweet cash.
And by the way, I actually kept the free ebook,
which has more tips from six-figure print-on-demand stores
like this one here for my case study video.
And if you'd like to download my ebook,
I'll have a link to it in the video description below.
But anyway, back to the video.
Method two, make money by creating YouTube tutorial videos.
Here's the deal, to start a YouTube channel,
you only legally have to be 13 years old.
And YouTube can make you a lot of money.
In fact, over the past 28 days,
I've made over $15,000 on YouTube with ads.
Unfortunately for teenagers though,
AdSense isn't the easiest way to make money on YouTube.
And that's because YouTube requires you to be 18
to get an AdSense account.
So you need your parents to create one and let you use it.
Which is kind of annoying.
Plus with YouTube Ads,
they will only let you use them once you've had
a thousand subscribers.
So here is an idea.
how about instead, if you started making money
as a teenager immediately?
So, here's a video on my YouTube channel,
and it's a tutorial video, which shows you how to set up
an online store with WooCommerce.
And as part of this tutorial,
I use my favorite web hosting platform
for beginners, SiteGround.
And so what I did was I signed up for the SiteGround
free affiliate program.
And then they gave me this, a URL which when someone clicks
tracks whether they bought a subscription
to SiteGround or not.
And then if I click it, I get a commission on that sale.
But what I did was I went ahead
and I put that affiliate link and my video description,
and I made it prettier with a redirect link.
And now it tracks every time someone clicks on it
and buys web hosting.
And ever since then,
I've been making hundreds of dollars passively
every single month was SiteGround
through affiliate commissions.
And the really cool thing about affiliate programs
is that while some of them will only allow people 18
and older to sign up,
not all of them restrict you like that.
So for example, here's another affiliate program.
The Adobe affiliate program.
Every time someone buys say Adobe Premiere,
or at Photoshop through an affiliate link,
you will get 85% of the first month of their subscription,
just like with CafePress.
As long as you get verbal permission from your parents,
you're legally allowed to register,
and they pay your commissions directly
into your bank account.
So no PayPal is required.
So here's what you could do.
You could go ahead and find successful Photoshop
or Premiere video tutorials to recreate and copy yourself
and upload to YouTube.
And inside the video description,
you can then place your affiliate link
and immediately start making money
from affiliate commissions.
Adobe products like Photoshop and Premiere,
have a free seven day trial period
that you can take advantage of.
So, download that free trial and use that trial to film lots
and lots of tutorial videos in.
Or if you have a debit card and some spare cash,
you could actually buy the software,
and use it for 14 days and record lots of tutorial videos,
upload them to YouTube and use YouTube SEO
to rank them highly in the search engine
and then get a full refund for the software from Adobe.
An OBS is a free screen recording software
you can use to record your video tutorials,
and because it's a tutorial,
you don't need to ever film yourself
so, you never have to actually be on camera.
And then you can use free video editing software
like OpenShot to edit them, including adding a voiceover,
which you can record using the inbuilt microphone
of your phone.
So yes, anyone even a teenager can make money
with YouTube for free.
But that isn't the only way that you can make money
with educational tutorial-style videos on YouTube.
There is another way to make money
: method three,create and sell your own video course.
Seriously, I see salty people all the time who are like,
"why would anyone pay for an online course
"when there's so much free information on the internet?"
And whenever I read comments like this, I'm like, gee,
I don't know.
Maybe millions of people do.
The online education industry isn't shrinking thanks
to free information on places like YouTube.
It's actually growing.
By 2025, this is said to be a $300 billion industry.
So, how can you behind the computer screen there,
either a broke teenager or broke adult
without a PayPal account, make money doing this?
Well, it's all thanks to this website, Teachable.
Not many people know about Teachable's free account
because they hide the feature so most people miss it,
but yes, you can create a video course
and then sell it to people for free.
To open up a free account, simply come to the pricing page.
And now yes, I know it looks like you have
to pay $29 a month,
but again, it's kind of a trick
because they do have a free plan.
You just need to find the little text here that says,
try our free plan.
And now you can create and sell your own digital course
for free.
So, here's a solid game plan for making money with YouTube.
In addition to using your free trial
or refund period with your chosen software
you're an affiliate for,
to recreate YouTube tutorial clips,
you also hustle hard and record enough tutorial clips
to create your own digital course.
And yes, people do buy digital courses for software,
even with free YouTube tutorials on the internet.
Look how many reviews these Photoshop courses have on Udemy.
Some with well over 10,000 reviews,
and then in the video description
of your YouTube tutorial videos,
not only do you place your affiliate link there,
but you also place a link to where people can go
and buy your video course
that you are selling through Teachable.
On Teachable, as long as you're 13,
and you have verbal permission from your parents,
you are legally allowed to sign up
and you get paid through this, Stripe.
Stripe as a payment processor whose entire job
is to collect payments from customers
and pay that money directly to your bank account.
So as long as you have a bank account, you will see it.
Now I personally use Stripe a lot
and I was pretty surprised to discover this,
but Stripe (mumbles) at youngest 13 to sign up
with permission.
I can see it from the appearance.
Method four, create your own Fiverr Gig.
So, something that's kinda cool about Fiverr
is unlike the other methods that I've discussed
in this video,
where you are supposed to ask permission from your parents
before you register,
Fiverr doesn't even pretend to care
and has no clause about this in its terms and conditions
as far as I could see.
As long as you are 13,
you are allowed to sign up and use their website.
Now here is the thing about making money on Fiverr though,
a lot of people will see Fiverr on this list
and they'll go, "Oh, what a horrible idea.
"Fiverr is way too competitive".
But don't listen to those negative (mumbles).
The only reason why they think there's too much competition
is because they are lazy and have no creativity at all.
So this here is Fiverr.
It's a website that lets you sell freelancing services
in the form of gigs.
So for example, here's a gig I've used a lot,
a video editing gig.
So if I need videos edited, I'll outcome here,
select which service I need, and buy it.
So think about what types of skills you have that
you could sell.
If you have Photoshop skills,
you could sell graphic design gigs.
And if you've got writing skills,
well, you can create gigs We have people who can come
and order writing tasks from you in exchange for money.
Now, here's the problem with Fiverr.
Most people will go on there
and try to sell the exact same services
that everyone else is selling.
They go, "ah, I know I'm good at writing.
"I'll sell blog posts."
And of course, everyone else is doing that.
So it's very hard to stand out.
Or they'll go, "Hey, I've got graphic art skills.
"I'll sell logos."
And look how many people are trying to do that.
Whereas you see what you should have done
is done some research and you have gone,
"Hey, look, Fiverr that has a section dedicated
to creating logos for political campaigns.
And look, only one person has a gig
that doesn't cost hundreds of dollars.
And so she is getting all of the work in this niche
while also charging more than
what most normal logo gigs charge that is as new as hers.
And so this is what you need to do before you go
and create a Fiverr gig, research and find gigs where
there are very few people offering it and make a gig
in that niche instead.
Now Fiverr, they have three payout methods, PayPal,
which obviously teenagers you can't use.
And they also have something called a Fiverr Revenue Card,
which is actually a Payoneer debit card.
And unfortunately, you need to be 18
to sign up for a Payoneer account.
Although this is a great way for people
in non-PayPal countries who are watching,
who are 18 plus to get paid.
But yes, the third payout method
is I'll do a direct bank transfer,
which of course is teen-friendly.
And if you live in the USA,
you can even do a bank deposit.
So, that's what I'd recommend that you use
when making money with Fiverr.
Method five, make money from Instagram Shoutouts.
Now, this is a super fun way for people to make money online.
However, normally teenagers aren't allowed to do this.
However, with my workaround trick,
you can do this even if you are a teen.
So, here's my Instagram today at 8:00 PM Eastern USA time.
As on the day that this video goes live,
I'm gonna be hosting a live Q&A hangout session.
So go ahead and follow me so you can join in.
But yes, as you can see, I have a ten thousand followers
and this is actually very crucial
because it allows me to add pictures
to my Instagram Story,
and then add links to those pictures.
And these are called swipe-up links.
You swipe up and you get taken to the URL.
This is one of the most effective forms
of advertising on Instagram.
But you won't get this feature immediately
because it requires 10,000 followers like I have.
But it's well worth investing the time to build up a page
to this number,
because once you get access to this feature,
it can make you a lot of money.
Take, for example, this account here on Instagram.
Now Doug built this account out just
by reposting free pictures
and videos of dogs on the internet
and then using hashtags so that people will find
the viral pictures that they repost.
And there are lots of videos and tutorials
about building up niche Instagram accounts
by reposting free viral content like this on YouTube.
So if you're interested in doing this,
be sure to look at those videos.
So anyway, here's a website.
Where businesses can buy Instagram Shoutouts
from niche pages like this.
And an Instagram Shoutout is when you post a picture
on your page advertising a product or a brand.
So we can see that this page here has posted a shoutout
featuring a video of a dog toy.
And most shoutouts last for 24 hours.
So likely this is a 24-hour shoutout too.
So for 24 hours, they'll have this video here
and then they will remove it.
So if we check out the prices that this page charges,
we can see that it has cost them $35 for a 24-hour shoutout.
But that isn't all,
because usually, brands won't just buy a shoutout,
they'll buy a story slot too with a swipe-up link.
And you can say that costs an extra $50.
And that's exactly what the dog toy did.
They also purchased an Instagram Story slot
and a swipe-up link too.
But that's not the only product that this page is promoting.
It's running the story promo for this product
without a swipe-up link.
And it's also writing this 24-hour shoutout
for the product too.
This shoutout here is $35,
and the story promo was $20.
So combined with the other dog toy promotion
that this page is running,
this Instagram page has made $140 in the last 24 hours
just by posting pictures and videos.
Unfortunately though, Instagram Shoutout marketplaces
like this usually ban teenagers.
Age of majority means you legally need to be an adult.
Ooh, luckily though,
there is a creative solution
so that we can get around this,
and that is Fiverr.
Create a shoutout gig
and then put your email in your page profile,
and when people inquire about shoutouts,
directs them to here.
And make sure to ask them to leave a review,
so that Fiverr buyers who are browsing the website
will see your gig when they're looking for shoutouts
and we'll buy from you there as well,
making you even more money.
So yes, age is just a number.
And even if you are a teenager,
you can make money online too.
If this video helped you please hit that Subscribe button
and click that little notification bell
so that you don't miss out on any of my videos.
And if you're interested in that side gig
that I had when I was 15
that was making me a thousand dollars a day,
I will have a link to it here on this end screen.
So go ahead, check out my next video
and I will see you on the next one.