Make $700 Daily Using This Google TRICK! | Passive Income (Make Money Online) - make money online

Make $700 Daily Using This Google TRICK! | Passive Income (Make Money Online)

 n this video today I will show you how

Google is a platform most of you use daily
can make you thousands of dollars in
passive income when you combine it with
this website here has nothing to do
with selling or promoting anything no
social media platforms are involved like
youtube facebook or others and this will
work in your country no matter where it
is now just before I show you everything
if you like this type of content and
you'd like to see more than support my
channel by giving this video a thumbs up
below and so you don't miss out on any
future videos to come then click on that
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whenever I upload a new video with all
With that said let's now jumping straight
into the tutorial so I can show you
everything is okay so as I said in that
intro guys, you will get paid in PayPal
money from the platform I will show you
soon enough and as such your first step
is to come over to where you
will want to create your PayPal account
and by the way, as you can see PayPal
works in many different countries around
the globe which is the exact reason i
said this will most likely work in your
anyhow to create your account on PayPal
here you want to now come back up a bit
and you will see the signup button in
the upper right corner on which you want
to click on the very next page just
select the personal account and click on
continue and from there you'll just
enter in stuff like your first and last
names email address phone number address
and so on and when you create your
Paypal account you will now be able to
get paid and so it's now time to go to
the second platform that platform in
The question is of course google as I said
we will be using a simple google trick
to get paid today and so you now want to
come over to google and you will want to
Search for stuff along the lines of cute
cats cute dogs beautiful landscape
nature and so on you will simply put
wanna find great looking images and
here's the thing
you will want them in all different
niches so you want photos that are all
unrelated to one another and I will show
you why that is when we go over to the
the third platform in any case I search for
cute cats here as an example and now
what do you want to do before you download
a photo is clicked on tools right here and
then you'll be able to see usage rights
over here on which you want to click and
finally, select creative commons licenses
now as some of you may guess this is the
google trick I was talking about not
many people know about this at all and
what this does is gives you the license
to freely use any one of these photos if
you downloaded the photos from before
and used them you would get taken down
for copyright but now you can use any
one of these freely, however, you want to
from there you simply want to find a
nice-looking photo try to find the best
one of them all and you want to click on
it then right-clicks and selects save
image as to download it to your pc from
there you want to search for something
different as I said for example nature
and by the way, just check out how
beautiful these photos are once again
once you find one you like right-click
on it and click on save image as and you
will repeat this process for all of the
images in whatever niche you pick until
you have around 10 or so images in all
different niches finally from there you
will want to come over to the platform
I've mentioned time and time again and
the platform that will actually pay us
and immediately when you come on here
you see this it pays to share sign up
and get paid for your content and your
content will indeed be those very images
you found over on google for absolutely
free without even having to take them
yourself the way this works is as
follows you upload an image on this
website whenever someone views it they
will see a bunch of ads on the side of
the image and the website shares the ad
revenue with the person who uploaded the
the photo which in this case will be you and
just a side note here I'm assuming most
of you watching this don't have a camera
but if you happen to be an even halfway
decent photographer and you have a good
the camera then it would be a far better
option to simply take the photos
yourselves this will add originality to
your images and in the end, you'll be
doing what you love now with that said
this platform guy has been around for
quite some time and it wasn't so popular
not too long ago but for whatever reason
it blew up and now it literally gets
millions of visits furthermore i
remember a while back that it paid much
less money per image viewed as you can
see here it will pay you 70 cents this
used to be just 15 cents and even though
70 cents may still seem like a small
amount of money trust me it's not think
about it, if 100 people view your photo
that's already 70 dollars made in
passive income and this site gets
millions of visits so it's nearly
guaranteed you will get some decent
views at the very least so now are the
perfect time to jump onto this website
and take advantage of the fact that it's
gotten so popular and that it started
paying more for the photos
anyhow on this page here you can see
some more info regarding the payment the
minimum payout is 15
as you can see which isn't the lowest
for sure but it isn't too bad either now
before we move on to the site something
I really want to show you are the
numbers which you can see on this
the platform I've shown time and time again
called and check this out in the
past month click a snap got nearly 2.4
a million visits this used to be just 300
000 visits or so back in December 2020
which wasn't that long ago so as I said
before this site has grown tremendously
which means it's the perfect time to
start using it to get paid and just
think about this for a second this site
gets 2.4 million visits a month let's
say that in total for an entire month
0.1 percent of the total visitor's view
your photos that's still 2
300 views which would mean you would
make 15 000 in passive income
you just upload the photos and that's
all the work you have to do so as you
can see even if we're being insanely
conservative you can still make
thousands of dollars on this website and
I can guarantee you that more than point
one percent of people will view your
photos which in turn means that you can
make way more than ten thousand dollars
a month most definitely
anyhow back on clicking a snap here what
you need to do to start getting
paid is click on sign up for the free right
here from there, you can sign up via
Facebook Google or Twitter which is
ultimately faster or alternatively you
can just sign up via email and enter in
your email address username and password
before agreeing to their terms and
clicking on create an account just below
now once you sign up there is a bit of a
catch I have to mention with this site
it isn't 100 free if you do want to get
paid for people viewing your photos but
take a look at this to get paid
for views, you just need to invest two
pounds into this site which is just
under three dollars for an entire month
while you can literally make thousands
of dollars during that time I know this
is a bit of a disappointment for many of
you but I can assure you it will be well
worth it to invest such a small amount
of money into this site once you do you
can just use google to upload like 10
images a day and once you have a few
a dozen images you'll be able to make
thousands of dollars in passive income
from there as new people are discovering
this site every single day which means
some of your older photos will get views
months and months after they've been
uploaded now with that said this is it
for today's video guys as always if you
liked it and you're enjoying my content
then be sure to give this video a thumbs
up below to support my channel and in
case you don't want to miss out on any
future videos just like this one then
Click on that red subscribe button and
turn on the notifications and you'll be
notified whenever a new video pops up as
always thank you all for watching and
I'll see you soon

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