Get Paid $150 Every 60 Seconds For FREE (PayPal Money Fast) | Make Money Online - make money online

Get Paid $150 Every 60 Seconds For FREE (PayPal Money Fast) | Make Money Online

 you don't need a website you don't need

any skills and this works worldwide in
In today's video, I will show you how you
can make money on complete autopilot and
earn thousands of dollars with ease with
a site I recently found stay tuned and
keep watching if you're interested
now just before we start let me remind
you that if you like this type of
content and you'd like to see more then
support my channel by giving this video
a thumbs up below and so you don't miss
out on any future videos to come then
Click on that red subscribe button and
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with all of that said let's now jump
straight into the tutorial so I can show
you everything all right so the main
the platform I will be going over in today's
video and the platform that will also
pay us is the one called
now we will be using this with just
another platform later on so this is a
relatively simple and straightforward
strategy to earn money online anyhow i
know most of you haven't heard about
this platform so let me elaborate use
the proof is a website that helps people get
more conversions on their site or in
In other words, it converts visitors into
leads and sales as is said right here as
such the people who would benefit off
this tool is website owners that are
selling various products on their
website when some of those owners come
and pay use proof they are investing a
the small amount of money but they are
actually gaining a lot more in return
this also leads to people wanting to
stick around with this site the vast
majority of them will want to use this
for a few months at least if not for the
duration of the whole year because as i
said it's worthwhile for them now with
that said you don't need to be an owner
of a website so I won't tell you to pay
use proof to get more visitors to your
the site we will instead be promoting this
as an affiliate actually and so what you
need to do when you come on their home
page is scrolled down to the bottom and
then click on partners located right
over here now there are several reasons
that make this site worth promoting as
an affiliate for starters as I said
previously use proof's customers tend to
stick around because this tool is
profitable for them this is important
for you because you will get paid 30
recurring commissions this means that if
you refer someone to here and they keep
paying use proof for like five months
you will get thirty percent off what
they paid use proof for five months so
you won't get paid for just the first
month only this, of course, means that you
don't need to refer too many people to
earn a decent amount of money now
another reason we'll be promoting this
the site, in particular, is because the
potential customers will all have big
budgets remember website owners most of
the time are also owners of businesses
and so they will have money to use
pay proof most definitely and since
they're business owners after all they
will be more than interested in a site
like this that can actually make them
money now the main reason we want to
promote this is because I have an easy
the way for you to get traffic I will show
you later on how quickly you can find
people who will need use proof and who
will benefit from using it so that you
can promote this tool to them and get
paid if they start using it now with
that said what you need to do on this
page to sign up as an affiliate is click
on join now right here and from there
you'll just enter in some of your basic
information to create your account after
which you will be able to grab that
affiliate link with that done before we
move on I want to show you guys a couple
of things regarding payment first off on
On this page, if you scroll down you'll be
able to see this frequently asked
questions section and under that is a
question regarding payment and as you
can see use proof is available for
Paypal and for those of you who don't
have PayPal available it does have
alternatives to make sure you still get
paid so it doesn't just have PayPal
available per se like so many other
platforms now something else I wanted to
show you that also regards payment is
how much money you will actually be
making per person you refer here and by
the way on this page you can also see
that use proof actually offers a 14 day
free trial is extremely helpful
because when you tell some business
the owner that it offers a free trial they
will be far more willing to give it a
try since they aren't risking their
hard-earned money and once they see the
results and that this tool will actually
earn the money they will want to use it
in the long term which of course means
paying them and in turn, you will get
paid as well anyhow if you scroll down
here you will see that if you have 10
000 visitors a month on your site which
by the way, isn't a lot at all use proof
will charge you 66 with the annual
pricing plan and 80 with the monthly one
now let's say you refer someone here and
they decide to choose the monthly plan
and their site gets 10 000 visitors
monthly since in this case, it would cost
eighty dollars and you get thirty
percent off of it that means you would
make roughly speaking around twenty-five
dollars and this is just a single
customer guys, I think you can now
already see how much potential this has
10 people are 250 dollars 100 people are
2500 and so on now with that said some
people will choose the annual plan and
let's say for sake of simplicity that
they all get 10 000 visitors on their
respective websites per month in that
case you would earn like 20 per referral
every single month which is 240 yearly
so if you refer 100 people who purchased
the annual plan you would earn 24 000 in
passive income doing basically nothing
as you can see this does have great
potential to earn you a lot of money
passively and so without further ado let
I show you exactly how you will get
traffic to that affiliate link we will
do just that through google actually it
may sound surprising but think about it
what better place to find people who own
websites and aren't getting that many
visitors than google itself now what you
will need to do on Google is search for
a specific niche I search for
photography courses as you can see i
love courses and I know there are a lot
of people selling them online so that's
why I searched for that but you don't
have to focus on courses per se or
photography courses for that matter you
can search for affiliate marketing
courses Facebook ad courses for example
alternatively, you can just search for
people who are perhaps selling clothing
on their site, it doesn't make too much
of a difference as long as you're
searching for sites where someone is
selling something and that would be
interested in using use proof and would
actually, gain value from it, and since
there are literally hundreds of millions
of those sites that means that Google is
a place where you can find an infinite
number of potential customers anyhow
what you now need to do is go over to
the third-fourth or even as far as the
seventh and eighth pages on google we
are doing this because the websites on
the very first pages most likely already
have a decent number of visitors and
wouldn't get that much value from use
proof anyways once you find and open a
website of your own choice what you
will need to do is find their contact
information most of the time it's at the
top or the bottom of the page and you
now want to contact them either via
email Facebook Instagram or whatever I'd
personally go for email now you will
want to say to them something along the
lines of hey I really like your website
and I know you're probably getting
decent results selling your course or
whatever it is that they are selling but
you are leaving a lot of money on the
table and I can help you out and get you
far more sales than you're getting now
and then you can say something along the
lines of I'm an internet marketing
expert and I have a tool for you that
can help you out and get you better
results and then you will leave the
affiliate link to use proof next to that
now you will want to repeat this process
guys for all the websites you can find
that are selling all sorts of stuff so
don't just focus on courses as I said
before and you will want to repeat this
process over and over again find a site
contact them find another and so on and
you won't need that many people to
actually, use proof for you to make a
decent amount of money if you contact
100 people in a day and just five people
pay use proof then that would already be
well over one hundred dollars just like
that anyways this is it for today's
video guys as always if you liked it and
you're enjoying my content then be sure
to give this video a thumbs up below to
support my channel and in case you don't
want to miss out on any future videos
just like this one then click on that
red subscribe button and turn on the
notifications and you'll be notified
whenever a new video pops up as always
thank you all for watching and I'll see
you soon

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