This person has made over $60,000, this person here has made $100,000, this person over here
has made nearly $90,000, the people I have just shown you are making
a ton of money, and thanks to a website I will share with you later on in this video,
you will be able to do the same, the difference being that you will not
have to invest any work whatsoever into this, you don't need to be a professional writer
as anybody can do this and where you are from doesn't matter one bit, if
you wanna start making money online, be sure to keep watching, now even though this is
a great way to get paid online and it will work, this will not make you
rich and is not a viable long-term income strategy, so if you are looking for away
to make money online in the long run and not just short-term, then be sure to
check out the very first link down below.
And with all of that said, lets now finally get into this video, the very first website
you will need to go over guys, is none other than, or more
specifically, you will wanna go over to amazon kindle, so either type in amazon kindle on
Google and open it up, or you can just type in the URL: Either way, that will now take you over to the amazon kindle
store, and it's Amazon that will be paying us today actually, and I will
show you how you can make money with amazon but with zero skills and work involved. Amazon,
as basically all of you know, is one of the biggest companies in the
the world today, the website itself is being visited by 2.5 billion people, and the majority of
those people come from top tier countries like the United States,
it's thanks to the fact that Amazon is so incredibly popular and that the users are
mostly from top tier countries that you can make a lot of money selling on
here, as you will soon see.
With that said, for those of you who don't know, amazon kindle is a section on
where everyday people are selling various ebooks, and the process itself
is incredibly simple and straightforward. You upload an ebook on here, amazon drives
traffic to the ebook with you doing nothing, and when someone makes a purchase
you get paid, selling ebooks on amazon, believe it or not, can turn out to be incredibly profitable,
just take a look at some of these ebooks I found that is all
related to fitness, and by the way, these are the people I have shown you in that intro
as well. This person here is selling the ebook for $12 and has had just
over 5,000 ratings, if you do the math that's around $60,000 made in pure passive income,
this ebook here I found as well is selling for a bit cheaper at $9.5,
but has had just over 10,000 ratings, we are talking about $95,000 made in passive income,
and lastly, this ebook is selling for a bit more than the previous two
at $14, and has had just over 6,500 ratings, so that's around $90,000 made or so. Point
being here, that you can make a lot of money selling ebooks, keep in mind
that these are just three out of thousands and thousands of examples you yourselves can
check out, people are making tons of money selling ebooks, but even more
important is the fact that you don't have to do any work once you actually publish your
ebook on here. Amazon will drive traffic to the ebook when someone makes a
purchase you will get paid, you basically do nothing and make money once you publish
the ebook in question, and this is what makes amazon so awesome to make money
online, thanks to the fact that it's popular beyond comprehension the people I have shown
you have in total made like $250,000 or so which is just mindblowing, and
even more so when you think about the fact that they had done literally zero work since
publishing the actual book. The only real problem that most of you will be
able to see as well though is that you need an ebook to be able to make money
on amazon, and obviously, most of you watching this are not writers, this is
why we need a second platform, and I will show you that second platform later on in
the video. Before we get to it though you first need to sign up to amazon
kindle so you can actually publish anything, to do so you wanna head over to this URL:, and by the way, on this same page you can see that it
takes just 5 minutes to publish your ebook, and it will be on sale on amazon kindle within
24 to 48 hours, this is hugely important info because it means you can
start making money with amazon kindle right away. With that out of the way, let's get back
to what you wanna do on this page, you wanna come back up to here and
then click on the signup button right here, on the following page you'll see that they
will ask you to sign in, obviously as you don't have an account you wanna
click on create your KDP account below here. And from there you'll just enter in a bunch
of your data as expected, of course, your name, email address, and
password, which you will need to retype as confirmation too, when done just click on
create your KDP account right here.
And now that you have your account you can actually publish ebooks, and as you have seen
previously that indeed does not take too long, so let now get to the
the second platform I mentioned a minute or so ago, one where you can obtain the ebooks that
you can then resell. The site in question is called,
on this platform, you can find various digital products that you have a license to use and
even make money off of, you've got articles, videos, and of course
most importantly for us, ebooks. What you can do is you can come on here and purchase
an ebook for like $10 to $20, then publish it on Amazon, and as you have
seen previously, some people have made thousands upon thousands of dollars selling their ebooks,
mainly thanks to amazon's sheer popularity and legitimacy as a
website and company too. And yes, I know what you will be thinking, you will be disappointed
that this isn't a free strategy, but hear me out here: there are
platforms out there where you can indeed obtain ebooks for free, the reason I am showing you
this website, in particular, is because the ebooks on other websites
are overused, you cannot resell them anymore, but that is simply not the case with ebooks
on this particular site. Furthermore, this site does actually contain
free ebooks, and so what I would recommend you guys do is come over to this platform,
hover your mouse over this arrow next to free PLR here, and then select
free PLR ebooks. This will now show you a bunch of ebooks that you can use free of charge,
and you will now wanna publish them on amazon kindle, and once you
make just enough money to buy an ebook on this website that is what you will wanna do,
in this fashion, you will not have to invest any of your money upfronts,
and you will actually be able to see that this does work and you won't just invest money
in vain. Once you make some sales with those paid ebooks that you
purchased you can then reinvest the money into this website, buy a few more ebooks and
list them for sale as well, and in this fashion, you can make a lot of
money, even if your ebooks individually don't get a lot of sales, if you have like 10 of
they put up for sale all at the same time, you will be able to make a
a lot of money, and more importantly as I mentioned before, doing literally nothing at all, it's
that easy!
If you want to make more money online through the use of some of my other strategies, be
sure to click on one of the two videos that should pop up on the screen
anytime now, if you liked this video and you want to see more, then leave a like down below,
it costs you nothing and it's extremely helpful to me and it shows
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for those of you who haven't subscribed yet make sure you do yourselves
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watching and I'll be seeing you soon in some of the upcoming tutorials.
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